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Rating: PG
Summery: Xander's actions force Oz to admit his true feelings.
Disclaimer: all the characters belong to Joss Whedon etc.
Author's Notes: If you really like Xander's character then I suggest you don't read this.
Feedback: Kitsy


Willow stood in front of her locker taking books out and putting them in not really taking any notice of what they were. She was thinking about the same thing she had been thinking about all day Oz. He was coming over tonight and she couldn't help having the feeling that this was the night that they would, well, you know. She couln't believe this she wasn't even talking to anyone and she was blushing furiously.

Oz walked down the corridor.Then he saw her, his Willow aimlessly putting books away and taking them out. He crept up behind her and said quietly"Guess who?"

" Well the voice tells me a handsome, spiky haired, cool dressing, beautiful eyed boyfriend is behind me, am I correct?"

" No, sorry it's just me Oz."

Willow giggled and turned around to face him. She planted a gentle kiss on
his lips and he kissed back.


They were so engrossed in their kiss they didn't see Xander approach. "Excuse me wolfboy, do you think you stop making out for two secs so I can talk to Will."

Oz and Willow both returned this comment with an icy stare but Oz still said, "No problem."
" What is it Xander?" Willow said in a slightly agitated voice.

Xander pulled Willow aside and asked her quietly. "Will can I come over tonight?"

"Xander Oz is coming over tonight"

" oh, well, don't worry abot it." *bloody oz*

About this time Oz stepped in, now, he didn't particularly like Xander but this little thing would bug Willow all night so he spoke up.

" You know Will I'm not coming over till six-thirty so he could come before then."

Willow shot him a look of gratitude before turning to Xander to see if that suited him.

"Yeah, sure, whatever."

" Hey Will, I best be going so I'll see you later."

Willow turned to Oz an apologetic look on her face and kissed him goodbye.
"Okay, well, I'll see you later to."

Xander desperately tried to get an enthusiastic response out of Willow but all he got was a "Yeah."


Xander walked into Willow's house, Willow's parents were out of town and he just got the feeling that Oz was going to try something on Willow, poor, sweet, innocent little Willow. At that moment Willow walked down looking beautiful in a pale blue shirt, a flowered mini skirt and her hair neatly braided Xander couldn't help but stare.

"What are you looking at Xander?"

" oh nothing, nothing, you look good is all." Willow blushed and said thankyou.

It was then that Xander started having second thoughts about all this, should he really go through with this? His thoughts were interrupted when Willow asked him what he wanted to tell her.
Willow sat next to Xander on the couch in the den. She casually glanced at her watch, okay, five past six hope fully he will be done by twenty-five past. She sat there looking at him questionally.
*okay it is now or never xander man* " See Will here's the thing I think we should go exploring." *see not so hard*

" What? You mean like cave exploring! Xaaaander I thought this was really important."

"Willow I meant this exploring."
He lent in and kissed her, then with her trying to get him off he pulled her shirt off. All the while with Willow screaming "GET OFF!" "GET OFF!"


Oz had told Willow he would come at six-thirty bit he couldn't wait any longer. He set out at five past six for the ten minute walk to Willow's house. Just in case of an emergency he had brought a stake, cross and holy water. At about six fifteen he reached Willow's only to find the door open
and Willow screaming "GET OFF!" "GET OFF!"

Stake in hand Oz ran into the den only to find Willow in nothing but her bra and skirt and Xander on top of her with nothing but his boxes on. Willow was screaming and crying pleading with Xander. When she saw Oz she cried out for help and to get Xander off her.

Oz yanked Xander off and punched him square in the nose.Xanderwas taken a back, but only for a moment.

He yelled "I only did it so she wouldn't lose her virginity to a bastard who was just using her for sex!"

"So, what, you decided she should lose her virginity to someone who was raping her, well, that makes all the sense in the world and for your information I would never use Willow for sex ever! I love her!"

At this Willow burst into a fresh set of tears and collapsed on the floor.

"See what you've done!" Xander yelled with hatred. Then he punched Oz three times twice in the stomach and once in the face.

Willow was fuming now. She stood up and very slowly but extremely fiercely said "Xander get out of my house and don't come back."

Xander, shocked, got up and left. Willow knew she would never forgive him. Oz stood up blood dripping down his face. Willow was crying again now."I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry."

"I really didn't want to hit him but he deserved it, but I'm so sorry baby."

Willow looked at her boyfriend desperately saying sorry for saving her from Xander's rape attempts. At that moment she realised she was standing there in her bra. As if reading her thoughts Oz handed her her shirt and went on saying he was sorry. Willow pulled the shirt on and walked over to Oz she put a finger to his lips and stood ther hugging him.

She then looked up and spoke, "Oz I don't want you to be sorry, you saved me from Xander going any further, got hurt yourself, and declared that you love me."

"Will you do know I would never pressure you into anything, you know that right? and you know I would never use you."

"I know." was all she could say. She wiped the blood from his mouth and kissed him gently She smiled "oh and Oz?"


" I love you to."

(Click here for more stories by Kitsy)