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Isaac had been given the covenant or birthright promise. Birthright is something given because of birth, in this world age, you do not earn it. Let us go to Isaac's sons, Jacob and Esau.

Genesis 25:29 And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he [was] faint:
Genesis 25:30 And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red [pottage]; for I [am] faint: therefore was his name called Edom.

Edom means red in Hebrew, Esau and his descendants would be marked with red. Who are the reds today.

Genesis 25:31 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright.

Jacob knew what the birthright was and how important it would be in the future for his descendants. Jacob was going to get the birthright because it was our Father's will, predestined.

Genesis 25:32 And Esau said, Behold, I [am] at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me?

Esau could not see how important the birthright was, all he could see was food. The Birthright went to the first born, Esau was born first of twins. Our Father knew Esau would not keep the birthright because he did not care about it, all Esau cared about was self.

Genesis 25:33 And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob.

Esau will not keep this deal, he will want the birthright after this.

Genesis 25:34 Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised [his] birthright.

Our Father knew Esau from the first world age, he did not care then about our Father or his Word. Esau despised his birthright or heritage this was his sin.

Genesis 35:9 And God appeared unto Jacob again, when he came out of Padanaram, and blessed him.

Our Father will bless His people and take care of them, always!

Genesis 35:10 And God said unto him, Thy name [is] Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.

Jacob will be named Israel by our Father.

Genesis 35:11 And God said unto him, I [am] God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;

Israel will become a nation and a company of nations, don't let any man tell you the Jews are all of Israel! This is prophecy of the name Israel, which will be given to Joseph's two sons, the name Israel was not given to Judah or the Jews

Genesis 35:12 And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land.

A nation and a company of nations, this would be a great nation and a commonwealth of nations. Who is the greatest nation on earth? The United States, the super power of super powers. The only commonwealth in the world was the United Kingdom. Lets go to 1Chronicles.

1Chronicles 5:1 Now the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel, (for he [was] the firstborn; but, forasmuch as he defiled his father's bed, his birthright was given unto the sons of Joseph the son of Israel: and the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright.

Joseph's sons were given the birthright which means national power.

1Chronicles 5:2 For Judah prevailed above his brethren, and of him [came] the chief ruler; but the birthright [was] Joseph's:)

Jesus The Christ is the chief ruler, but the birthright was Josephs. Friend birthright means national power, this birthright will make Joseph's sons the greatest nations on earth in the last days.

1Chronicles 16:13 O ye seed of Israel his servant, ye children of Jacob, his chosen ones.

The seed or descendants of Israel are being addressed here, the nations of Israel.

1Chronicles 16:14 He [is] the LORD our God; his judgments [are] in all the earth.

You can see it, in His creation. You can feel it, if He touches you.

1Chronicles 16:15 Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word [which] he commanded to a thousand generations;

Friend don't ever forget His Covenant, or say its not in effect today, He commanded this Covenant for 1000 generations. The nations of northwest Europe, Canada, USA, and the British Commonwealth are the only people who have fullfilled all the prophecies of the covenant. The birthright can only be fullfilled in the USA and the British Commonwealth. The Covenant has been fullfilled in the last two hundred years, now these nations are giving the covenant away to a New World Order. As these nations move farther away from their heritage, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they will move farther away form Jesus Christ. This is happening now, the nations of Israel are going into captivity to the one world system and antichrist. This is because they do not know who they are, The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.

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