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Site of the Century?

Q. Aren’t we just a little bit conceited?
A.Not really. I think that whoever publishes anything over the web does so because he or she has something to say. We're talking about the 21st century so we have at least one hundred years to get it right.

What is your webite about?
It’s about following facts to their logical conclusion. We spent fifteen years trying to dig up evidence to prove that Lyndon Johnson did not have any foreknowledge about the John F. Kennedy assassination, and when we discovered that it wasn't true, we let the chips fall -and that's the ugly truth.

And what is the ugly truth?
It’s just fallible human beings doing their darndest to cover their tails. That's not to say that we enjoy embarrassing people, but if the facts lead to embarrassing conclusions, is there really a choice?

So you want to restrict choices?
Everything sounds like a contradiction. Actually, we have two or three choices. We can either continue to cover up, we can expose the ugly truth or we can bury our heads in the sand. We’re not talking about wasting time investigating pure, personal, sexual piffle.

And what are you doing?
We're looking for a creative way to promote our favorite links. You know, the Internet is very addictive, one link leads to another, and unless you find a neat way to organize your favorite websites, it can get pretty messy. And that explains the orderly presentation below. I hope you like it. So don't forget to bookmark this site, so you can explore everything at your leisure. When was the last time you went crazy trying to locate a site that you neglected to bookmark?

The Consortium

Judgment Day

This Song

Michael Isikoff

The Beatles

Monica Lewinsky

Marylin Monroe

Let's Play Hardball
