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1775 Will of Nicolas Ory

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7 November 1775

In the name of the almighty father and the Virgin Mary, I declare that I am of sound mind and judgement such that God has given me, I make my will with the following terms:

First, I declare that I, Nicolas ORRY native of Brumely in Lorrainne, and legitimate son of Nicolas ORRY and Jeanne Boye, natives of the same place, am and have been raised in the Catholic religion A. and Reg. And that as such I believe in all the mysteries of our religion and the orders of the holy church.

I declare that I was married in the first marriage with Ann STRASPA native of the said place, legitimate daughter of Nicolas STRASPA and Catherine, whose last name I have forgotten, who was of the above mentioned place, that of the said Anne STRAPAS I had for my children Anne, Catherine, Magdelainne, Marguerite, Baptiste, Marie Barbe, and Jean, that the first of my daughters named Anne was married to Jean ORINDOLF, and is deceased leaving children.

I declare that the above mentioned Anne STRASPA brought no dotal property whatsoever.

I declare that I was married in a second marriage with Christine MICHEL, native of Sartemine in German Lorrainne, who is the legitimate daughter of Louis MICHEL native of Louisbourg and Marguerite FAYFER native of Peteling in German Lorrainne, and of this marriage I had for children Isabel,Louis, and Eve, all three minors, and that the said Christine MICHEL, my wife, brought no dotal property whatsoever.

I declare for tutrice and curator of the said minor children Christine MICHEL their mother of (Torn) irreproachable, upon whom I bestow the said charge which she accepted and promised to exercise faithfully and legally oblige herself to keep them in the religion C.A.R., to raise them with good ways asa much as possible without converting their property.

I declare that my present property, also that which I might have elsewhere by virtue of bequest, donation, inheritance, or otherwise, be divided among my above-mentioned children.

I declare that all which I still owe, although for the present I believe I owe nothing, it is my will that they be paid if the debt is legitimate.

I declare that certain individuals owe me the following sums, for which I have their notes: Messrs. Manuel and Jacob MONSANTO by their note of 12 June 1775 owe me 400 (possibly 10400 or 1400) piastres, Mr VERBOIS by his note of 11 Sept. 1775 the sum of 216 piastres.

I declare that certain Englishmen owe me other sums, which their notes are in my trunk, and that Michael RAYTER, for which I have no bond, owes me 23 piastres, also that RAMS. (?), soldier of the fort, 26 piastres 7 escalins, also FERNANDEZ, soldier of the said fort, 1 piastre 2 escalins, GASCON, soldier of the same fort, 2 piastres 5 escalins, YNIESTA, soldier, 1 piastre, GOMEZ, 1 piastre 7 escalins.

I declare for my last will that the contents of this will be followed and executed as stated, with the belief that it is true, I desired after having it read which being signed by the witnesses below and not knowing how to write I made my ordinary mark. Made at the Iberville Coast on the 7th of the month of November, 1775.

In the absence of the Civil Commandant of the said coast, Mr DUTISNE, and performing his function.

/s/Thomas ACOSTA
Nicolas (his mark)

For witnesses
De Verbois
I, the undersigned, certify that the signatures above were made by the same persons who were named, and that the said Christine MICHEL, wife of the testator, and tutrice for the minors, has promised under oath of never converting or allowing their land, property, movables, and notes which are in this house to be converted. Made at the Iberville Coast the same day, month, and year above.
/s/ Thomas de ACOSTA

French Version available upon request.


Kevin & Ann's Page  | The Nicolas Ory Family of Louisiana

Children of Nicolas Ory
  |  The Ory House  |  Francois Ory

Early Families of The Louisiana German Coast
