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Guiding Principles - Who We Are and What We Do

1. Our Central Purpose is to produce the most effective, most teachable materials available  anywhere. 

Lanmore has built a solid base of dedicated support in classrooms all over the world because when teachers see our materials they know right away that this material will work for them and for their students.

We combine proven teaching theory with creative classroom strategies that are presented clearly, illustrated with photographs, and are approachable and effective for both teachers and learners.

II. We are "A teachers’ press..."

All our materials are conceived, developed, written, tested, and proven by teachers in the classroom and the workplace. We are teacher owned and what we do is motivated by and in response to the needs and ideas of teachers and learners.

Our commitment is to remain teachers, even while we create and produce quality teaching materials. We know that to abandon the classroom might make publishing easier or faster.

But, if we did that, we would risk losing the special "classroom sense" that is at the heart of all our books and is what makes them so effective and so "teachable." We won't do that. We will always be teachers first.

III. We recognize that teaching and teaching materials are under- funded everywhere.

This is almost a condition of the profession. The resulting reality is that too often materials are not available, or are insufficiently available in the classroom. We are committed to doing what we can to address this problem.

Our dedication to producing quality materials for the classroom is equaled by our commitment to hold our operating costs to the minimum and to offer our materials at the minimum prices possible. 

Until school budgets get the priority they deserve, a low cost, low price policy is our best answer to under-funding.

IV. Unauthorized copying of teaching materials is the wrong answer to under-funding.

To serve teachers and learners, we must stay in business, keep current titles in print, and create, develop, and produce new materials. Even at best, this is an expensive process.

Keeping our prices low requires a cooperative response from teachers. Unauthorized copying of copyrighted teaching materials is not only illegal, it destroys the availability of good teaching materials.

Copying may be motivated by noble intentions, but it is devastatingly counterproductive. It robs future students of the chance to learn because it undermines the ability of teachers and publishers to create new materials, or even to reprint existing titles. Copying will make texts disappear from classrooms just as surely as budget cuts do.

As partners in the profession, we must understand this and agree that unauthorized copying is wrong for everyone.

V. We will support flexibility in the classroom for teachers and learners by providing supplementary materials for which copying is authorized.

Our Teacher’s Resource Books for our Basic ESL Series are designed to supplement the material in the Student Workbooks. These supplementary materials provide additional exercises and activities, with varying levels of difficulty, for each lesson.

These Resource Books are just that -- a resource that the teacher can draw on to achieve the desired objectives of each lesson. They give the teacher a vehicle to be even more creative and responsive to the needs of each individual

Exercises in our Resource Books are provided in 3 ring binders and are intended to be copied for classroom use.



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