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Chasing The Wind ~ Lil Kitty Linkware Graphics - Denton Lund Gallery - Chasing the Wind ~


My Name Is Andrianna

I am a survivor of sexual,physical
And emotional abuse
I live behind a mask
And a fake smile
For if you look in my eyes
You can see my pain and torment
The years of running
Have took It's toll

For the cycle never ends
I hid my pain behind drugs
And nameless faces I tried to
Find comfort in their arms
I was trained to please
And was a slave to many
Knowing if I disobeyed
I would be beaten to a pulp

The fear never goes away
Though I try hard to be brave
I am still weak
Afraid to sleep of the night
Cause he will haunt my dreams
I wake up in sweat
Still feeling his hands
And hearing him taunt my name

Yet I know It's just a bad dream
For he is gone away for good
My pain will live with me forever
I will always fear men
Yet I want desperately to love

So I will hide behind this mask
And try to be brave,knowing deep
Down although I am free
I will always be a slave for love

© Copyright 2003 Andrianna Holt

If You Are Being Abused
May God Grant You
Courage To Seek Help

<bgsound src="="" loop="10"> Right Click on the icon to adjust sounds.
Song,Shes Like The Wind By Patrick Swayze