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Lewises of Rockcastle, Clay & Butler Counties in Kentucky

(this genealogy site is not meant to be a serious source for your family research, I am not a certified genealogist. This is just a fun hobby to me)

Lewis Family Trees

Norman Ancestry
Welsh Ancestry
John Lewis Family (This is my line (Barbara Turner, St.Joseph, MO), Ansel Zane Harshbarger of Hallett, OK and Nelda Percival of Sunrise Beach, MO, Johnny Holmes of Liberty Twp., OH and Richard Cox of Auburn, KY

A History of Our Lewises

The Virginia Lewises

Colonel John Lewis

The Ball Family of England, Virginia and Kentucky related to the Lewis Family

Colonel Robert Lewis (this line includes Captain Meriwether Lewis the famous explorer)

A History of the Lewis Family of Warner Hall

Album of Rockcastle County, Kentucky Lewises

Album of Clay County, Kentucky Lewises

Album of Butler County Lewis Descendants

Album of Green County Lewis Descendants

Migration from Green & Taylor Co., Kentucky to Mason City,Illinois by Elsie Bustle Lewis

This is the Lewis family of Rockcastle and Clay Counties in Kentucky. Thomas Lewis was the father of David, James and Messenger Lewis. They all came to Kentucky from Virgina. David and James settled in Rockcastle County and Messenger settled in Clay County. Thomas Lewis fought in the French and Indian War and Messenger Lewis fought in the Revolutionary War. Edward W. Lewis was the son of Thomas Lewis and Elizabeth and he settled in Green County, Kentucky. His daughter Cynthia Ann Lewis married Liberty Robert Smith of Virginia and they settled in Butler County, Kentucky. William Snoddy Overstreet, a Barren County native (1845-1932) moved to Butler County about 1871. He was a Civil War Veteran. He married Mary Lewis Smith daughter of Cynthia Ann Lewis and Liberty Robert Smith. Granddaughter of Edward W. Lewis. Their Woodbury home provided for the superintendent of the U.S. Corps of Engineers Green River Maintenance District, is now the Green River Museum. One of Edward W. Lewises descendants Everette Smith Overstreet served in Cuba in the Spanish American War. He was the veteran of four wars, was a prominent rivermand connected with the Corps of Engineers at Woodbury. He served as Butler County Surveryor and was chairman of the Selective Service Board during World War II. His pictures and War papers are in the Butler County Album. We are related to all of the Welsh Lewises and have included them in the Family Tree. I have included the line of Nathaniel Lewis which I have not been able to connect to our Lewises. One of the descendants of this line was Dr. Robert Henderson Lewis of Wildie, Rockcastle County, Kentucky. His picture is in the Rockcastle Album. Please sign the guest book and put in any queries about Lewises you are looking for so that others might see them and help you find them. Thanks for visiting our site. Barbara Turner



A Good History of the Welsh Lewises and another branch

The Pursifull Family

Nelda Gilpin Percival's genealogy page with another line of Lewis, Cupp, Robbins, Gilpins and Bonsteins

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