: a movie that is a Father Son love story about wrestling, growing up, and letting go.

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Scholarships To Camp

This page is for anybody who is very serious about wrestling and is kind of short on cash. Follow the directions below to take a chance at getting a scholarship to Ken Chertows "Gold Medal Training Camp"
There are several ways to raise the funds to be able to come to Summer Camp. To obtain a scholarship from Ken, you will need to write a 50-80 word letter to Ken Chertow explaining your need and what you have personally done to raise the funds to attend camp. This letter should have a resume, a copy of your report card and references from your coach including your work ethic and behavior, etc. attached. You will also need to include a signed document from your coach or principal attesting to your need.
This seems like a lot of work, but remember you are asking for a scholarship. The amount of the award will depend upon what you submit.
To help you raise some additional funds you might want to consider writing a letter that you would circulate to local businesses and friends requesting a donation toward your tuition at camp. this letter should tell a little about you and why you want to come to Gold Medal Training Camp. It should also explain how you believe such an opportunity will help you in the future.
You might also consider a part-time job delivering newspapers or wahing cars at a local auto dealership. These are just some ideas to help you come up with the funds.

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