XWF presents: the 2012 "END OF THE WORLD" tour.

XWF Presents: the final Showdown! before "XtremeMania 7" coming to you LIVE! now at 9 PM only on HBO. .... welcome to the 2012 "End of the World" tour ... next stop... KFC Yum! Center .. Louisville, Kentucky . . . .


April 5, 2012 --

Welcome to this addition of Showdown! coming to you LIVE! on HBO in High Definition. At our special time of Thursdays at 9 PM!!!! There is 24,680 people jam packed inside the KFC Yum! Center ready to go!!! They realize this is the last Showdown! before "XtremeMania 7" takes place in just 24 days (April 29th). You can see people are hyped for the action with various signs in the crowd tonight: "Let's go Hayden!", "Ki Morbid is Hott!!", "Dimter don't be mad", "TRIPLE THREAT", "Lady Gaga's #1 fan", "Knuck if you Buck!", "Original vs. Blood", and of course "nWo 4 life".


FLASHBACK to last week's Showdown! and a glimpse of what took place at "Xtreme Battle Zone" that helped lead us to tonight's event.

Dustin Holt raises his hands in premature victory. He goes to hop up on the top rope for some Springboard Lariat. But Falkenyork catches him in mid-air and he simply dumps Dustin Holt on his back!!!! The XWF fans POP for this one!!

Jim Ross: "This is it! He's got him! He's got him!!"

Jerry Lawler: "This could be it. This could be the end."

With that Chris Falkenyork turns him over in the center of the ring. He got him out of nowhere, and Dustin Holt has no place to go! He has no choice but to TAP!!!

Jim Ross: "He's DONE it. He's DONE IT!! Chris Falkenyork is going on to headline XtremeMania 7.."


Chris Falkenyork: "So Adkins might want in on the deal. He might want to rain on my parade at XtremeMania 7 in Las Vegas!!! Well I say .. come on down Mark. Come on down! There's plenty of room for 1 more Elite in the ring at XM7."

Carlos Shotgun: "You came here to talk to me about Chris Falkenyork and my proposal to Mark Adkins to join us in a Triple Threat match in the main event at XtremeMania 7!"

Mark Adkins: "I wants ANSWERS. I want them NOW. I want in at the Main Event at XM7."


Adkins kicks Shotgun in the midsection and calls for a powerbomb on the chair. Shotgun blocks the powerbomb and low blows Adkins.

Jim Ross: "Right in the balls!"

Falkenyork warns Shotgun about the shot to the groin. Shotgun shrugs his shoulders as Adkins is still curled over in pain. Shotgun turns Adkins around and hits an RKO on the chair.

Jim Ross: "What??"

Adkins is out cold as Falkenyork calls for the bell.


Chris Falkenyork: "This is my World Title shot. You want to be a part of that Adkins? Fine."

Mark Adkins: "It's the reason you've allowed me and talked Falkenyork in to having me return to the MAIN EVENT of XTREME MANIA!!!"

Carlos Shotgun: "Hey! Hey! You stop right there. Enough playing these games. No more toying around."

Mr. Lucente: "You want the "score" to finally be settled between you 3 Elite? ... I am going to allow Adkins in the World Championship main event at 'XtremeMania 7'!" ...


We start having *TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES* for a second. The lights go out a moment. When they come back on the whole arena is covered in a red tint. Subsequently that's when it's Rage who attacks and tosses The Ray out of the ring. He's face to face with Holt and he just stares him down. The crowd is buzzing!!

Dustin Holt then goes up top and signals for "Air Florida".

He's going for his pattenden Frog Splash from the TOP!!

Dustin Holt leaps off and connects in the center of the ring!!! He hooks the leg on The Ray and gets the " ..... 1 ..... 2 ..... 3!"

Holt is still Xtreme Champ.

Dustin Holt: "Hey RAGE!! Hey RAGE wait!! WHOEVER you are!? I know you are an XWF Hall of Famer... but you keep getting in my business and I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. So I TELL YOU what I am going to do. What I am fixing to do is .... challenge you Rage to a match!!!"

Rage lets out one more creepy smile before he walks through the curtains and static appears on the screen.

We open up backstage where the Xtreme Champ, Dustin Holt is talking things over with his girlfriend and the current Woman's Champ, Alexis Diamond. They are going over tonight's big tag team match and then that's when the 6'11'' XWF Hall of Famer by the name of Rage walks up to them. The crowd is losing it inside the KFC Yum! Center right now!!!!! Rage just stands there and laughs in Dustin Holt's face backstage. Rage then simply walks away and it only adds the intimidation factor to this feud. As Dustin Holt looks at his girlfriend Alexis Diamond and says, "What was that about??" Alexis shrugs her shoulders and Holt looks down the hallway at Rage walking away with a very concentrated look on his face.

****The following was brought to you by:

Earlier this week we see footage from when Carlos Shotgun's daughter was finally returned to him. She was let out of this grey Impala and rushed straight in to her daddy's arms. They embraced in a beautiful, warm hug and the crowd surrounding this moment let out a huge sigh of relief. People cheer as the hundreds gathered to celebrate this wonderful moment. Paparazzi took their camera shots and let their flashbulbs pop off all around that place as Shotgun rushed his young daughter to safety. We then cut to LIVE! feed with Mark Adkins after that "TV_MA" Vignette with Shotgun's daughter running in to his arms earlier this week.

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins: Well, well, .. looks like we all get what we want. In the end .. there is a message here for everybody. There is something that everyone can take from this incident. They can understand my position. My place. My situation. They can support whoever they want. In the end. We all get what we want anyway. If at first they deny you ... keep trying harder, and harder. If they still try to tell you it's impossible ... do everything short of killing them!! And if you have to ..... BANG BANG! I'll see you all later tonight. And I'll see YOU TWO at XtremeMania 7!!

This message was brought to you by "TV_MA".


The Original is in the ring. And the crowd around him is booing him!! We have Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler providing commentary at ringside while The Original holds the microphone just waiting for his music to die out.

Jim Ross: Here we are King!

Jerry "The King" Lawler: I can't believe we are basically what is it .. 23 .. 24 days til XtremeMania 7?!? We are airing it on pay per view April 29th .. starting at 7 PM that I know!

You would be correct. The XWF is heading for XtremeMania 7 in Las Vegas, Nevada ... "All bets are off!" in the sold out MGM Grand!!

Sin City J.R.!! And we already know that the main event has been changed to a Triple Threat main event now for the XWF World Heavyweight Title!!

Yeah. And right now ... we've got the Original in the ring. What he's doing out here. I don't know. His music has been playing the last 5 minutes or so .. he's just standing there ..

Probably going to address what happened last week when the F'N Legend Stephen Blood attacked him and laid him out with that vicious StephenFlow DDT!!

What a sight last week! We saw Rage come out and Dustin Holt challenged him to a match .. believe it or not! We also saw what I thought was a terrific Street Fight .. we have those 2 in a rematch tonight ...

Yeah, you're referring to The Hellion versus Cliff Saxton in a Strap match! You're right about there match being great last week. But I believe the 2 people that Mark Adkins was referring to in his little Vignette... was Chris Falkenyork and his arch rival Carlos A. Shotgun.

Mark Adkins has something to prove. Some believe .. if not the majority .. that those 3 all feel they have something to prove to each other!! That's why they will hash it out tonight in that very ring .. later on here ....

Wait J.R. I think he's ready to speak. Let The Original have the floor ...

His music dies down and finally he raises the mic to his lips. Fans start giving him heat and he gets angry so he lowers the mic again. People boo him even louder and start a chant of "You Suck! You Suck! You Suck!!!" He just grins and then raises the mic back up.

"The Original": What in the hell is this?? The KFC Yum! Center?? Pfft! Hey. BLOOD!! Stephen Blood! The so called F'N Legend!! Listen to me you son of a bitch ... I arranged for this face-to-face meeting! I arranged for this confrontation. Because frankly it needs to happen!! Now get your ass out here Blood. Because deep down.. we know .... all these people know ...


That you can't get away with this!! Stephen Blood I swear you can't-- can't get away with this!!

Stephen Blood pops on the huge titan tron. The crowd erupts with excitement for the former World Champion and Tag Team legend!!!!!!

Oh great! You're not even here. Figures!!

Stephen Blood: You called me out twice so far .. what's your deal? You keep bombarding my e-mails. You didn't learn your lesson from last week? Is that it?? You want me at "XtremeMania 7" that badly?? You got a man crush on me or something? Blowing up my damn phone!

The only thing I'm going to crush is your skull like a BEER CAN!!

Crowd goes "OHHH!"

Because Stephen Blood. We have never faced each other before. Weird known fact about the XWF. .. is that me and you have never crossed paths! Which is pretty funny since I ran the show 2001 thru 2003. While you were in the Tag Team ranks! I later return in 2008 and so did you. But the only difference is .. by the time 2011 rolled around.. you were nowhere to be found!! Only to have your name thrown around.. from time-to-time .... "was he there?".. "wasn't he there?" Quite frankly. Doesn't mean a damn to me. The only thing I promise to you is --

Hey you could HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!! Because I'm going to tell ya the way it is. Screw your promises!!

No. No! Because Blood you need to know. You need to know that for the first time ever when we step in the ring together.. you will finally KNOW.. not think.. but KNOW who the best superstar to ever step foot on this planet truly was!! I will BEAT you Stephen Blood. The night I'm inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame. I will put the F'N Legend down!!

XWF diehard fans are on the edge of their seat everywhere as they wait for Stephen Blood's response.

I don't think so.

Stephen Blood walks off camera and The Original is confused. The camera starts following him down the hallway, towards the gorilla position and finally popping out on top of the ramp!! Fans go CRAZY!!!!! Blood walks down the ramp and The Original attacks as soon as he gets in the ring!!! But Stephen Blood fires back with 3 big right hands that daze The Original! Stephen Blood pulls back his arm and goes for another big haymaker. Blood goes to swing but The Original ducks that knock out punch and hits a Back Breaker on him instead!! The crowd gives him heat as he grabs for Stephen Blood's legs and quickly turns him over for a Liontamer!! Refs start rushing to the ring as Stephen Blood starts crawling for the ropes to maybe get some leverage. The Original instead uses all his strength to pull the big man back to the center of the ring. He applies the pressure on the back of Stephen Blood and The Original starts shouting, "I'm the better man! Tell 'em. Tell 'em I'm the better man!! Tell 'em who the better man is Stephen! Tell 'em who the better man is Blood!! Go on.."

I can't believe what we're seeing. Stephen Blood rushed the ring and now -- oh now The Original is releasing the hold .. he's getting out of there in a hurry ..

The Original drops his legs and releases that deadly Liontamer. He hops out of the ring and backs his way up the ramp. Stephen Blood is quick to roll to his feet and he picks that mic up off the canvas. As we see The Original scurry through the curtains towards the back.

Hey! You hold it right there Original!! You wanted me ..?!?? You wanted ME in a match?!? You requested a 1-on-1 for the first and last time ever against the F'N Legend Stephen Blood?!?!?!! Welll youuu gottt itt!!

The crowd nearly raises the roof off this building with how loud they are when they hear that announcement!!!

Is he serious??

The Original pops back out from behind the curtain on the top of the ramp and mouths the words, "You got it. You got it."

Hey by the way!! Since you came back out here to show your face .... I want to remind you .. that after we meet for the first and last time ... you won't be able to show your face around here again!!! This place will be off limits for you. After I beat you at XtremeMania 7... .. it will be the last time... the last time you ever step foot in a ring again!! Because after I'm finished with you boyy. Ohhh, boyy! You are going to REMEMBER THE NAME ...


Unbelievable. The F'N Legend Stephen Blood is hot right now! He's all fired up and he wants the Original at XtremeMania 7.

I think the feeling is mutual J.R. Wow.. 2 XWF Hall of Famers going at it 1-on-1 .. this is a strange feud that brewed almost out of nowhere. I think it has to do with The Original's displeasure for the success that Stephen Blood became and he feels partially overshadowed by the F'N Legend! I think THAT'S it. I think THAT'S what it is.

Well, it could be. You know The Original hasn't been World Champion since 2001. I believe it was 2006 the last time Stephen Blood held the XWF World Title belt. But ... it looks like these 2 will now lock it up for the first and last time ever!!

Go back to watch last week's Showdown! if you need to see how the seeds were planted in this feud.

It was Stephen Blood taking off the Hawking Ripper outfit to reveal himself to the complaining "Original" who then was attacked and dropped with a StephenFlow DDT embarrassing the former Grandslam Champ....

Well that's going to be an interesting match to say the least. Nice addition to our XtremeMania 7 card... can't wait J.R.!! Just 24 days away!!

The scene fades out on those 2 ring announcers and an enraged Stephen Blood.


We cut to a video for "XtremeMania 7".

April 29th, 2012

Las Vegas, Nevada

MGM Grand

"All bets are off!"


Kelsey Marxx is backstage with Rachael Manning conducting this latest interview.

Rachael Manning: Kelsey Marxx.. you have been a promising young addition to this XWF roster! The Woman's Division could surely use you moving forward. How do you feel going in to tonight's matchup??

Kelsey Marxx: Great! Things are going great Rachael. Things are really starting to look up for me! I had a rough few months.. I came back early and I almost won the Woman's belt last week! Now I'm here to prove myself against Nevaeh. It's as simple as that. Tonight I am going to win and solidify my spot on the XtremeMania 7 card!!

Kelsey Marxx heads for the ring ready to prove she is coming up in the Women's Division.

Thank you.

As the scene fades on Rachael Manning smiling as the camera.

Kelsey Marxx vs. Nevaeh - Woman's match -

Nevaeh is already in the ring wearing a Genesis tank top and black jean shorts. Danielle Worley is set to announce Kelsey Marxx next and the fans in the KFC Yum! Center rise to there feet again. As Kelsey's theme music hits everybody starts cheering for their favorite XWF diva!! She doesn't have her twin sister out here tonight. Instead she comes alone and has her eyes set on Nevaeh. She slides in the ring and they shake hands in the center of the ring. The referee Amari Scottsdale calls for the bell. DING DING!

These 2 women set to square off here on Showdown!

Just over 2 weeks away from "XtremeMania 7" .. airing Sunday on April 29th.

The women lock up in the center of the ring and Kelsey Marxx wins the early battle of strength. She shoves Nevaeh backwards and she goes head-over-hills! The crowd pops for Marxx and Nevaeh looks upset. She dusts herself off and stands to her feet. Those women lock up in the middle of the ring again! Kelsey Marxx shoves her back all the way in to the corner. She digs a forearm in her face and the ref counts her off. But Marxx doesn't care. She pulls back and delivers a hard chop, "WOO!" She then moves back a couple feet and does a Standing Dropkick!! She takes Nevaeh down and the fans start clapping in support of Kelsey Marxx! As she picks Nevaeh off the ground and then sends her face-first to the canvas with an ugly Bulldog!! Marxx covers her up for the " ..... 1 ..... 2 ... kick out!"

Kelsey Marxx looking to put Nevaeh away here early!

Kelsey Marxx picks Nevaeh up by the hair and sends her to the ropes. Nevaeh comes back and ducks a Clothesline attempt. She then spins Kelsey around and kicks her in the stomach! Nevaeh signals for the Glam Slam. But before she can lock it on it's Kelsey Marxx who hits her with a kick to the shin and follows that up with a brutal Tornado DDT!!! She hooks the leg on Nevaeh for the " ..... 1 ..... 2 ..... 3!" The referee calls for the bell and Kelsey Marxx has officially won this match.

Nice display by Kelsey Marxx.

She went in there with a chip on her shoulder and got the job done! That's a very proud woman right now ...

Kelsey Marxx celebrates in the ring!!! She jumps up and down with the fans rooting her on!!!

Match Grade: D, Match Duration: 1 minute and 15 seconds, Match Result: Kelsey Marxx via pinfall.

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton is standing by with lead interviewer Mitch Keller.

Mitch Keller: Now Cliff tonight you have a rematch against the man you pinned last week in that hellacious Street Fight. What you feel your chances are walking out with another win over The Hellion tonight??

Cliff Saxton: Well first of all ... the Hellion--

Just then it's Gigantis who appears backstage and cuts Cliff Saxton's interview off.

Gigantis: Have you thought about that Sadistic Madness match with me yet?

Cliff takes a big gulp.

Actually I have! And I just found out that your papers aren't good. Yeah Gigantis. You don't have a legal green card.. which means your ass is getting deported back to India! I'll see you later big guy.

Suddenly 3 security guards walk up and escort the mad 7'5'' monster away. Cliff laughs it off and turns to look right at Eric Draven. The man known as "The Crow". The fans let out a mini pop for this well known new comer!

Eric Draven: Hey Cliff! I seen what you said to Gigantis about turning down his match... guess you don't have an opponent for XtremeMania then?

Oh no! On the contrary. I plan on going out there and working my way in to the main event! I'm going to make them make it a Fatal Fourway match!! Or I'm going to challenge Dustin Holt in a Barbwired Cage match for that Xtreme Belt! Something to that effect ...

I have a better idea. Why don't you take me on 1-on-1 at XtremeMania 7 ..?

Saxton pauses and then burst out laughing.

Are you kidding me? You want to debut in the XWF on the grandest stage of them all? Who do you think you are??

Well, my name is Eric Draven and I'm the guy who just challenged you to a match ... or you going to find some excuse to turn me down?

No! No! I debuted at XtremeMania last year in a Dark Match! So I know all about first time appearances. But this year.... I plan on walking out victorious Eric Draven! So you better CHEW ON THAT!!

Cliff turns to walk away as Eric Draven smiles and taps him on the shoulder.

Well if you're willing to face me in the city of Sin. Then you've got it! Mano-y-mano. I promise you Cliff ... I'm not your average rookie though! I'm coming to make a great first impression and unlike you... I don't choke on the biggest stage. I show up! And I outshine my opponents..... so you just be ready for that Cliff .. .....

Eric Draven gets in his face and walks away. Cliff Saxton looks back over his shoulder and says, "No NEWB is going to beat me!" As scene fades out.


The 4th and final inductee in the XWF's 2012 Hall of Fame class is none other than The Original himself.

First dubbing himself "Y2J" Chris Jericho. He later went on to call himself the F'N God and then would be known as his current wrestling name, "The Original". In 2001 he became a 1-time XWF World Champion. He was also a multiple Intercontiental and Tag Team Champion (with War Machine) dating back from 2000-2003. During that time he became the 1st ever Grandslam Champion. In 2010 he had the Highest Rated Segment in Showdown! history. He's most recently known for defeating Rage at "XtremeMania: Decade", and squaring off against Chris Falkenyork in "XtremeMania 6", for what was voted on as the "2011 Match of the Year". At "XtremeMania 7" he is scheduled to square off against Stephen Blood for the 1st and last time ever!

He joins the 2012 Hall of Fame class, and becomes the 35th member ever inducted in the XWF Hall of Fame.

Congratulations to Tommy Ravnos, The Outsiders, and "The Original" for being the 4th newest members inducted. Without them the XWF would have never survived the way it did!!


The Hellion vs. "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton - Strap match -

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton is just getting to the ring. The Hellion is already out there talking over strategy with his girlfriend Ki Morbid. Cliff Saxton speaks with the referee Jake Evans and warns him about Ki Morbid. The referee instructs her out of the ring and then explains the rules to both men. The first to score a pinfall or submission will be the winner in this Strap match. The Hellion nods his head and he's ready to go.

These 2 last week beat the hell out of each other J.R. So many nasty spots ... including "The Finisher" delivered by "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton on the top of that ride!

It was definitely one of the most talked about matches on Showdown! in awhile.. this one here might even top it.

The referee Jake Evans has the 2 men strapped together at the wrists. Only 4 feet of that leather strap separate the men as the bell is rung. DING DING!

My money's on Cliff Saxton... he looks like he "Means Business" tonight!!

The Hellion and Cliff circle each other up. They are jawing at each other. Suddenly The Hellion pulls Cliff Saxton in with the strap and knocks him out with a hard right hand! Saxton falls flat on his back and Hellion mounts him-- throwing punches right at his face!! Cliff Saxton tries to cover up. But the Hellion just hammers away and the fans in Louisville are eating this up!!!

He's got Saxton right where he wants him!!!

Cliff eventually grabs the back of Hellion's head and pulls him in closer to his chest to stop the barrage of punches. Cliff then rolls with Hellion and then breaks the hold from him. Cliff Saxton tries to roll out of the ring. He rolls under the bottom rope and stands up on the outside apron. The Hellion stands up with him on the opposite side of the ropes and starts firing punches at him right way!! Saxton tries to punch back. He then goes for a Suplex attempt.

I'm not sure he's aware he can't even do that! That strapped is all tangled up on the ropes .. I'm not sure what would happen if Saxton actually attempted that Suplex to the outside!

The Hellion stalls Saxton with a knee to the gut! He then plants a hard right hand on Saxton's kisser!! That knocks Saxton down on the apron and Hellion decides to roll out of the ring with him. The Hellion grabs Cliff Saxton and walks with him over to the barrier. Hellion grabs Saxton's head and SLAMS it off the top of the barricade! He slams him face-first on the barricade again! The XWF fans marking out in the front row. As Ki Morbid is showing cheering him on!!! The Hellion walks with Saxton and rolls him back in the ring. The Hellion rolls in after and covers him up for the " ..... 1 .... kick out!!" The Hellion right away starts pounding on Saxton's skull!!! The referee tries to break it up but Hellion just stands to his feet and starts stomping away hard on Saxton's shoulder now! He kicks away at his back and Cliff tries to cover up. But Hellion just unloads stiff forearm shots to his spine and continues putting puts to the back of his head!! Saxton is almost defenseless. Until Saxton pulls the strap with his free arm and the momentum causes The Hellion to stumble down towards the canvas. Allowing "Dangerous" Cliff Saxton to lock him in on a Headlock on the canvas!! Cliff Saxton keeps a tight grip around The Hellion's head and starts wearing him out on the mat.

Not where The Hellion wanted to be. He had things going for him and Saxton made a wise decision pulling that strap to set Hellion up in this submission hold!

Hellion's got to fight harder than that in order to win. He's got to be smarter J.R.

Saxton finally releases the hold on his own and gets to his feet quickly stomping away at The Hellion now!! Fans give him heat as he slaps a Sleeperhold on The Hellion!! The fans don't like this one bit and The Hellion breaks out of it! He turns around and puts a boot to Saxton's midsection. Followed by a crucial Enziguri Kick that rattles Cliff Saxton's brain cells. The Hellion sees his chance and lays on top for the pin. " ..... 1 ..... 2 ... foot on the rope!" Fans booing as The Hellion looks disappointed a moment. He gets to his feet and picks Cliff Saxton up with him. He then tosses him in the corner and The Hellion starts unleashing shots!! Shot after shot connecting on every part of Saxton's upper body!! The Hellion brutalizes his opponent and Ki Morbid cheers him on!

The XWF fans loving this action right here!!

Come on Saxton!! Get back in this ...

Cliff Saxton looks defeated as the Hellion backs up a few feet and comes in connecting with a nice Stinger Splash!! That takes Saxton of his feet and The Hellion raises his arms celebrating early on!! The people in the KFC Yum! Center let him hear it! He pulls Saxton from the ropes and covers him up again. " ..... 1 ..... 2 ... kick out!!" The Hellion gets to his feet and drops a quick elbow on his skull! He gets back up and drops another elbow to Saxton's head!! The Hellion hooks a leg for the " ..... 1 ..... 2 .. shoulder up." The Hellion is upset and fuming right now!

Cooler heads prevail J.R.

Well I don't sense The Hellion will be calming down anytime soon.

Cliff Saxton is slowly pulling himself to his feet. The Hellion sizes him up and rushes in for a Clothesline!!! That one takes both men over the top rope and they tumble to the outside! Still remaining strapped together and the XWF universe marks out for them both! They are both slowly trying to recover on the outside. Saxton gets to a knee first and The Hellion is slowly trying to crawl his way around the bottom of the ramp. Hellion is starting to get to his feet but Saxton does first and clobbers him with a hard forearm shot to the back of the head!! Cliff Saxton stays on him and hammers away with hard forearm shots!! The Hellion is bruised up and Cliff Saxton starts pulling them both to their feet. Saxton then uses the strap to literally Irishwhip the Hellion in to the outside barricade!! Hellion's back smashing that wall and he falls immediately to the ground holding his ribs. Ki Morbid shouts from across the ring for him to "get up!" But instead Hellion looks shook up as Saxton smiles at his opponent. He hovers above him and mocks him to the fans.

The crowd is really hating Cliff Saxton right now!

Eric Draven music kicks on and out comes the new comer to a decent pop down the ramp!! Saxton is outside the ring pounding on the Hellion but is distracted by this. Cliff Saxton looks up to see Eric Draven coming down the ramp and before he can shout for him to "go!" The Hellion attacks Saxton from behind! The Hellion slams Saxton's head in to the steel post on the outside and rolls him in the ring. The fans are cheering as The Hellion signals for the end. He then sets Cliff Saxton up and hits him with a "Nails in the Casket"!!!

What a Spike Piledriver!!

He hooks a leg for the " ..... 1 ..... 2 ..... 3!! The Hellion picks up the victory and the Louisville, Kentucky fans seem real excited for him!!

Nice win for the Hellion!

Hellion raises his arm and the referee unstraps the 2 men from each other. Ki Morbid gets in the ring and embraces her man with a passionate hug in the center of the ring. The Hellion exits to his theme music. As we see Cliff Saxton rolling to his feet. When he finally realizes what happens he points out at Eric Draven who is still hanging out on the ramp and he is mad!!

Well my pick Saxton didn't win. But it's all thanks to Eric Draven sticking his nose in his business. Now these 2 will clash at XtremeMania 7 .. oh I can't wait!

It'll be the debut of the well talked about and well publicized Eric Draven .. here in the XWF ...

The fans let The Hellion and Ki Morbid hear it as they clap hands near ringside!! The XWF crowds are really starting to accept The Hellion who just got an impressive win under his belt.

Match Grade: B-, Match Duration: 7 minutes and 22 seconds, Match Result: The Hellion via pinfall.

Backstage we have Hayden Truesdale standing alongside Bob Levy.

Hayden Truesdale: You ask an interesting question to me Bob. You know as very well as I do... that I have had my fair share of up's and down's in the XWF already. However, if I'm going to prove my worth! I might as well do it on the final Showdown! before XtremeMania 7. Unlike Josh Davis. I'm not going anywhere!!

With that Hayden Truesdale leaves to go to the ring and Bob Levy thanks him for the interview.

Hayden Truesdale vs. Josh Davis - Xtreme rules -

We cut to the ring where Josh Davis is already getting the XWF fans riled up on his way to the ring!!! He slides under the bottom rope and hops up n' down inside the squared circle!! The XWF fans seem to be backing him tonight as he stretches out before this 1-on-1 matchup.

Both these men have struggled J.R. Let's be honest. Hayden Truesdale looked alright heading in to Xtreme Battle Zone. But fell short last week against Chris Falkenyork. On the other hand you have Josh Davis who has been around since the end of last year .. but never really panned out here in the XWF.

Sometimes it takes time King.

Danielle Worley gets on the mic to introduce his opponent.

Danielle Worley: From Detroit, Michigan .... the DETROIT S.O.B. ... HAYYYDENNN TRUESSDALLLLE!!

Hayden comes out ready to fight! His pyros explode off the ramp and he marches towards the ring. The people are unsure who to really root for in this encounter. Some people pulling for the Detroit S.O.B. tonight as he hops in the ring. The referee for this bout is Shawn Green and he calls the bell as soon as Hayden Truesdale's music dies down. DING DING!

Now or ever for these guys if you ask me J.R..... I mean if you really want to get on the XtremeMania 7 card.. you have to earn it. That I know.

You're absolutely right about that!

These 2 superstars circle each other up and go in to lockup in the center of the ring. Josh Davis breaks out of it and puts Hayden in a Side Headlock. Then Hayden pushes Josh off of him and when he bounces back Hayden knocks him down with a Shoulder Block! Hayden goes off the ropes and Josh stays down. Hayden hops over him and hits the ropes again. This time when he bounces back it's Josh Davis who quickly gets to his feet and executes a Dropkick!! Hayden stumbles to the canvas and then pops back to his feet. He rushes in and Josh Davis then delivers a brilliant Hip Toss. Hayden charges in again and Josh Davis takes him down with a Deep Arm Drag!! He takes him to the mat and locks the move on tonight!

Quick paced so far.

Hayden Truesdale works himself off the canvas and both men to their feet now. Hayden Truesdale elbows Davis in the ribs and breaks the hold. He takes off to the ropes and charges in for a Shoulder Block! He knocks Davis off his feet. Truesdale hits the ropes again and comes in for a wonderful Cross Body in to a pinfall! " ..... 1 ..... 2 ... shoulder up!!" Fans cheering for Josh Davis staying in it. Hayden rolls to his feet and goes off the ropes again. He goes in for a Bulldog but Josh Davis shoves him off. Hayden picks himself back off the mat and rushes in for a huge Haymaker! Instead it's Josh Davis ducking that. Kicking Truesdale in the stomach and laying him out with a great Swinging Neck Breaker!! He lays his back over Truesdale's chest for the " ..... 1 .... kick out!!" Josh Davis gets pissed and starts hammering away on Truesdale's forehead!! He then hooks a leg again, " ..... 1 ..... 2 .. shoulder up."

I got to give it up for Hayden Truesdale he is a tough kid.

"The Detroit S.O.B." and he's having problems with Josh Davis right about now ...

Josh Davis gets to his feet and holds his arms up in the air!! He receives mixed reactions from the crowd!! Davis mouths the words, "nWo 4 life!" He then starts stomping away at Truesdale as he gets to a knee. Truesdale then catches one of Davis' attempts at kicking him and he's got a hold of his foot now. Josh Davis attempts an Enziguri Kick but Hayden Truesdale ducks it and now he's setting him up in the STF!!! The fans marking out as the Detroit S.O.B. locks Josh Davis in that rough submission hold.

Will he tap?? Will Josh Davis tap here?!?

Ohh. I don't know.

Josh Davis crawls for the ropes. He crawls for them and gets there!! Some fans mark out as he gets to the ropes and the referee forces Hayden Truesdale to break the hold. Hayden argues with the ref about it for a second and when he turns back around he's drilled with a Spinning Heel Kick!!! Josh Davis then calls for it and sets up Hayden Truesdale for his signature move the "Twist of Fate"!! He connects with that and covers him, " ..... 1 ..... 2 ..... 3!!!" Josh Davis has won this match and the XWF fans in Kentucky give him a decent mixed reaction! Some cheering for the young superstar and others not happy with either competitor.

Match Grade: D-, Match Duration: 3 minutes and 50 seconds, Match Result: Josh Davis via pinfall.

The match is over and Josh Davis is heading back up the ramp to his theme music blaring over the loud speakers!! When suddenly Ashton Storm hops over the guardrail near the commentators. She slides in the ring and gets involved at the end here!!

Hey. What is SHE doing out here!?

Hayden gets jumped after the match by Ashton Storm!!! She starts putting the boots to him and then reaches in her pocket. The XWF fans giving her tons of heat as she arrives here in Louisville, Kentucky!!! Ashton Storm then pulls out some lipstick and proceeds to put the lipstick all over his face!! She kicks him one more time in the face for good measures and then hops out of the ring. She grabs a mic from the Time Keeper and then hops back over the guardrail. She heads through the fans and stops up a few rows up so he can see her when he starts getting to his feet.

Ashton Storm: FACE me you CHUMP. Take me on at XtremeMania 7. I'll be the First Lady to ever compete on the biggest stage of them all. What's wrong Hayden?!? You can't even beat a girl??

Fans saying "OHHHH!" As they give her heat and watch as Hayden struggles to get a mic.

I wasn't going to do this. I still don't want to do this! But I feel I have to.. the First Lady of the XWF versus the Detroit S.O.B.. who WOULDN'T want to see that?!? You're ON. At "XtremeMania 7" I am going to put you in your place!!

Fans cheer!!! They can't believe that announcement!!! A lot of people start to give Ashton Storm heat as she makes her way towards the exit through the crowd and Hayden Truesdale complains to the referee some more. As the scene fades away.


Mr. Lucente is backstage about to walk in his office when he opens the door "SOMEONE" is sitting in his seat with his back to him. "Close the door Lucente". Mr. Lucente snaps back, ".. Who the hell are you? What do you want?? Get out of my office!!" The man in the chair says, "Don't be a fool Lucente. You knew I was coming for you. You knew I was going to be here. You've got my calls all week. My letters. My e-mails!!" .."Yes! Yes! I got 'em all." Mr. Lucente quivers. What do you want exactly? What will it take to get rid of you ..?"

The voice replies, "Oh you know better Mr. Lucente. You can NEVER get rid of me!! But if you want to save your company. If you want to make sure that the XWF lives on and doesn't die at my hands. You must face me at XtremeMania 7 and put your Presidency up!!!" The crowd is stunned. "I won't do it!" Mr. Lucente tells him. "I can't do it! And I WILL not do it." ... The voice says, "Then I have no other choice..."

"No!" Mr. Lucente shouts. "No! It's okay .. you're right. I am being selfish. I'll agree to your match. At XtremeMania 7 .. me versus you ... if I don't win. I'll never be President of my company ever again!! I will NEVER be President of the XWF ever again. Okay? You got that?? FINE with you?? Now LEAVE me alone damnit! I can't sleep. I can barely eat. I can't do my job properly with you around ...." The man in the chair says, "Don't worry Mr. Lucente. It all ends at XtremeMania 7. You don't have to run from me anymore. You get to FACE your FEARS. You get to go 1-on-1 with me. Finally! And this time.. I'll get what I want. You'll be out as President forever! And I will step in when the time is right to claim my throne... do you GET what I'm saying to you??" ... "I understand. You got alll this dirt on me. But damnit! I won't let you have the last laugh... because, if I do win at XtremeMania 7 .. ohh youuu.. You are going to pay!! Cause if I'm still the active President after April 29th.. you are in for a rude awakening my friend and I will put you thru the grinder!! I'll run your name thru the mud and not give it a 2nd thought ... you GOT that?... .." The man in Lucente's chair says, "Don't be a pompous ass. It HAS to happen this way! At XtremeMania 7. We will give the XWF fans what they've been craving. A REAL show."

The scene cuts away from Mr. Lucente's office and the man hidden with his back to the camera.

Backstage the entire group of Genesis is walking passed Josh Davis. So you see Mike Dimter decide to stop to talk trash.

Mike Dimter: Josh Davis. What a joke.

The whole group of Genesis begins laughing at Josh Davis' misery. That's when The Hellion walks up and looks Dimter in the eyes.

The Hellion: What do you know Dimter? Your group Genesis is one of the worst groups everr!

NO we're not. After I beat Ryan Ryder's ass tonight! You all can learn a lesson from me and my group.... let's go guys ...

The Blades and Nevaeh follow Mike Dimter down the hall as Josh Davis starts talking privately with The Hellion about what a jerk Dimter really is.

Ryan Ryder vs. Mike Dimter - Xtreme rules -

Ryan Ryder is already out in the ring and his theme song is just ending. Danielle Worley gets on the microphone to announce the next competitor for this 1-on-1 contest.

And his opponent.. from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania .... "THE DYNASTY" MIIIKKKE DIMMMTERRR!!!!

"Only Thing I Am" by Core Effect starts playing over the loud speakers!! Out walks the leader of Genesis to a chorus of boos from the crowd. The Kentucky fans are giving him heat as he makes his way down. He points out at people and shouts mean things towards them!!! He then slides in the ring and gets face-to-face with Ryan Ryder. His music dies down and they are still talking trash to each other.

This one's about to get personal.

Already looks that way.

Amari Scottsdale is calling this match and he calls for the bell. DING DING! Dimter strikes Ryder. So then Ryan Ryder fires back on Mike Dimter. He punches him all the way back in to the ropes and Irishwhips him across the ring. Dimter ducks a clothesline attempt by Ryder. He turns Ryder around kicks him in the gut and does a Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker!! Dimter scowls at the fans and hooks a leg. " ..... 1 ... kick out!!" Dimter starts hammering on Ryder's face and then covers him again. " ..... 1 ... kick out!!" Dimter gets up and goes to the ropes dropping an Ax Handle on Ryder's head!! He lays him down for the pin and gets " ..... 1 ..... 2 .. shoulder up!!" Dimter starts to flip and stands to his feet. He backs up in to the corner as Ryan Ryder rolls to the opposite corner. He slowly gets to his feet and Mike Dimter rushes in for a Disastrous Clothesline! Instead Ryder gets a boot up in his grill! He knocks Dimter to the ground and using the 2nd turnbuckle Ryan Ryder leaps up to connect with a giant Tornado DDT!! He makes the cover, " ..... 1 ..... 2 .. kick out!!" Ryan Ryder quick to get to his feet and he goes to lock on a Lebell Lock but Mike Dimter quickly crawls to the ropes and latches on. Fans boo him!

Getting lots of heat from this crowd.

Let's be honest. No one's a fan of Genesis ....

Mike Dimter slowly stands up on the outside apron and gets in a shouting match with a fan in the first row. Ryan Ryder sneaks up inside the ring and grabs Dimter by the hair. He turns him around on the outside apron and goes for a Suplex. "The Dynasty" Mike Dimter blocks it. But it's "The Real Deal" Ryan Ryder who manages to knee him in the mid-section and actually execute a terrific looking Suplex back in to the ring!!! Fans mark out for it as Ryan Ryder covers him up, " ..... 1 ..... 2 ... shoulder up!" Fans booing Dimter some more as Ryder argues with the ref that it was a "3-count" .. Ryan Ryder goes to pick Mike Dimter up and goes for his finisher "Force Of Nature" .. instead Dimter shoves Ryder off of him and Ryder almost smacks the top turnbuckle. Ryder slowly spins around and Dimter lays a hard Dropkick in his face!! Ryan Ryder bounces off the top turnbuckle this time and Mike Dimter rolls him up in a Schoolboy Pin. " ..... 1 ..... 2 ... kick out!!" Fans cheering for Ryder.

He can't put Ryder away ..

Mike Dimter sets up for the "Cracked Skull". Yet it's Ryan Ryder who scratches his away out of that. Clawing Dimter in the eyes and kicking him in the ribs. Dimter falls to a knee and Ryan Ryder goes for his "Ryde or Die" Scissors Kick!! However, it's Mike Dimter side stepping it and kicking Ryder in the back of the knee. Ryan buckles and collapses to the ground. Mike Dimter then sets him up quickly for the "Liberty Bell" and connects with that sick Skull Crushing Finale!!! Fans giving him massive heat as he hooks the leg on Ryan Ryder. " ..... 1 ..... 2 ..... 3!!!!"

Well, Mike Dimter has won this thing.

Can't say Ryan Ryder didn't try.

Dimter wins and he starts to over celebrate this victory!! He hops up on the top turnbuckles and taunts the LIVE! crowd here at Showdown! He then asks for a mic and stands firm in the center of the ring. Ryan Ryder makes his way to the back, holding his head. The crowd giving Mike Dimter heat as he begins to speak.

I am "The Dynasty"!! I am "The Dynasty" for a reason. I am the best superstar on this roster. My group the Genesis. Well, I need not tell you. You already know that my group the Genesis is the most dominate group ever! NOBODY can deny that.

Fans booing Mike Dimter as they like giving him a hard time.

Match Grade: C-, Match Duration: 5 minutes and 9 seconds, Match Result: Mike Dimter via pinfall.

Just then The Hellion comes out. He's got Josh Davis behind him. Kelsey Marxx comes out and Ryan Ryder appears from backstage holding his head. Dimter looks confused in all of this.

What is this? I didn't know the circus just let out up the street ..?

The Hellion looks upset by those comments.

You know what? I'm about tired of your jokes. Dimter if you think Genesis is soo bad. You'll face us 4 at XtremeMania 7!! .. Mike Dimter, the Blades and Nevaeh versus US!!! ...

XWF fans POP they want to see this match happen!!

You want to assemble some group in a matter of minutes back there and try to take us out?? Well then give us your best shot Hellion! I'm not sure if Josh Davis put you up to this. Makes no difference to me. But you should all know that the Genesis is going to dispose of all of you.

The team of the Genesis vs. The Team of The Hellion, Josh Davis, Ryan Ryder, and Kelsey Marxx is signed for a 4-on-4 encounter at "XtremeMania 7"! As the scene fades off on Mike Dimter screaming face.




Backstage we have Dustin Holt talking over things with his brother Kenny Holt.

Dustin Holt: You ready to debut by my side here tonight?

Kenny Holt: I'm ready alright. But let me ask you. Let me ask what is the deal with that man Rage?

The Xtreme Champ, Dustin Holt looks flustered.

Don't worry. Everything will be alright.

Alexis Diamond comes up and hugs her man.

Let's just stay focused on making the Holt Foundation the next number one contenders for the Tag Belts.

Dustin Holt looks confident as this scene fades out on them.

Backstage we got The Ray and The Dark Stranger talking strategy for their upcoming #1 contenders match for the Tag Titles. Lady Gaga and Heather Black are in the room but they are being quiet as the men discuss what is about to happen out there.

Dark Stranger: I know you could've been Xtreme Champ last week! But I'm here now! Nobody is going to interfere while I'm involved and I remember you saying you wanted to be a Tag Champ! Well I wanted to capture gold at XtremeMania again!! So if you want.. let's team up and take on the Wreckin' Crew at XtremeMania 7!!!

The Ray: that's a BRILLIANT idea. I'll be one step closer to being a duo champ .. with both the Xtreme Title and Tag Belt! Oh this couldn't have worked out any better! Dark Stranger.. we WILL win tonight and we WILL win those belts at XtremeMania!! The world better be ready for 'The Ray of Darkness'!!!

The Holt Foundation will be our puppets tonight and soon .. Flip Johnson, and Brutality.. YOUR SOUL IS MINE!!!

Because THAT'S how we roll.

The Ray smiles and slaps The Dark Stranger across the chest. They look ready for their big tag match up next!

XC Dustin Holt & Kenny Holt vs. The Ray & The Dark Stranger - Winner #1 contender for Tag Titles -

The Holt Foundation comes out first. As their theme music hits and the fans give them tremendous heat. The 2 brothers make their way down the ramp and Dustin Holt seems to be in the lead tonight. He's going over things with Kenny Holt as they head down the ramp and start badgering the fans. "The Beast" Dustin Holt then walks up the steel steps in to the ring and hit little brother follows in closely behind him.

This is going to be a good one King. In one corner you've got the Holt Foundation tagging up in the XWF for the first time versus The Ray and The Dark Stranger who have been becoming friends as of late.

Two unorthadox teams. They'll have to face the Wreckin' Crew at 'XtremeMania 7' if they are successful here tonight in this #1 contenders match ...

Just then FLAMES explode on the top of the ramp and pyros go off as The Ray's theme music hits. Out comes the team known now as The Ray of Darkness and Danielle Worley announces them.

The team of The Dark Stranger and The Ray!!

Fans are pulling for The Ray of Darkness tonight as they make their way down towards the ring. Lady Gaga and Heather Black are close behind them. Fans mixed on these guys but they seem to like the recent pairing. The Ray hops in the ring and Dark Stranger stays on the outside. Dustin Holt convinces his brother Kenny Holt to start it off. The referee Jake Evans calls for the bell. DING DING!

2 teams.. one of them going on to get a Tag Team Title shot at XtremeMania.

They circle each other up and the fans begin clapping!! They go to lock up and Kenny Holt goes for a Hip Toss. But The Ray blocks it and goes for one of his own. However it's Kenny Holt blocking that attempt and going for another Hip Toss. Ray blocks it and Kenny swings for a clothesline. The Ray ducks it, slips through and connects with a wicked Reverse Neckbreaker!! He goes for the quick cover and the " ..... 1 .... kick out!!" The Ray argues with the ref and drags Kenny Holt over to the corner. The Dark Stranger sticks out his boot over the top rope and The Ray uses it to slam Kenny's face in to!! The fans cheer them for that as the ref yells at him and The Ray ignores him. He then drags Kenny in to the middle of the ring and plants him with a DDT. The Ray stands up and starts intagonizing Dustin Holt. So it's the current Xtreme Champ trying to step in the ring. The referee calls him off and starts shoving him back to the outside apron. The Ray sticks his arms out and says, "Are you serious bro?" That's when Kenny Holt delivers a low blow!!

Oh! Low blow! Low blow!

The referee didn't see it...

Kenny then delivers a Bulldog to The Ray and calls the referee over to make the count. " ..... 1 ..... 2 .. kick out!" The fans cheer as The Ray starts rolling towards the wrong corner. Kenny Holt walks over and stomps on him twice. He lifts Ray up and places him in the corner. Dustin holds Ray's arms back and Kenny starts delivering a series of punches on the open fram of the Ray!

Cheap shot, after cheap shot!

The referee calls them off and Kenny Holt tags his brother in. The Xtreme Champion enters the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd in Louisville, Kentucky!!!! He yells at all of them to "SHUT UP!!" He gets in the ring and hammers away on the Ray. He goes to irish whip him and instead hits the brakes slinging The Ray back in the Holt Foundation's corner again! The Ray stumbles in the corner and Dustin Holt goes to try to poke Dark Stranger in the eye. The ref yells for Dark Stranger to stay out of the ring!! While Kenny Holt starts choking away at The Ray in the bottom of the opposite corner!! Dustin Holt eggs Dark Stranger on and the referee Jake Evans is distracted even longer. Kenny is choking away at Ray and the fans are giving him heat!!!

I'll tell ya .. the Ray of Darkness doesn't look like they've ever been in the ring together as a tag team. They have no chemistry thus far ...

Dustin Holt turns his attention back to the Ray and does a running Dropkick to his temple as he's getting to a knee!! The Ray gets smacked with that hard shot and remains down on the canvas. Dustin Holt stomps away and drags him closer to the middle of the ring. Dark Stranger tries to get in the ring again and Holt points him out to the ref. Then the Xtreme Champ proceeds to place The Ray in a great looking Camel Clutch!!! He wears on the young Ray and people start clapping for him to get back in it!! The Dark Stranger smacks the top turnbuckle and his girlfriend Heather Black even cheers him on!! Lady GaGa yells for The Ray to get back up!!

Kentucky wants to see The Ray get back in this .. but the Xtreme Champ got him where he wants him ..

The Ray crawls and claws for the ropes. Before he gets there Dustin Holt jumps up and sits down hard on the back of the Ray! He then kicks him in the ribs for good measure. The Ray crawls for a tag and Dustin Holt drags him back to the center of the ring. He drops an elbow on that back!! Dustin Holt then goes up and tags Kenny Holt in. His brother rushes in and puts the boots to The Ray right away!! He then turns him over for the cover and the " ..... 1 ..... 2 .. shoulder up." Fans cheering for The Ray!

Can he do it? Can the Ray of Darkness turn this around?? He needs a tag here... what's this ??

Dustin Holt hops off the apron and starts talking shit to Lady GaGa. She gets offended and Heather Black yells for The Dark Stranger to do something. So then the monster hops off the apron and starts chasing Dustin Holt around the ring. Dustin Holt does one full run around the ring and ends up backing up the ramp. The Dark Stranger is stopped by his valet Lady GaGa who urges him to not lose focus and concentrate on this tag match. So then Dark Stranger hops back up on the apron and roots on his partner The Ray as we see Kenny Holt applying a Sleeperhold on the canvas.

Not sure what's going on in Dustin Holt's mind right now ...

Rage music hits and the fans rise to their feet!! People start going crazy for him as the 6'11'' giant comes out with the arena covered in red tint. The name "Rage" drips in blood red on the titan tron as he heads straight for Dustin Holt. Now it's Dustin Holt who goes to fight him on the ramp. They battle it out and Rage manages to get the upperhand. He hits Dustin Holt with an uppercut! Then he grabs Dustin Holt by the throat and shoves him in to the barricade. Dustin Holt thumbs him in the eye and starts to punch away at Rage's head!! However, that's when Rage snaps and he tosses Dustin Holt in to the crowd. People are all over him on the side there!!!

Uh oh J.R. What's going to happen here? ...

Kenny Holt doesn't know what is going on. As now The Ray works them both up to his feet. He elbows Kenny in the gut and elbows him again. The Ray takes off towards the ropes and performs a Flying Clothesline. The Ray then hits a standing Dropkick on Kenny Holt and the fans are loving it! He tags in The Dark Stranger and he enters the ring now. However, The Ray convinces him to stand back as Kenny Holt gets to his feet The Ray rushes in for 'the Ray of Light'!! He connects with that Jumping Leg Lariat and then The Dark Stranger snatches him off the ground. He sets Kenny Holt up and drops him with his finisher "The Darkness Falls"!!!

Ugly looking Tombstone there.

Kenny Holt is out cold and The Dark Stranger folds his arms over his chest. He makes the pin and gets an easy " ..... 1 ..... 2 ..... 3!" The team of The Ray of Darkness have won this match and our new #1 contenders. They raise their hands in victory and then roll out of the ring to celebrate with their valets.

The winners of this match ... The Ray and The Dark Stranger!!!

Afterwards Rage enters the ring and proceeds to destroy little Kenny Holt!! He picks him up and lays him in the corner. Kenny is all helpless and Rage delivers 2 vicious uppercuts!! He then grabs him by the throat and raises him up in the air for that hellacious Chokeslam!!!! That shot rattles the ring and the XWF fans are stunned in the building.

Match Grade: B, Match Duration: 6 minutes and 37 seconds, Match Result: "The Ray of Darkness" via pinfall.

Alexis Diamond rushes out to Kenny Holt's rescue and actually slides in the ring behind Rage. Now the XWF fans are really going chaotic as Rage turns to see her in the ring. She looks terrified and Rage looks happy as can be. As Dustin Holt starts recovering on the outside and hops back over the guard rail he realizes what is happening. Holt sees his girlfriend in the ring and screams "NOO!" But Rage backs her down in to the corner. She falls to the mat scared and helpless.

What is going to happen here? He's not going to hurt her is he???

However Rage allows her to stand up and lets her walk off on her own free will. As she steps thru the ropes Dustin Holt grabs her off the apron and then snatches his Xtreme Title from the Time Keeper. Holt walks off and Rage gets on the mic. He yells out to Dustin Holt, "You want me. You put her up!!" Dustin Holt shakes his head "no". He says, "NO! No I'm not going to put my Xtreme Title up.. no!" Rage says, "..not that Xtreme Title. I'm talking about her.. You put HER in the match!!!" Holt looks at Diamond and she nods her head "yes". But Dustin shakes his head "no". She's trying to convince him otherwise and she keeps saying "FINE. FINE!! I'll do it!" However, Dustin Holt isn't having it. He replies, "No! No you can't have her or this belt. They don't belong to you. Do you HEAR me?!" Rage smiles and says, "Suit yourself. Either way. At XtremeMania 7 you get Chokeslamed STRAIGHT to HELL!!!!"

Fans go wild for this potential matchup of Rage vs. Dustin Holt. But reportedly he isn't willing to put up his Xtreme Title and Rage was apparently trying to get the Woman's Champ, Alexis Diamond involved in their "XtremeMania 7" match. But it looks like Dustin Holt won't let his girlfriend anywhere near that monster if he can help it.


Wreckin' Crew backstage with Bob Levy going over what just took place out there.

Flip Johnson: Yeah sure. Me and Brute just seen that supposedly the Ray of Darkness is the new #1 contenders. Like somehow we're scared of those 2 goofballs. Look at me, look at him .. we're the XWF Tag Team Champions!! Undisputed 3-time TAG CHAMPS! There's no way we're going down. No matter who we're facing. Even if it is .. The Ray & The Dark Stranger we're facing. We're fine with that Bob. Ain't we Brute? Ain't we fine with facing them 2 sum'bitches??

Before his tag team partner Brutality can reply we have the team of Ray and Dark Stranger show up backstage to talk trash!

Just so you guys know. Being that we're facing you guys on April 29th .. we wanted you to know that at XM7 those belts are our's!! As you know my 'XtremeMania' undefeated streak begins in 3 weeks!

While I will become a Tag Team Champion at XtremeMania for the 2nd straight year in a row .... those belts are coming home with me and The Ray!!

Flip Johnson shoots his tag team partner Brutality one quick look and then The Wreckin' Crew begins attacking The Ray of Darkness!!! Both teams giving the other team hell!!! They start brawling backstage!!! The Tag Team division is heating up!!


Mr. Lucente comes out on the ramp and looks over the crowd in Louisville, Kentucky.

I'm sure you heard. I have been basically black mailed. I am being forced to do something I don't want to do. But at XtremeMania 7 you will see me, you're XWF Owner since 1998 .. and your current active President. You will see me put my Presidency up!! THAT'S right. I'll be putting up being President .. on the line .. at XtremeMania 7. Against, WHO you ask? Well that's something I can't discuss with you... frankly because, I don't know exactly who I'm dealing with. I don't know what kind of man this is and how he can treat people this way!? But at XtremeMania 7.. there's no way I'll be stepping down. I'm going to put a foot in his ass and send this man on his way! I am going to be your President and remain your XWF President thru 2012, and beyond! No doubt about that. So .. without further adue ... let's get on with it ...

Mr. Lucente points to the titan tron and the letters "TV_MA" pop up!! The music for Mark Adkins rattles throughout the KFC Yum! Center and out comes the former World Champ. He gets a great ovation from the diehard XWF fans in the building!!! He receives some heat but he's mostly over with these fans!!

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins music hit! These fans went ape .. you know what ..

Yeah these fans love Mark Adkins!! Lot of "TV_MA" signs in the building tonight. Got a lot of shirts being rocked out there in Louisville ...

Chris Falkenyork theme music kicks on next and he comes out to a tremendous ovation! He seems to be immediately over with these people who like to see a nostalgic XWF legend in their presence. He heads to the ring pointing at Adkins the whole way. Fans seem real in to this moment as he steps in there with "TV_MA" face-to-face. The crowd is going crazy already and then Carlos Shotgun comes out to a theatrical entrance! His music blasts over the P.A. system and he comes out with the World Title belt drapped over his shoulder. The gold is glistening and he is looking sharp in one of his pinstripped suits. Carlos takes his time down towards the ring. He receives more of a mixed reaction. Still lots of marks for him and somehow he is receiving some heat among these fans here tonight!! The XWF crowd seems a bit torn between each superstar and yet respect all 3 of them.

Well this is it ..

They will hash it out in the ring ONE LAST TIME. They say they've never met Triple Threat. So this will be an honor. But at XtremeMania 7 it will indeed be the last straw.

It will all come to an END for good this time!! No more joking around. This ends it all for good!! LAS VEGAS, NEVADA... all bets are off.

The fans are buzzing and really can't believe their eyes. As Carlos Shotgun enters the ring and all 3 men are within an arm's length of each other. Shotgun looks down at the gold on his shoulder and Falkenyork appears a bit jealous. Mark Adkins doesn't seem to lose his focus as Carlos Shotgun now eyes him up and begins jawing. Chris Falkenyork adds his 2 cents and so Shotgun starts arguing with him. Mark Adkins tries prevoking Shotgun and so Falkenyork yells for Adkins to "shut up!" "And watch your mouth." The XWF fans are on the edge of their seats and most of them even on their feet for this moment.

This really is something ...

They each going to have a mic or what ??

Danielle Worley reaches a mic up and Chris Falkenyork walks over to take it from her. Shotgun's music has already faded out and these people are still extremely loud here in Kentucky! They are going bizerk for these 3 XWF legends. As we see Chris Falkenyork approach the 2 men arguing in the center of the ring.

You know just as well as I do .. that this had to happen. This had to happen one way or another. So why not the biggest stage of them all?? The 3 Elite .. the 3 remaining guys from BOW and 3 of the best ever .. in XWF history .. ... you know history will tell a story about a man who ran a muck. Someone who was so frantic. So out there! So incredibly crazy .. "TV_MA" .. they'll say Mark Adkins was a legend .. in his own right.

Fans cheering that!!!!!

Some will say ... ... Carlos A. Shotgun. What a champ that guy was! What an unbelievable force he was in this ring. One of the best... one of the greatest technical wrestlers ever .. to step foot in our industry.

Lot of fans cheer!! Though we still have somewhat of a mixed reactions and some fans boo Carlos Shotgun who looks around at those haters in the audience.

Then there's me .....

People start to lose it in the KFC Yum! Center!!!! People are so loud!! Stomping! Jumping up and down!! They are getting hype for this encounter as it plays out LIVE! here.

So what of me .. when I beat you 2 at XtremeMania 7 ...?? What will they say about the man who laid out those 2 other Elite guys?? What about the man who went 6-0 at XtremeMania .. who not only beat Shotgun for a 3rd time. But this time he took down the wild, the legendary .. Mark Adkins!! If I take down "TV_MA" ... and Shotgun in the same night. What will they say of me then? Huh? What about the Chris Falkenyork Championship??? What will come of that?? Well I can tell you.... I can tell you look surprised as shit Carlos. But don't be! This ends MY way. At XtremeMania 7 .. it was always my master plan to get you 2 in the same ring. To cut both of your heads off and reign supreme. The lone Elite! The soul survivor. The best of the bunch. Not just one of the greatest ever. But THEE best superstar... thee greatest Champion of all time!! Not you guys. But me ... now ....

Fans liking what they hear!! But also just real excited about what's happening around them!!! As we see "TV_MA" Mark Adkins rip the mic from Falkenyork's hands and cuts him off. The crowd is on pins and needles as all 3 of these men size each other up.

"TV_MA" Mark Adkins: Needless to say you could shut the hell up right now!! You want to know what Chris Falkenyork ... this has a lot to do with you. Because even though you don't actually get involved in anything out here... even though you don't have your "hands all in this mess" .. you do. At the same time... you are the dirtiest player of them all. You're the one guy .. well let's put it this way. You're the one guy who thinks he has a voice around and you're wrong! You don't have nothing but a voicebox and a few words you spew out of that mouth of your's! I wouldn't exactly call that ..

Carlos Shotgun snags the mic from him.

Carlos A. Shotgun: What is this? What is this Adkins? Really? Is this about you and him .. or is this about me and you?? Because I seem to remember walking out with this World Title belt the last 2 times we faced off .. now ..

Chris Falkenyork calls for another mic and uses that one to talk over Carlos Shotgun.

Look it here. Because I've about had enough of you 2. Everyone has! I'm the #1 contender for that strap. I'm the one who won at Xtreme Battle Zone earning my right to headline XtremeMania 7 ... Adkins .. as far as I'm concerned ...

Mark Adkins asks Shotgun for the mic back and he refuses. So Adkins walks over and demands one from Danielle Worley.

.. the way I look at it Adkins ..

You hold it right there! Isn't it fresh. Isn't it so fresh of you to act like everything is about you. Overshadowing the fact that this man needed a DQ to escape this last time we squared off here at the pay per view. Now all of a sudden I'm suppose to feel like the guy .. the same one who said he had a hidden agenda the whole time .. the same guy who flew off the top rope and drilled me with a FLYING HEADBUTT out of nowhere!!

You liked that did ya? Don't forget I had a riot helmet on ...

You are a riot Falkenyork .. truth is ..

The fans laughing and cheering as Carlos Shotgun breaks in to interrupt this fiasco.

You're both a riot. As far as I'm concerned here. This match is more about me and my triumphant return to the main event of XtremeMania. The reason this needs to happen .. let's talk about it ..

Alright let's talk about it ..

Adkins gets more in Shotgun's face in the center of the ring and then Falkenyork steps in even.

Yeah let's talk more about the real reasons why we're all here. The real reasons this is all going down. I'd like to say money .. but we all know that nobody is really making a dime off this promotion ...

Can't argue with you there.

I'm a millionaire.

Sure you are ..

The fans start laughing at these main eventers hashing it out in the squared circle.

So what is this about then Carlos? If it's not about ..

I'll tell you what it's about.

Carlos turns and looks Chris Falkenyork in the eyes.

I believe he was talking to me ..

Would you just get on with it already.

The --

The reason we're here. Is to settle the score. Who is the better of the Elite? Who is the best of the best? I have beat every single person who has faced me at XtremeMania. I am a perfect 6-0! The fact remains that beating you for a 3rd time really would have been something Carlos ... but at the end of the day. I needed to add something else to my legacy! Being the guy who puts down "TV_MA" certainly sounds like a message that would get across to the fans .... it certainly cements my status among the best of the Elite. And let's face it! There aren't 3 other superstars like us. None that have ever come and laid so much ground work ... that have set the tone each and every show.. we're the epitome of that greatness! We are 3 of the best .. if not the best 3 that ever stepped foot in BOW or XWF or anywhere else we went. We're the Elite for a reason. But, ..

After you're through. I got a few points I want to make and you're going to want to hear them.

As I was saying ..

Like he said --

The fans are turning loose on the XWF veterans. These XWF Hall of Famers gracing us with this official Triple Threat announcement for the main event of XtremeMania 7. Everyone already knows it is signed and now they just want to know exactly why it all played out the way it did. Carlos Shotgun eyes Chris Falkenyork up and he looks back at him. Then Falkenyork looks over at Adkins who has his eyes focused in on Shotgun. Until "TV_MA" catches eyes with York and the KFC Yum! Center feels like it's about to be set on fire!!!!!

Can you feel it?? Can you feel it King? XtremeMania now on April 29th, 2012 ... can you just feel what the MGM Grand is going to feel like on that day ...?

Fans are buzzing everywhere for this Triple Threat main event scheduled at "XtremeMania 7" and these 3 men are ready to tear in to each other already.

If you know so much. If you guys don't need me at all.. why don't you explain it? Go on.. explain to these people exactly why it is I'm going to have to beat 2 of you .. and not just Carlos. Go on! Explain that one tough guys ..

Because it has to end! YES! You eluded to it earlier and just doesn't play out the same way for me .. as it does for you. On my side of the table ... what I see going down is. That the people will always remember the name of Carlos A. Shotgun .. they will remember that I was the greatest World Heavyweight Champion there ever was! The best in this business without a shadow of a doubt. I have to avenge my losses against you. Both of you! I have to beat you both.

Carlos looks directly at Adkins and then back over at York.

This has to happen. It has to go this way .. I need to take you BOTH OUT in the same night!! I will go on to make my legacy clear .. from a 2005 original Hall of Famer. The first class ever inducted! To starring at XtremeMania 7 on the grandest stage of them all!! To out class you 2 chumps. To give the Elite a taste of their own medicine ...

And that's where I step in. Somewhere along the lines. You both acknowledge you have to get rid of me. To fulfill some sort of legacy. To feel like the best there ever were, was and ever will be .. that's your prerogative. I am just there to raise hell! I am there to cause a mess of this whole situation ... like I have. My legacy is secure. "TV_MA" will live on for years to come!! It'll be you 2 who crash and burn. You 2 are the ones who have to live up to some sort of legacy you've built for yourselves ... when in reality .. in just a few weeks. You get in the ring with the baddest of the bunch. The Rouge Elite!! The leader of all these Apostles out here!! You get in a Triple Threat main event .. with me ...

You see now that's where you're wrong. I only brought you along for the ride. I only allowed you in this match. To put a muzzle on you. To be the guy who closes your mouth for good.

Is that what you wanted to do?? Is that what you reallly wanted to do?!?

The crowd heating up as Adkins taunts Falkenyork and gets awfully close to him. Falkenyork looks over at Shotgun instead and changes his focus.

As for that man right there. With all the fame. They always thought you were better than me Carlos! Even after I beat you twice at XtremeMania! Even when the records books say I'm better.. they always found a way to sneak your name in above mine or right along with it. I'm tired of it! I know the Elite is the Elite and we will stand on our own. They'll have to reinduct us all years later and have to get permission off of whatever company we're signed with at the time .. to use our name and likeness .. but as for April 29th ..

What the hell are you talking about? You are both RAMBLING now!! This is the Shotgun show. This Showdown! belongs to me. XtremeMania 7 .. Sin City .. that belongs to me as well! You have both been great competitors. It's been a pleasure.... but at XtremeMania when my belt is on the line ... I am going to show you 2 no mercy!! I am going to lay in to you 2 and make sure not to leave anything left! Not a single doubt in anyone's mind when the next time I raise this World Title ... it's that I was the best Champion of them all! I was the greatest Hall of Famer!! Mark Adkins .. let this be a lesson to you Sunday on April 29th .. because ..

I've bout had enough of you. I've had enough of your lip. I know what you think. I know what you're already thinking Carlos. You really think that you can get revenge on Falkenyork and take me out of the equation. You both think that by beating me at XtremeMania 7 that somehow .. I just go away. But it's not true. I'm never going away! I'm not going anywhere... I'll be ready just as you 2 will be at XtremeMania ... so you better bring everything you fuckers got!!! AND I'M NOT KIDDING!!

XWF fans are going wild!!!!!!

You really do have a big mouth and I can't wait to shut it. This XWF World Title belongs to me. I am walking in with it and I'm walking out with it .. Chris Falkenyork .. you already know that ...

What I know is. What I know is that I'll be 6-0 after April 29th. I would have won six XtremeMania matches in a row! I would wipe you 2 off this planet and I'll donate the money for them to build me a beautiful golden statue outside one of the arenas ... possibly up at the Wells Fargo Center!! Because I know that at the end of the day ... when it's all said and done. I was the greatest ever! The best this business ever saw. Especially on the BIG stage! That is my stage and in the MGM Grand in Las Vegas ... I am going to make history by winning the first ever Triple Threat main event!!

Carlos Shotgun starts raising his XWF World Title high in the air to mock the 2 individuals. But Chris Falkenyork tosses down his mic and starts jawing at Adkins. Then he starts yelling at Carlos for raising the belt in his face. Mark Adkins has to get one last word in.

All bullshit aside. I am going to take my sweet time dismantling you 2 boys at XtremeMania .... .. I just hope you know that!!!

Mark tosses his mic back over his shoulders in to the crowd somewhere and the XWF cuts off that mic immediately. Shotgun has the last mic and as both superstars get closer to him. He actually keeps the belt held up in the middle of the air.

This is what you 2 are after. Don't forget it. Only one of us can walk out the World Champion. And it's not going to be either of you 2 .... so guess who that leaves??? ..... "Thank you very much"!

Carlos Shotgun drops the mic and holds the World Title right up in their faces now. Mark Adkins gets closer and gets pissed. Chris Falkenyork yells, "yeah right! Yeah right!" to Carlos Shotgun. "TV_MA" gets an earful from Shotgun who tries to tell him off and Falkenyork agrees with what Shotgun is saying. Adkins talks shit back to both of them and the scene fades out on all 3 men surrounding the XWF World Title and the "XtremeMania 7" banner in the background.

MGM Grand in Las Vegas ... April 29th .. starting at 7 PM eastern .. you won't want to miss it!!!

The scene fades out on the 3 Hall of Famers who will be headlining the Triple Threat main event.

BELOW is the "XtremeMania 7" pay per view card (in Las Vegas, Nevada this year inside the soldout MGM Grand.)


"XTREME MANIA 7" -- Las Vegas, Nevada .. MGM Grand April 29th, 2012 -

"All bets are off."

Main Event -

WHC Carlos Shotgun vs. Chris Falkenyork vs. "TV_MA" Mark Adkins - Triple Threat - XWF World Heavyweight Championship match

Stephen Blood vs. The Original - Xtreme rules match

Mr. Lucente vs. Mystery Opponent - Presidency on the line - No Holds Barred match

XC Dustin Holt (w/WC Alexis Diamond) vs. Rage - Xtreme rules match

HALL OF FAME ceremony - 2012 Inductees: The Original, Tommy Ravnos & The Outsiders.

Ashton Storm vs. Hayden Truesdale - Xtreme rules - First ever MAN vs. WOMAN match

The Hellion, Kelsey Marxx, Josh Davis & Ryan Ryder vs. "Genesis" (Mike Dimter, Neveah, Mike Blade & Zack Blade) - Xtreme rules - 4-on-4 match

"Dangerous" Cliff Saxton vs. Eric Draven - Xtreme rules match

TTC Wreckin' Crew vs. The Ray & The Dark Stranger - Tag Team Titles match

"XtremeMania 7" is finally here. This is the one stop on the 'End of the World' that everybody has been waiting for!!!!!!!

For now you can roleplay here (3 RP MAX for SINGLE MATCHES and 4 RP MAX for TAG MATCHES as usual. The main event will get a 4 RP MAX.):

XWF Pay Per View ROLEPLAY BOARD (Deadline April 5th - April 28th at MIDNIGHT!!!)