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Help Rebuild the American Dream 2010 through 2022

i would like to thank you for stopping by. this site is now under construction. there will be policy information goals, and projects up coming within the newly formed Hudson Administration Clifton Hudson For President campaign.

Hudson for President
  • Heritage
  • Pride
  • Vision

Clifton Hudson For President policy agenda pages

Reform the Department of Home Land Security
Reform the United States Special Forces
Implement the United States Special Forces blackout operations
Increase build up of men, and women, and equipment for all branches of the United States military
Reform all branches of the United States military
Reform the United States CIA
Reform the United States Iraq policy
Reform the United States Immigration policy
Add 50,000 border patrol agents to protect the US Mexican border
Increase jobs and build up the United States economy
Call a summit between the US and Big Oil Companies on oil prices
Call on Congress and the Senate to work with the governors from each state named, the oil cmpanies, and Army Corp of engineers to craft environmentally safe drilling bill for Alaska. California, and Florida
Establish and Implement the 1st phase of
Reform the Department of Treasury
Reform the Department of Transportation
Reform the Department of Energy
Reform the Human Exploration and Development of Space program (N.A.S.A.)
