Explain please

Ike took the picture and studied it for a sec.

"I remember the little girl but I thought her name was Ana?",he said.

"Jordana actually.",I said feeling chills go down my spine.

"Jordy,no one called you Ana except your mother, right?",I said.

"Right.",I said thinking to myself that this was getting a little freaky.

"Ok wait a minute,how...how...wha?",Zac said looking at me.

"Don't look at me I'm just as confused as you are.",I said with a blank expression on my face.

"Ike you remember Mrs.Curtis,she used to live in the house next door.",Mrs.Hanson asked.

"Yeah,I guess.",Ike replied.

"Well,she and I were best friends through high school and your father and Marty,Ana's father,were good friends too.Anyway,she and I were prenant at the same time with Zac and Ana.You guys were born in the same hospital,at the same time,day,month,and year.",she explained almost out of breath.

"OK this is very weird,no one ever told me about this,not even my own Grandma.",I said asI tried to comprehend all of this.

"I'm real sorry about your mother and father.",Diana said patting me on the shoulder.

"Oh,it's ok,thanks.",I said,I didn't know what else to say.

"What happened?",Zac asked.

"Zachary!!!",his mother said astonished that he would be so rude.

"It's ok really,it makes it better if I talk about it anyway.",I told her.

"When we were flying from a show in Shreveport,LA, the plane went down just before Mobile.The only survivors were Justin,J.C.,and I.",I told him.

"How old were you?",Tay asked.

"Ten.",I replied.

"Why did the plane go down?",Ike asked.

"The captain was drunk.",I said.

"Oh.",Zac said.

"Is that Jalon in your backyard?",Mrs.Hanson asked as she noticed tall dark haired person out the kitchen window.

"Yes,I think that's him and that means I better be going.",I replied.

"Me too!",Kelsii said,tonight was my night to host the sleepover.

Ike and tay had gone to inpack somemore and Zac walked us out the door.

"Hey Zac,we're having a bunch of guys at my house tonight,why don't you join us?You'll have a blast.",Kel asked,she knew I liked Zac but was too embarrassed to talk.

"Are there gonna be any other guys there?I mean I don't want to be the only guy there."

"Yeah,of course."

"Cool.",he said grinning and winking at me.

I think he likes me.He really likes me!!!

main page
Chapter 3:Closer than we thought
Chapter 5:Uh...Yeah

Email: zata_26@yahoo.com