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Introducing Javonte' Phillip Jackson

Birth Stats

Compare this picture to his little brother Jaziah


After having an ultrasound on Friday the 3rd at Doctors Hospital in Modesto, the doctor scheduled me for another one on December 3rd. He didn't think I would make it that far but scheduled it just in case. Low and behold, I made it. I invited my mom to that ultrasound for the first time. Phil was tired so we told him to go home and we'd see him later.
The doctor informed me that my amniotic fluid was low. It was unsafe for the baby and he recommended me for delivery. It was off to Labor and delivery. We were so happy. We called Phil and he rushed back to the hospital with all my bags in tow. We were having a baby today!
I got into my cute little room and got all ready to deliver. Within the first hour, I had an IV and was being administered Pitocin (a contraction inducing drug). After a few hours and 2 different dilation checks, nothing was happening. This was day 1. They decided to keep dripping the Pitocin throughout the night and I finally dilated to 1. We were having a baby tonight. I had eaten breakfast and thought I would eat after the ultrasound, but since we never left the hospital and they thought I would deliver soon, I was allowed only ice chips. Everyone was eating around me and I was starving. The baby and I were being monitored and I fell off to sleep with my mom on the couch next to me. Phil had went home for the night and mom was writing in my journal and videotaping.
Tuesday morning, they decided to give me a pill to put next to my cervix to help me dilate and upped the dose of pitocin. I was confined to bed for two hours while the pill went to work. About mid day they let me up to walk the halls. Contractions were coming, but I could rarely feel them. They decided to give me some dinner and a sleeping pill and start again the next morning. Finally food!!
Wednesday morning at 5am I was awakened to another pill for my cervix and some more pitocin. By mid-day I had not progressed and the doctor decided to break my water bag. Within a few hours, I had dilated to 3 and was having strong contractions. Forget going natural, it was time for an epidural. During the epidural, the needle broke and they had to redo it. It hurt a little bit, but my mom was there helping me through it. After the epidural, I was having extreme shoulder and neck pains. I dilated to about 6 by that night drifting in and out of sleep each time the shoulder and neck pains were unbearable. My mom, sister, Shereen and Phil all took turns massaging and applying warm towels.
At 3am Thursday, the doctor came in and announced that I was not progressing and would need a c-section. I was happy to just be able to get the baby out and get out of bed. Phil dressed in scrubs and everyone else was sent out while I was prepared. While in the surgery room, I was laid on a flat table in unbearable shoulder and neck pain, but no one would listen. I tried to get off the table and the next thing I remember was the doctor saying "Ms. Mayberry, you have a healthy 7lb 3oz boy". They had put me to sleep and we all missed the delivery.
I was so happy for everything to be over and have my baby. He was beautiful! In the recovery room, they brought him to me and I was so happy. Our beautiful boy was home at last!

My pregnancy page
Pictures and Updates!!

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December 2001 Playgroup
African American Families Messageboard
Angelfire HTML Library
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