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Little Gurl Lost

I'm a little lost
Gurl inside
Struggling with so
Much pain to hide
Lifes challenges that are
So hard to face
Are too much for this
Little gurl to embrace

I turn to God to
Let my pain go
Just how much
I hurt only he knows
When I don't think
I can go another mile
God gives me hope and
Makes me feel worthwhile

Though my lifes been
Full of heartache and pain
I know someday there is
A rainbow after the rain
To keep beleiving and
To never let go
Means facing each
Hardship high and low

Shutting the doors
To my past
Praying that this
Feeling of freedom
Will always last
Knowing deep within
God has forgave me
For all my sins

Time to look to my future
That's burning so bright
This little gurl lost
Is finally ready
To spread her wings
And take flight

© Copyright 2003 Andrianna Holt
