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Fantasy Episode of the Week

This Week's

First of all, it's in letter form, because I actually sent it to Joss Whedon. (He didn't use it, though) Here goes:

Mr. Whedon:

I am writing in regard to the next season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I have an idea. I think it is the time for a long awaited Buffy/X-Files (/Angel) crossover. Mulder and Scully are sent to Sunnydale about an X-File involving vampires and The Master. A group of vampires find out about Mulder and Scully and fear that they will discover them and attempt to summon a demon to distract them. The spell goes wrong, and leaves odd pairings of lovers: Mulder and Joyce, Scully and Giles, Riley and Anya, Spike and Willow… but Xander is unaffected because he already secretly loves the one he is (At a loss for words) paired with: Buffy. Echoing ‘Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered’, Xander again feels the twinge of guilt and declines when Buffy comes on to him. Buffy gets angry and is set on killing Xander. He manages to get away (After telling her he loves Anya), and Buffy goes on a jealous rampage of sorts, destroying things, beating people up. She eventually steals a car and knocks u! nconscious, ties up and kidnaps Giles, Riley and Mulder. She takes them to Angel’s old mansion (If you still have the set), and chains them to the wall and tortures them, especially Riley, mainly for loving Anya. After a while, Scully, Joyce and Anya find out where Buffy is and converge on the spot. The trio come to the rescue of the now bleeding, bruised men (A suggestion of injuries: Riley: Missing shirt, split lip, left thumb broken, missing clumps of hair, large gash on chest, nearly unconscious. Giles: Glasses missing, right ear sliced through about a centimeter, large spot of blood soaking through shirt near the center of his ribcage, slashes on hands and forearms, fully conscious. Mulder: shoes, shirt, tie and jacket missing, nose broken, slices on wrists about six millimeters away from veins, right shoulder dislocated and hanging limply, unconscious. Various bruises and cuts for all). They are bent on killing Buffy and proceed to basically kick her around. Xander finds! a way to undo the spell. He manages to tear Spike and Willow apart and get Willow to help him with the spell. They complete it just as Scully is about to shoot Buffy. Unfortunately, Scully still accidentally pulls the trigger. But she moves, and the bullet goes in-and-out the left side of Buffy’s lower torso. She, Giles, Riley, and Mulder are taken to Sunnydale hospital. Mulder is transferred to a hospital in Washington. About two weeks later, everyone is released and Mulder is determined to go back to Sunnydale to finish the case. He returns, and questions Buffy, asking her how she healed so fast from the gunshot wound. She gives Scully the evil eye and then decides that they’ve already seen too much to lie to, and tells them about being the Slayer and vampires. At Mulder’s request, she agrees to take them on a patrol with her that night. Mulder and Scully (I would have them wear leisure clothes instead of suits) watch Buffy kill several vampires and Scully is nearly bitten,!

but Buffy and Mulder save her. Later, Buffy takes them to meet the Scooby Gang. Mulder is engrossed in some of Giles’ books when Xander asks why they even came to Sunnydale in the first place. Mulder tells them about people’s claims about vampires and one claim of a man turning into a large lizard at the high school graduation in 1999. Finally, he tells them about The Master and asks if they had heard of him. Buffy blurts, “Heard of him? He killed me!” and Xander adds, “And we killed him back!” Mulder asks her about this and she relates the story quickly, in flashback. Meanwhile, the small group of vampires finally summons the demon. I would suggest a variation of the Endos demon you had on Angel (Let’s call it a Regonal demon. I like the sound of it.), but whatever it is, it first possesses Mulder. After it has drained Mulder’s energy, it nearly kills Xander by strangling him and takes control of his body. However, while being controlled by the demon, Mulder finds out how to! kill it. Unfortunately, he is too weak to speak when Scully, Buffy and Giles find him while on patrol. They bring him to Joyce’s house and put him in a bed and (In a way) care for him until he regains his energy. When he can talk, he tells them that the only way to kill it is to make it inhabit a dead body. It feeds off energy and is drawn to death. There is no energy in a dead body, no blood running through it’s veins, but the demon is so strongly attracted to it, there is no way it won’t attempt to inhabit a dead body. However, merely having a limp, dead, body wouldn’t work. This is what makes Regonal demons so difficult to kill. The only way would be to have it inhabit an undead body. So, naturally, Angel. Buffy makes the trip to Los Angeles in a few hours and easily finds Angel’s office. She greets Cordelia and Wesley awkwardly at the door and asks to see Angel. She quickly fills him in on what is happening in Sunnydale and asks if he will help. He reluctantly agrees and ! they make the trip back during the night. When they return, they discover that the demon is now in Anya’s body. Everyone says hello to Angel and he is introduced to Mulder and Scully. Then he, Giles, Buffy, and Scully set a trap for the demon. The basic plan is that Angel and Buffy will find the Anya/demon, attracting it to chase them. They lead it to a clearing and slow down so that it will capture Angel and transfer into his body. While this is happening, Giles discovers that when the demon enters the dead body, it and the body will spontaneously combust. When Angel and Buffy reach the clearing, they are set upon by a group of vampires. While they are fighting, the Anya/demon catches up and is confused by all the undead bodies, so it grabs the nearest one and begins to strangle it. Angel and Buffy dust two vampires each. As the demon transfers, the vampire’s starts sizzling and smoke rises from it. Buffy and Angel grab Anya’s limp body and run behind the rest of the vampires!

. The vampire’s hair catches fire, smoke pours from its nostrils and ears and finally it explodes from the center of its chest. They head back to Joyce’s house. Once inside, they set Anya on a bed alongside still-recovering Xander. Angel asks Giles about the vampire exploding and is visibly happy that it wasn’t him after Giles explains. He then heads back to Los Angeles, brooding. Buffy answers a few more questions for Mulder. He and Scully fly back to Washington and file reports saying that there was nothing unusual in Sunnydale and the claims were false. The Buffy/Angel love theme plays as Angel broods and Buffy sits on her bed hugging Mr. Gordo, looking sadly at the floor. Please let me know what you think, if you will use it, and if you wish to make any changes. I recommend making it a three-parter, going from X-Files to Buffy to Angel, splitting when Scully fires the bullet and when the demon/Mulder strangles Xander. Please share this with Chris Carter.

Thank You,


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