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D-Fish, D-Fense!
When most "experts" discuss the keys to the Lakers winning their fourth consecutive title, they point to a healthy Shaq, determined Kobe, and the need for the role players to knock down open jumpers. Here at 3-L, however, we know the real key - Derek Fisher's defense. With the possibility of the Lakers facing lightning quick Point Guards like Steve Nash, Mike Bibby, and Tony Parker, the Lakers success will depend, to a large extent, on Fisher's ability to prevent penetration into the lane.

While Fisher is fearless, tough, and willing to guard anybody, he has lost a step after repeated ankle surgeries. In a recent three game stretch against Minnesota, Chicago, and Detroit, Fisher allowed Troy Hudsen, Jamal Crawford, and Chauncey Billups to average 26 points and 7 assists per game while shooting 56% from the floor. The Lakers dropped two of those three games in blowout losses. Keep an eye on how well Fisher can stay in front of Nash, Bibby, and Parker when the playoffs begin, it just may determine who takes home the title this year.

Three Peat Easy as 1-2-3 - 05/03/02
The went 15-1 in the post-season last year and made winning a championship look easy. Becoming three-peat champions will bring them one step closer to being the next great dynasty. Winning it again is as easy as one, two, three.

One Team. For most of the 2000-2001 season the Lakers were divided into two teams. Team number one was "Shaq's team", which thought the offense should flow through the Diesel. Shaq's team consisted of the Lakers' front office, coaching staff, and every player that did not belong to team number two, "Kobe's team". Kobe's team thought the Kid should score 35-40 a night. This team consisted of Kobe.....and his dad. The Lakers pulled together with enough time to dominate late in the season. Playing as one unified team is key for this year's success.

Two Power Forwards. The Lakers have not had a legitimate Power Forward since James Worthy retired. AC Green and Horace Grant were adequate starters, but Robert Horry is not a worthy backup at PF. Everyone knows he's really a 6'10 Small Forward, especially when he has to bang with Duncan, Wallace, Webber, Malone, McDyess, etc. Samaki Walker must step up and a strong backup must appear. 3-L hopes it's Mark "Mad Dog" Madsen who can fill in as a solid #2 PF, you gotta love the guy's hustle.

Three Pointers. With the new defense rules Shaq will see more gimicky defenses than Gene Hackman used in "Hoosiers". He will be constantly fronted and backed. When defenses collapse on him the Lakers will kill its opponents if D-Fish, Richmond, Fox, and Penberthy can knock down the three. The more the Lakers score from downtown the more open looks that Kobe and Shaq will receive.

Say It Ain't So, Ho - 08/23/01
Most people in today's world work hard for a living, grow old, and then move to Florida to spend their days golfing and walking on the beach. Retired individuals reason to themselves that they have busted their humps and now deserve some time to rest. Horace Grant, at 36, will fit right in with the Florida scene as a new member of the Orlando Magic.

Ho worked hard for the Lakers last year. He did everything that the team asked him to do and needed him to do. He averaged 8.5 points, 7 boards, and most importantly played solid defense. As a Laker Horace guarded beasts like Webber, Duncan, Malone, Wallace, McDyess, etc. on a daily basis . Grants' "retirement" in the East includes guarding the likes of Scott Williams, Clarence Weatherspoon, Marcus Fizer, and Alan Henderson.

If you're vacationing in Florida and some Geezer in a Caddie is weaving all over the road, check his vanity plate. It may say "HOGRANT". Horace - thanks for the help last year, you will be missed.

BACK-2-BACK - 07/20/01
The title remains where it rightfully belongs - with the Los Angeles Lakers and their loyal fans. This seasons title could be the beginning of a dynasty that could last for a long time. Kobe and Fox are under contract until 2005, while Shaq and D-Fish are signed through 2006. The tag team PF combination of Horry and Grant is running out of gas, but both Mad Dog and Medvedenko are improving.

We at 3-L noticed a few things during the Lakers run through the 2001 playoffs, they are: 1) Robert Horry either kills or saves us, there is no middle ground. 2) Derek Fisher is the third scorer the team needs. He will average 14 ppg next season, just watch. 3) Rick Fox's defense, rebounding, and ability to shoot the 3 is underrated. 4) When Kobe gets 25 points, 8 boards, and 7 assists the team wins. 5) Shaq is the Daddy, so don't even front!

The nucleus of Fish, Kobe, Fox, and Shaq can not be stopped. We at 3-L can sense another title coming in 2002!

Horry: The Hero, The Goat - 06/15/01
Our love-hate relationship with Robert Horry continues. His boneheaded offensive foul in Game 1 played a key role in the 76ers coming back to win. Before the foul the Lakers were up by 5 and momentum was definitely behind them. After the offensive foul Philly made a three-point play and cut what should have been a 7 point lead down to 2. The crowd died, Philly went on a roll, and Horry was back in the dog house. In Game 3, however, Horry totally redeemed himself. His monster dunk over Mutombo was awesome. His 3-ball from the corner with :47 remaining essentially won the game, and his four consecutive free throws iced it. Let's hope that the Horry of Game 3 shows up for Games 4 and 5, which is all the Lakers should need to take the title.

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