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The Big Adventure -- Kathmandu & You

Sights from My Fourth Day


Bhagawan and Pramila took me to Pashupati after work today. It is one of the holiest temples in all of Hinduism. Being a foreigner, I couldn't pass as a Hindu to gain access into the main temple, but I could enjoy all the sights along the Bagmati River: temples, carved gods, bodies being cremated and the ashes dumped into the river, holy men and mourners bathing in the river, etc.

Not only are cows sacred in Hinduism, monkeys are as well since there is a monkey god. They hang out in the forest surrounding Pashupati and tend to be extremely camera shy. They will let you come very close until you point a camera at them, and then they are scurrying off to hide.

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Last updated 4/26/04 by Edward Elsner. 100% original content.