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Disclaimer: All characters are Joss's and not mine, bla, bla, bla...

Author Note: Cain the werewolf hunter is back in sunnydale and is on Oz's tail.

Feedback: Sara

Cain Returns

It was a dark and stormy night. Willow and the hairy Oz were in the library. Oz's face was a wrinkled mess as Willow caught up on her Witchcraft. She was trying to find a spell to call another slayer so Faith would not have to dye. Willow and the gang had discussed it and they all wanted to get a new Slayer without having to kill Faith. They had all gotten to know her. It did not matter that she was now evil. They did not want to have to kill her.

The mayor's office.

"Faith, you need to relax."

"Dude, it's just bugging me."




"Oz, he was one of the Slayers friends. The Slayer's best friends boyfriend."


"He's a werewolf."


"I just think that with him, they are ahead of us."

"So...? What do you want me to do?"

"Kill him."

"I am not good at killing."

"Then hire somebody."

"What kinda person do you hire to kill a werewolf?"

"A werewolf hunter."

"Where are we goin' to find a werewolf hunter."

"I think I know...

* * * * *

Oz and Willow are walking down the hall of Sunnydale high.

"So, how did your search go last night?"


"At all"


"There has to be something."
Willow stopped and looked at Oz "I looked through every Witch book in Giles library last night. All I know is that if there is a way to call a new Slayer with out killing the old one, it can't be done by Witch craft"
"I thought anything can be done by Witch craft."

"Not every thing, most, but not all."


Nether of them knew what to say. They just kinda stood there in the hallway, silent. Then....
They left each other right there with out a word.
That night?
Oz was rushing through the empty hallways. He passed Faith on his way to thelibrary. He stumbled to a halt just as he ran pass her. He looked back.
"Hey Oz"


"That's the name, don't wear it out."

"But I thought? Weren't you? Huh?

"I ditched him"

"I thought that you guys and Buffy and being a Slayer was more important then world domination"
"That's what you and the mayor were planning?"

"Yeah but, common, friends are more important"


"Where were you heading so fast?"

"It a full moon tonight and the sun will be setting soon."

"Oh yeah, that's right. I total forgot."

"Well I better be going"

"I'll come with ya"

"Sure, I guess"
They entered the library together and Giles seemed really surprised to see Faith and Oz together. Willow came running over to Oz and whispered in his ear "What is she doing?"
"Pretending to be friends, but I don't trust her."

"Me nether"

Giles interrupted them.

"Oz, the sun will be setting any time now, better hurry."


Oz walked over and looked himself in the cage.
Suddenly Buffy walked out of Giles office and saw Faith there. Buffy face seemed to wrinkle up. She remembered what Faith had done to Xander and to Buffy. Seeing Faith there just pissed her off. But Buffy had to keep it inside of herself.
"Well" Giles said. "I'm most glad to see you back. Some problems have come up and I don't think Buffy can handle them her self. Another Slayer is definitely an order.
"I am glad to see I am wanted"

Buffy interrupted. "Wow, I never thought you would come back"

"Nether did I"
Suddenly the library doors were kicked open. A tall grungy man with a really big gun walked in. It was Cain, the werewolf hunter. The one that had almost killed Oz before. "Which one is he?"
"Right over there." Faith pointed to the cage where Oz was.
Giles butted in, "Um, what are you doing Mr. Cain? I thought that we told you never to came back."
"Ya, well, duty calls. I see you sure taking good care of him"
Oz backed away from the door. He was still fully dressed.
"Mr. Cain, get out of here right now or I am calling the police. This is no place for a werewolf hunter!"
"Well, I actually think it is. Seeing you've got the thing right here." Then Cain slid the gun through the bars of the cage and aimed it right at Oz's head. Oz was so surprised he could not move.
"Now," Cain said. "Hand over the keys or else you little wolf friends gets a bullet in the head."
"You would not shot him." Buffy protested, "You said your self, you hunt them for their pelts. So if you shot him now that would not get you anything!"
"Well see I was hired to kill this thing, meaning I have already got my pay, so the pelt could be a little extra, but I am not greedy"
"Willow," Buffy said, "It's your call, he is your boyfriend."
"I think it should be Oz's call." She answered.
Every one just looked at the cage to see what Oz would say. "Give him the keys."
No one hesitated and in two seconds Cain held the keys in his fist. "Now let's take this little guy home."
Cain opened the cage and out walked a very scared looking Oz. His face all pale and his eyes wide. You could see is chat moving up and down rapidly for his breathing.
Cain kept the gun to Oz's head the hole way out of the library. Faith followed him out the door.
The second Oz was out the door, Willow burst into tears.
Out side it was getting darker and the sun was setting and Cain shoved Oz into the back seat his wolf mobile. Faith and Cain sat up in the front seat.
"Well Oz, how does it fell to be at the bottom now?"
Oz did not answer her. He was filled with rage. He was no longer scared, just angry. He was also sad, because if he got killed then who would look after Willow? But he knew the answer to that question. Of course it would be Xander.
Suddenly the van started up. Oz looked out the back window of the van at the school. Soon it seemed miles away.
About five minutes later they pulled up to a cabin in the middle of the woods. Then the van came to a halt. Cain and Faith both pulled Oz out of the back of the van. Oz did not struggle much there was no point. If he got free he would only be free for about ten minutes before he changed. And once that had happened, he could easily be hunted down.
Faith and Cain dragged Oz into the cabin and from there put him in a nice cage.
"Oz, we are going to leave now, in five minutes we expect you to be a werewolf."
She turned and looked at Cain. "I am using you van to get me home, in the morning I will be back to collect the body."
"K" Cain answered.
With that they both left. Oz was sitting in the cage. He looked around to see what was there. There were some old buckets, a phone, some large rocks and a bloody knife. Suddenly he got an idea. The phone. Was it hooked up? Yes!
"OK," he said to himself, "I've got a phone that works. But whom can I call? Not the police, they would shoot me for sure, Buffy, Willow and them. That would just get me AND them killed!" Oz sat on the floor by the telephone thinking. He got an idea. Oz picked up the phone and dialed the number. An old man picked up.
"Hi, Uncle Ken, It's me, Oz. Can I um, talk to Jordy?"
"Sorry Oz, he's in the back yard getting ready for the full moon tonight. He's a werewolf ya know."
"I know, I really need to talk with him."
"I'll see if he will come, but I don't know."
The old man put his hand over the receiver. Oz could here him shouting for Jordy. There was some muffled talk then Jordy's voice.
"Oz, I can't talk right now. It's a full moon ya know."
"I know, I know."
"Make it fast."
"Jordy, I am in big trouble. See I am? like you. Remember when you bit me?"
"Oh yeah, right. So what's the problem, you not just finding out now are you? It's been almost a year!"
"I know, but see this werewolf hunter has me locked in a cage in the middle of the woods. He's gonna kill me!"
"Hang tight. I am on my way!"
Then Jordy hung up. All Oz could here was the dial tone. Slowly Oz put the phone down.
Suddenly the cabin door opened. Cain stood there. Gun locked and pointed at Oz's head.
"Yo, give me a second. I am not ready!"
Cain gave Oz a hard stair then walked out of the cabin.
Oz stripped down to nothing and then the change began. Hair was the first to come. Lot's of it. It grew all over his back and chest and palms (and other parts). Then came the claws. Ripping fears claws. Then the snout, with long vicious fangs. Oz growled as the cabin door opened once again.
Cain stepped into view. His gun still pointed towards Oz head. Oz just growled.
"That's more like it." Cain said sounding very pleased with himself. "Like I said before: now play dead!" Cain aimed for right between Oz's eyes. His finger on the trigger. Slowly, slowly, pulling it back. Then suddenly...
The cabin door crashed open and there standing in the doorway was another werewolf! In it's jaws it held an old shoe that used to belong to Oz. Oz's head snapped up at the sound of his cousin's snarl.
"Whoa!" Cain yelled.
Then Jordy dropped the shoe and pounced on Cain. Cain screamed as Jordy's jams closed on his arm. Oz sprang at the cage door, pushing it open. Then the werewolf bite that Jordy had given Cain kicked in. Cain suddenly turned wolf. Oz ran over to his side and grabbed the gun with his jaws. Using his tongue as a finger he pulled the trigger which sent a silver bullet into Cain's heart, killing him slowly and painfully.
Now that Cain was dead, the next morning Faith would pick up Cain's body think it was Oz's. So Oz and Jordy had the rest of the night off.
The next morning Willow woke up in the library cage. At first she was confused. Then Giles came in. MO< "Hello Willow."
"Why am I in Oz's cage?"
"Last night you missed Oz so much, you wanted to sleep n the place that Oz had spent sleeping."
"Oh, so I am not a werewolf?"
Willow stood up, and then she remembered the events of the past night and started crying again.
Buffy walked into the library. She ran over to Willow and comforted her.
Just then there was a knock at the library door. Giles wondered why a person would knock? He went over to the door and let the person in.
"A parcel for a Willow Rosenburg."
Willow got up and walked over and signed for the package. Then man nodded his head and quickly left. Buffy and Giles crowded around her while she opened in. It was VERY large. Like it could hold a person in it. When Willow finally got it open, she screamed.
Outside in the hall?
Oz heard the scream from the library and ran to the doors. He pushed them open just in time to see Willow scream again. Then she started to cry uncontrollably. Oz ran to her side and put his arm around her. When Giles and Buffy saw Oz there they almost screamed. Then Willow saw Oz and she screamed again.
"Why is everybody so scared of me?"
Buffy pointed into the huge crate. Their inside was a dead skinned werewolf body. Suddenly Oz started to laugh uncontrollably.
"That's not me!" He said in-between laughs. "That's Cain!"
Willow stopped crying and looked at him. "What?"
Then Willow, Giles, Buffy, Xander and Cordial, who had been in the other room, sat and listened to Oz story.

(Click here for more stories my Sara)