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Writing Links

Hello and welcome to my first writer's links page. I will be adding MANY more links, and offering more description of each link later. In the meantime, enjoy your visit, and bookmark this site so you won't have to fill up your favorites with the individual links listed here.

Christian Writing Links (more to be added later)

Write To Inspire
Writer's Helper
I Love To Write
CWG - Christian Writers' Group
Louisville Christian Writers - Home Page
Kentucky Christian Writers' Conference - Home Page
Back to My Home Page

Other Writing Links (May have Christian material but are not specifically dedicated to Christian writers.)
Robin’s Nest For Writers
Rose Dog for Writers
Writer’s Weekly

Writers' Research & Marketing Links (Christian and Not-Necessarily Christian)

Sally Stuart's Site (Sally writes compiles the annual Christian Writers' Market Guide) with Marketing, Research and other Info
Writer's Digest Site (Great site, great magazine, and a great book club that offers free S & H - shipping and handling - when you pay with your order.)
What's In A Name – Fun With Names (Great to use when trying to think of character names.)

Well, that's it for now, but I've got a lot of them saved up. I'll try to get them available to readers as soon as possible.

And speaking of readers. Here's how many have visited this links page since February 21st, 2004 ...