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Chapter 2 :Uhhh...hi
Chapter 4 : Explain Please

When we walked in the house which was a twin of mine,there were boxes,boxes,and more boxes.

Mrs.Hanson was digging in some cabinets when we found her.

"Mom,you know Jordy and Kelsii right?",Tay said.

"Huh?",,she jumped at the sound of his voice and hit her head.

"You know,REIN,Jordy,Kelsii?",

"Oh,ok now I know who you are talking about.",she said rubbing her head.

"Are you ok?",I said reaching out my hand to help her up.

"Yes thank you.",she replied taking my hand.

"This place sure is beautiful.",Mrs.Hanson said looking out the window onto the beach,"And so secluded."

"It's a really great place to get away especially when you've lived here most of your life.",I told her.

"And you thought I knew everything about her.",Zac smirked.

"Well what don't you know?",Taylor asked.

"Where she lived before here.",he said with a smile that made me melt inside.

"I was born in Tulsa,but moved here when I was about seven.",I told him.

"Wait a second,that's it!",Mrs.Hanson said.

"Come look at this Jordy,you look so much like your mother I knew I recognized you from somewhere.",She said as she walked over to a box marked 'PICTURES'.

"HUH?!?!?",we all said in usion as we followed.

"This is a picture of you and Zac when you two were little.",she explained.