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Welcome to my shrine, fellow adorers of Tokiya Mikagami! I made this shrine as a place where all obsessive fans of Tokiya Mikagami (Dylan Mikagami here in the Philippines) of the anime/manga Flame of Recca. I believe he is one of the best characters of Flame of Recca, one of the main reasons is that he's so cute and really hot! Yeah, yeah there's more to him than that, but you gotta agree, this guy is purely eye candy. Plus there is something about him (alright so he's kinda arrogant but once you think about it, he's only arrogant when it comes to this fighting abilities, not because he's an extremely good-looking guy to the point of beauty.) He's really aloof, it just makes me want to do things just to get under his skin. He's kinda mysterious and as someone put it, there's a subtlety to his character. And of course beneath the ice that seems to surround him, his heart is very warm. I could go on about how cool he is but I'm afraid you don't have enough barf bags. Now to end this rant on the many aspects of Tokiya-sama, I must say there is something about him that causes me to go into automatic drool mode whenever I see him.
I'm sure tons of people agree with me, (You'd better too else what else would you be doing around here?) So please enjoy your stay here at my shrine!


Welcome to my Tokiya Shrine!
Tokiya's Profile
Tokiya's Pics
Why Tokiya?
In Memoriam
Chibi Mi-chan Shrine
Date Tokiya
Do You Know Him Well?
Win my Award
Awards I've won
Join my webring!
E-mail me
Tokiya's Story
Team Hokage
Tokiya Fanart
FoR Fanfics
Tokiya or Recca
Phone Calls To Tokiya
Message Board
Link To Me
Webrings I'm In

12/19/22- Yay! I've got some new pics all courtesy of AnimeArt. So um new stuff will be up some new additions to other parts of this shrine!
12/22/99- Hey! To all members of the "-Dark Water- A Tokiya Webring". please note that the HTML coding has changed. Just do the same copy and paste as always. Also don't forget to alter the HTML coding with your proper information! Yeah I know it's a major inconvenience, but it's to make the webring table design look cool! Yeah I know, really shallow right?
12/24/99- It's Christmas Eve and here I am pounding away on my useless computer. Do I majorly lack a life or what? Anyway, LET'S HEAR IT FOR ME!!! Yay! I've finally got a FEW graphics on my completely text-based website! Okay so maybe it still kinda sucks, with just plain black background, but it's looks kewl that way, all stark and dark...kinda like Tokiya-sama!
Mikagami: Hey don't use me as an excuse for your ineptness!
You're going, Yay! Does this mean the end of Natsumi-san's whining about lacking a graphics program? The answer is NO! I was not able to make these stupid things at a real graphics prog, like PSP *is green with envy at Mayumi-san for having PSP6-made graphics for the fantastic Fuuko Shrine she has* I actually managed to find a way to use Microsoft FrontPage to make these pathetic graphics of mine! Yes, folks! I will now recount to you the frustrating hours I spent making the danged things! Yes I'm SO resourceful! You'll also notice that the website links look kewler! Mainly because I found a really neat piece of HTML coding to make it work for me! See, when you move your mouse over a link (one that has no underline, take note!) it changes color! Is it kewl or what? Yes people I am actually thrilled by it. You would be too if you were like me who thought that JAVA was easier to use than HTML. Needless to say when i got a load of javascript programming I went back to good ole HTML and our love-hate-relationship. Yes, we've established I'm shallow and can be happy at the smallest things. trust me my entire family was ready to hit me because I kept yelling at them to see how kewl my links looked like! You'll also see that I've changed the color of the text. I decided that the other one was just way too unreadable for me. You'll note that the background (the star thingie) which was up here for like a DAY, has been removed. Why? Well, it's been moved to the Bishounen main page. I just really liked the stark black, although Hentai's been ragging on me about it (you know who you are!)You know I really like the images. Of course, I should since I worked so hard on it, although the logo's been altered because I couldn't make the text work right (you couldn't read the Still etc. words because it was over the white-colored A Shrine words. Same goes for Tokiya Mikagami) Oh yeah, did I neglect to mention that the Link to me page was up? Sure's it's a useless banner that has no pic of Mikagami whatsoever for it, but at least it's a banner for all the temporarily insan- err wonderful people who want to link to my website. Anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! And yeah, if you're interested in viewing a website that has no real content but has kewl HTML coding and some really nice teasers on what's to come about a certain original piece of fiction series written by yours truly, check out Project Alpha okay? (shameless bit of plugging)

Natsumi's Note: Gomen people! This site will take sometime to finish! Most of the other features such as the game and the Recca or Tokiya will not be up until much, much later. I've also been busy joining webrings and my goodness my stupid graphics program won't work. So please be patient with my site! Also, I've also got to contend with the horror that is school which loathes letting me out of my cluthes. (Mikagami: What do you mean school? Don't tell me you actually study! Great, I actually get to see Pinocchio for real!)


Mikagami: I'm curious, Natsumi, as to how you rescued me. I sort of CAN'T believe it.
Natsumi: (looks offended) What you think girls can't do anything?
Mikagami: You know what I mean! I don't remember what happened before I woke up in here. I don't remember how you "rescued me".
Natsumi: You probably blocked it out because of the trauma, poor baby. (looks at him sympathetically)
Mikagami: (looks nervous) Trauma?
Natsumi: (lowers her head) I'm not surprised you can't remember, it was so awful...
Natsumi: (looks at him) I-I saved you...from...
Mikagami: ???
Natsumi: From this gang of girls. They were drooling all over you so much, I thought you'd drown!
Mikagami: Wha...?!
Natsumi: (continues) You had this absolutely terrified look on your face. I'm sorry I couldn't get you out before it became too traumatic for you. but their grip was so strong!
Mikagami: You've gotta be kidding!
Natsumi: (attempts an injured look while struggling not to laugh) I'm not! and don't be so mean!
Mikagami: Why not?
Natsumi: There is no point in arguing with you!
Mikagami: That's okay, nothing you do ever does.
Nastumi: Hidoi! That's so mean!
Mikagami: Like you've never had enough fun torturing me! (points at her Bishounen Fanfiction Torture Union pin)
Natsumi: ..........heh..........
Mikagami: Hah! That shut you up!
Natsumi: (turns red and yells) Omae wa baka desu!


A little reminder to my -Dark Water- A TOKIYA WEBRING members, I've changed the coding for the fragment. Also i've finally got an official webring pic up, please use it to support the ring otay? I spent an entire hour screaming at my computer to make it. (I don't have the benefit of a graphics prog okay?) So all ye merry members, go forth and view.

Haha, okay that was absolutely lacking in sense. Anyway, this page is pretty long, gomen! Now below are some stuff that shouldn't be connected to the Shrine that's why I didn't put it up with the other stuff! Yenyway....

Learn about me!-Find out about me, Natsumi-san! Not that it'll do you much good but hey!

THE AVALANCHE SERIES-hehe, my own series for fanfics. Yeah this is really unrelated to FoR or my beloved Tokiya-san but heck! This is for Final Fantasy VII though.

Project Alpha- This is my own original piece of anime fiction. Way under construction. Enter at your own risk!

Tokiya-sama says to view the Guestbook ang sign it OR ELSE.

This The Original Flame of Recca Webring
site is owned by Natsumi-san.
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Well this it, the end, zilch. Maybe later I'll think up of something good to say to end this page but not right now!

You are the

Tokiya worshipper to have stumbled onto this site since it was first put up December 1, 1999.

This website was created and designed by Natsumi-san. You an can also send feedback through To make your viewing of this website better, it's recommended that you have the Tahoma and Verdana fonts on your computer. If ya don't well that's too bad boo-hoo. I'm kidding! All the graphics which are NOT part of the anime and manga series were either created by me or was taken from another graphics website. If you wish to use any of them or use any material from this useless crappy site of mine, please inform me.

I do NOT own Flame of Recca much as I'd like to though. This is copyright or whatever to Anzai Nobuyuki who I'd  like to thank for bringing us such a great anime!