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From the Mouth of an Angel

Lance says some pretty cute things. If you can get through the "I'm From Mississippi" thing, he has some pretty memorable quotes. Here are a few of our favorites:

From the new Bop: "you never know who you are going to be with for the rest of your life. i mean it could be the next person i date, so im always keeping my mind open..just in case"

From the Same Bop, saying he has an alter ego: "I'm like a real shy and laid back guy in person, but once i hit the stage, im like just a diffrent person.." We like them bops, don't we Tara?

"I'm just 'N Sync. Last night some guy passed by and said 'Hey 'N Sync!' Uh, my name's Lance. "

"I can't bear looking in the mirror-I guess that's why my hair looks like this!"

"I'll play basketball but I am SO bad at it. And they make fun of me for it, but, you know, I like to try things"

"I like German girls!" *Nah, you like girls from Utah and Wv respectively*

"There's spit flying all over the place."

"This is the Bass-man"

"Oh baby"
"Ummm-is it true y’all nominated me for the best bass singer for the Grammies this year?"

"I was skydiving once and hit a bird."

BB-April 1999 "When you perform like every day of your life, you have to have something mess up every day..There have been times when we fell off the stage or someone throws a 100-pound stuffed animal and it hits us in the head"

BB-April 1999 "Joey tries to be the peacemaker, trying to get everyone's attention away from the argument. But we're like, 'Shut up, Joey!' Then everyone forgets what they were righting about and just starts yelling at Joey"

"Chat rooms are so cool, especially if you go into your own chat room and all the people are talking about you and you pretend you're somebody else!"

"I carry my camera, because I take pictures of everything. And food, you have to have food. Um, my watch that Joey gave me for my birthday..Tommy Hillifiger, playing cards..Taz. My Ricloa because I have a cough all the time and batteries. I will show you what my batteries are for, my CD player." This is what he says he has in his luggage...

"You know what pecan is right? Well it's a nut, in a shell, & butter is butter, but it's sweet, NEVERMIND! Chocolate chip!" On his favorite ice cream..

"I take a shower every morning and sometimes every night because I can't stand it when I'm dirty. I like to be clean. Mr. Clean."

"We all got our character voices down. Our dream is to be South Park characters"

"I can't sleep with any light whatsoever. My cell phone has this little charger. It has this little itty-bitty light and I can see it when my eyes are closed and it bugs the heck out of me, so I have to have total darkness, unless there's a fireplace."

Some of these quotes were taken from Under My Tree..Thanks Melissa!

Lovin' Lance