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A Little About Me


      My name is Alex Edwards, I live in a small town in north Louisiana called Springhill. I am 41 years old and sell cars for a local Ford dealership. I have owned many muscle-cars over the years, but the Oldsmobile's have always been close to my heart. Music and Golf are also some of my favorite pastimes. I have played drums in local bands all over the LA area, but just don't seem to have the time anymore. You can catch me in the "Rocket Talk" chat room most Wed - Sat evenings after 8pm central time. Stop by, and lets chat!

My Car

       Ok, it's ruff, it's worn, but, it's one of the rarest cars of its era. The '73 Hurst Olds, my dream car since I first saw my friends in 1973. I was 13, already a car nut, and thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. Yes, against the grain, no, not actually classified as a true Muscle-car by the purist. But, it is MY dream car. 455 cubic inches of gas crunch era, low compression, Olds TORQUE. Undeniable that its not the fastest, no doubt its not the most valuable. But to me, there's no finer profile on a car ever made. They were a great driving, riding, cruising car from the start. And I dare say that after my friends (thanks Dave, Jeff, Forrest, John, and various and sundry other advice providers) talked me through a few things and Dave (THE man) super-tuned it, I had visions of years past. Days when dragging Main was the thing to do in my home town, before Nintendo, INTERNET {lol}, and fuel injected rice burners. Friday nights were a car nut wannabe's dream here in small town Louisiana Sit in one spot and see the muscle-cars cruisin' by, burnin a lil av-gas mix and smokin the tires. I've seen and been in/around/underneath some of the greatest automotive memories I could ever have hoped for. Yes, I'm a nut, a car nut. A car salesman by trade{and choice}, a rebuilder when time and money allow. But, nuthin turns my head like a Big inch, gas hoggin, American made MUSCLECAR, rumblin and rollin past. Kinda like ridin blandly on a trip down the concrete strip of highway, then hearin a song like Born to Be Wild. Immediately, you think of things gone by. Oh yea, back to the Olds......It's runnin now rebuilt and strong, and I am in the process of blockin' and sandin' and blockin' and sandin' and blockin' and sandin' well, you get the drift. Thanks for stoppin by and takin a glimpse inside a small-town 41 year old kids dream.

©2001 Alex Edwards