Friday Night Fury

**The Charlotte Arena fills up quickly as pyros go off and eHw Friday Night Fury gets started with Jim Ross and Joel Gertner positioned on the right side of the entryway. The cameras look around the jam packed arena and position themselves on the announcer’s table as Ross opens up the show.**

JR: “Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of eHw Friday Night Fury!! We are coming off the heels of one of the most talked about and controversial pay per views in eHw history and tonight will start the machine rolling towards our next pay per view, eHw Showdown. I’m Jim Ross alongside. . .”

JG: “Alongside the host of this show and the man to bring eHw back to respectability. The Quintessential Studdmuffin myself, Joel ‘Ric Flair brought a lot of women to Space Mountain around here, but now has nursing home’s around the world in fear, so now the ladies have no local wrestling legend to bang them around this seen, so now they’re coming to none other than the lean, mean, sex machine’ Gertner.”

JR: “Well that was something. Anyways folks tonight you are not only going to see three matches featuring some debuts and some superstars who were in action at Nightmare, but we are going to giving you highlight packages of the matches that took place this past Sunday do to blackouts occurring in the state of Florida due to work still being done after the state was hit by four hurricanes in three weeks towards the end of the summer.”

JG: “That entire state is a bigger mess than Paul Heyman’s wife’s vagina and when we lost the cable feed to the show, all hell broke loose in the back but tonight all of our eHw fans are going to be able to see what went down at the October pay per view event.”

JR: “But right now we are going to kick things off with a man who many felt got the wrong end of the stick at Nightmare, you’ll see why coming up later tonight. These two men were in action in the Three Way Dance for the Intercontinental Title, it’s Christian versus Chris Jericho.”

**Christian is already in the ring as the lights in the arena go dark and “King of My World” by Saliva begins playing and the crowd goes nuts. Chris Jericho appears at the head of the entryway holding both of his arms up in the air with his back turned to the ring. Jericho spins around and walks down to the ring while looking out into the crowd at all of the Y2J signs being held up. Jericho walks up the ring steps and struts across the ring apron and poses for the crowd. Jericho gets into the ring and as soon as he does he and Christian begin going at it.**

Christian and Jericho exchange punches back and forth for several seconds until Jericho knees Christian in the stomach. Jericho pushes Christian way from him, then charges at him and strikes him with a Running Enziguri! Christian goes down to the mat and as soon as he does Jericho jumps up to his feet, runs to the ropes nearest to Christian’s body, jumps up to the second rope, jumps back, and hits Christian with the Lionsault! Jericho rolls Christian over on his back and makes a cover, 1..2..NO! Jericho pulls Christian’s head up breaking up the three count. The referee yells at Jericho but as Jericho gets up to his feet he simply pushing the referee aside and starts picking Christian up to his feet. Jericho yells out to the crowd to see if they want to see him punish Christian even further to which he gets a huge reaction. Jericho picks Christian up but keeps him bent over. Jericho grabs Christian’s arms and gives him a Double Armed Powerbomb into a Backbreaker! Christian yells in pain as Jericho grabs Christian’s legs and locks him in the Walls of Jericho!! Jericho cinches in the hold as Christian immediately taps out, Chris Jericho wins! But Jericho doesn’t break the hold, he keeps the hold locked on for over half a minute after the bell has sounded and then finally lets go of the hold as several other referees get into the ring. Jericho gets up and demands a microphone. The ring announcer hands Jericho a microphone as Jericho signals for his music to stop playing.**

Y2J: “Cut the damn music cause the Iatola of Rock and Rolla has something to say! Now anyone monkey who saw Nightmare on Sunday knows that I got royally screwed out of the Intercontinental Title! I had the match won right in the middle of this ring and if it wasn’t for that fat little piggy Paul Heyman, I would have that title around my waste right now!! So I am here to put everyone in eHw on notice, everyone who is left anyways. . . Y TWO J isn’t about to let this crap stand! So I want to let Big Poppa Chump Scott Steiner know that he will be giving me a match for MY Intercontinental Title coming up in two weeks at whatever event this company is having before the pay per view and it’s gonna be a Submission Match! Then after I pick that title up, I am going for the big gun, I’m going for Al Yellow Snow and the eHw World Title. Al I know you wanted to sucker me into an Iron Man Match since you just won one of them and I have never competed in one during my illustrious career but that isn’t gonna happen. You may be the world chump, but I’m callin’ the shots. Coming up, at eHw Showdown on Sunday Night, November 28th Al Yellow Snow will defend the eHw World Title against me, in a Three Stages of Hell. . .”

**As Chris Jericho is talking he is interrupted by sirens blaring around the arena and then “Holla If You Hear Me” is heard and the eHw Intercontinental Champion Scott Steiner walks through the curtain to a sea of cheers from the crowd. Steiner flexes his huge muscles, then pulls a microphone out from the back of his tights. He signals for his music to be cut and begins speaking.**

Big Poppa Pump: “Hold it right there little man! Your ego is starting to write checks that your ass can’t cash! I have no problem giving you a rematch for my Intercontinental Title since you didn’t exactly get a fair shake at Nightmare but you have your days all mixed up. You see it is already November Twelfth and we don’t have time for a Special Event and a Pay Per View this month. Now I know you don’t wanna pick between me and Al Snow since you want us both so bad and you have proven yourself along with your stablemates so I have a little idea for you. I say that we make Showdown live up to its name and have a showdown of epic proportions here in eHw. I heard there was talk of an Iron Man Match, and anytime there is an Iron Man Match there is history made, so I say, let’s make some history. I say it’s Chris Jericho versus Scott Steiner versus Al Snow in the first ever Triple Threat Iron Man Match for both the eHw Intercontinental and eHw World Heavyweight Titles!!”

**The crowd goes absolutely crazy at Scott Steiner’s match proposal while Chris Jericho has a look of disgust on his face as he eyes down Steiner at the head of the entryway.**

Y2J: “Oh I get it, you’re a jealous jackass Steiner. You know that you aren’t the big shot in this company anymore, I am. Y Two J has taken over as the number one gun in eHw and it just drives you insane and now you are trying to steel my thunder. But you can’t scare me with that idea Steiner, you can’t drive me out of the IC and World Title scene because if anybody can rise the occasion and win an epic match like that, it’s none other than Y TWO J! You want it, you got it Big Poppa Chump! BUT, BUT I don’t think Al Yellow Snow is going to have the guts to accept it so why don’t you just go back to the locker room and pump some more iron and leave this world title match making to me.”

**As Jericho finishes his sentence “What Does Everybody Want?!” hits and Al Snow walks out through the curtain behind Steiner to the loudest applause yet. Steiner takes a few steps to the side as Snow stands at the head of the entryway with the eHw World Title belt over his shoulder. Snow has a mic in his hand and immediately begins speaking.**

Al Snow: “Jericho I don’t know what planet you have been living on. . . But I don’t back down from a challenge of any sort. Not from you, not from The Sandman, not from Steiner, not from anyone. That is why I am the Undisputed eHw World Heavyweight Champion. So if you two are both game, then consider the challenge for the Triple Threat Iron Man Match Accepted.”

**The crowd again goes nuts as Jericho kicks the ropes repeatedly. Al Snow’s music comes back on and the World Champion backs up through the curtain and shortly after Steiner leaves as well. Jericho paces back and forth in the ring then after a little while leaves to go to the back as well.**

JR: “Joel do you realized what we just witnessed?!!”

JG: “What happened I fell asleep.”

JR: “Are you kiddin’ me?”

JG: “Of course I am Ross, we just saw a challenge made and accepted for the first ever Triple Threat Iron Man Match, this is history in the making!”

JR: “Your damn right it is and it can only be seen here in extreme HARDCORE wrestling!!”

**The entire arena is buzzing over the blockbuster announcement that has just been made and as they are “If Ya Smeeellll What the Rock, Is Cooking!!!” is heard and The Rock walks through the curtain to a sea of cheers from the fans. The Rock looks around the arena and shoots the People’s Eyebrow out at a few fans getting the crowd even more riled up. The Rock makes his way down to the ring, walks up the ring steps, climbs up to the top rope, and holds his right arm up in the air. Rock is cheered as loud as anyone has all night as he gets down into the ring and his music fades. William Regale’s music hits and the eHw Deathmatch Champion makes his way down to the ring to nothing but boos from the crowd. Regal gets into the ring and gives a snooty wave out into the crowd again receiving nothing but boos. His music fades and the referee calls for the bell as the match begins.**

Rock and Regal circle around each other for a few seconds, then lock up with Regal then turning the grapple into a side headlock. Regal wrenches in the headlock but after a few seconds Rock counters it but picking Regal up and dropping him in a belly to back suplex. Rock shoots up to his feet and waits for Regal to get up to his. Regal gets up to his feet favoring his back and when he turns to face Rock, Rock picks Regal up and gives him a spine buster. Rock gets up immediately and walks around so he is standing over Regal’s head. Rock slowly takes his elbow pad off of his right elbow and throws it into the crowd. Rock runs off the ropes, skips over Regal’s body and bounces off the opposite ropes, stops in front of Regal and hits him with the People’s Elbow! Rock makes the cover, 1..2…No! Regal kicks out to the surprise of The Rock. Rock gets up to his feet and crouches down waiting for Regal to get back up. Regal very very slowly gets up to his feet and when he does he is on rubber legs. Regal walks over towards Rock and when he does Rock springs up, grabs Regal, and gives him the Rock Bottom!! Rock makes the cover, 1…2…3! The Rock wins!

JR: “The Rock picks up a win against the Deathmatch Champion in his first match since returning to eHw, and I am glad to see him here.”

JG: “The Rock once held both the Intercontinental and Television titles at the same time. He has been around the block in eHw and now that he is decided to put his movie career on hold and return to the ring, it is nice to see him back in eHw.”

JR: “Great to see The Rock back in an eHw ring but someone who may not be returning to an eHw ring is The Sandman.”

JG: “Should we add him to the list?”

JR: “I don’t know about that Joel, he isn’t tucking his tale between his legs and quitting like a scolded dog, but he has suffered some injuries stemming from before Nightmare, which were obviously worsened in the Electrified Barbed Wire Match. The Sandman resting at his home in Florida and will be there for at least another week. There have been rumors spreading that The Sandman would be retiring tonight well we can say that that is just a rumor for tonight. The Sandman’s future is in doubt here in eHw so we can confirm that next week here on Fury The Sandman will be in house to answer these concerns personally.”

JG: “The Sandman isn’t the type to jump ship when eHw’s cards are down but the injuries have been piling on him for some time now and I just don’t know if his body will be able to take it.”

JR: “Well we’ll all find out next week on Fury. Right now it is going to be time for our main event match before we take you to the tape of eHw NIGHTMARE. We are going to see the Intercontinental Champion Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner, who early tonight dropped a bombshell on the world of wrestling by challenging Chris Jericho and Al Snow to a Triple Threat Iron Man Match at eHw Showdown on November Twenty Eighth. The challenge was accepted by both Jericho and Snow and the match is on with both the eHw IC and World Titles on the line.”

JG: “That is going to be something Ross but tonight Steiner has to get by Stone Cold Steve Austin. We saw a music video package eluding to his return to eHw a couple of weeks ago and tonight will be the night we get to see him in action.”

**Glass shattering is heard and “Oh Hell Yeah” by Disturbed begins playing as Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way down to the ring some cheers and some boos from the crowd. Austin gets into the ring, goes to second rope of each corner, and holds up both of his arms getting cheers and boos from the crowd each time he does so. Austin’s music fades and when it does the lights in the arena begin flickering on and off as “Holla If You Hear Me” is heard for the second time tonight and for the second time Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner walks through the curtain to nothing but cheers from the crowd. Steiner makes his way down to the ring, stops halfway, flexes his right bicep, and kisses the peak of the muscle. Steiner makes walks up the ring steps and gets into the ring. Steiner walks over to the far right corner of the ring, climbs up to the middle ropes, and flexes his huge muscles. Steiner gets down as the lights in the arena come back on, his music fades, and the bell is rung signaling the start of the match.**

Austin and Steiner lock up in the middle of the ring, Steiner turns the grapple into a Spinning Side Belly to Belly Suplex. Steiner gets up to his feet and yells out into the crowd getting even more cheers out of them. Steiner picks Austin up to his feet and picks him up in a gorilla press. Steiner pumps Austin up and down a few times then drops him behind him. Steiner turns around and elbow drops Austin, then rolls over and does push-ups to the crowd’s liking. Steiner quickly gets up to his feet and again yells and points out into the crowd as a “STEINER! STEINER!! STEINER!!” chant starts echoing throughout the arena. Austin slowly gets up to his feet but Steiner pulls him up the rest of the way and gives him a Flatliner! Steiner rolls over and gets up to his feet, then stands over Austin who is laying on his stomach, pulls up his upper body, and locks him in the Steiner Recliner!! Austin yells in pain for several seconds before he finally submits! Scott Steiner wins!

**Scott Steiner lets go of the hold and refuses to let the referee raise his arm up in victory. Steiner calls for a microphone and the ring announcer tosses one right into Steiner’s hand.**

Big Poppa Pump: “This one goes out to all of my FREAKS in Charlotte! Big Poppa Pump is your hook up! HOLLA IF YOU. . .”

**Before Steiner can finish speaking he is nailed from behind with a chair shot to the back of his neck from Chris Jericho! Jericho, Paul London, and Billy Kidman all slid into the ring behind Steiner’s back and all now go on the attack and stomp Steiner while he is down. Jericho puts Steiner in the Walls of Jericho as Billy Kidman climbs up to the top rope. Kidman gets up to the top, leaps, and hits a Shooting Star Press on Steiner while he is locked in the Walls of Jericho. Jericho lets go of the hold while London and Kidman both continue to stomp on him. Jericho picks up the mic and walks over to the near side of the ring.

Y2J: “Now this one goes out to all of my Jerichoholics here in this hick town of Charlotte. The King of Bling Bling is your hook up! Yell out Y TWO J if you hear me!!”

**”King of My World” by Saliva begins playing as Jericho, London, and Kidman pose above Steiner’s beaten body and eHw Friday Night Fury goes off the air.**

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