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Revelation Study Pages Eden To Eden Read Revelation for Christians Today Ordering Information Law of Knowledge of Good and Evil Revelation Graphics Benton Church of Christ Home Page

Eden To Eden is a study of the church by using Old Testament parallels and patters. It begins with the Garden of Eden and shows how that physical garden parallels the church, which is the Christian's spiritual Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve enjoyed a close relationship with God as they walked with him in the garden. When they disobeyed God, that close relationship with God was broken and they were cast from the garden. Man then needed a Savior in order to once again restore that close relationship with God. Jesus was the answer, and through his blood we can once again walk and talk with God. The items and events of the people in Old Testament times were physical patterns of events that take place during the Christian dispensation. By studying these parallels, much can be learned about the church that Christ established.

A good example of this type of study is the tabernacle built by Moses in the wilderness. It was a pattern of the church that was built by Jesus. Heb 8:1-2 states,

"Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man."

Physical Tabernacle Spiritual Tabernacle

By studying the design of the physical tabernacle of Moses, much can be learned about the spiritual tabernacle of Christ.

There are many other such parallel in the Old Testament that teach us much about the church. By studying these parallels, a much better understanding of the church can be gained.

Chapters in Eden To Eden

What Others say about Eden To Eden

The Purpose of Prophecy
Prophecies in Revelation
Types and Patterns
The Garden of Eden
Tree of Life
Water of Life
Nation of Israel
Physical Israel / Spiritual Church
Bondage in Egypt
Crossing the Red Sea
Song of Salvation
Bitter Waters of Marah
Water from a Rock
Mount Siani
Feasts of Israel
Kingdom of Israel
Gathering into the Church
Covenant of Peace
No Tears
The Church
"No material more clearly clarifies the church in God's eternal purpose than this book. It is thorough, biblical, unique and very readable."

Kenneth Hoover
Southwest Church of Christ
Phoenix, Arizona

"I was fascinated by Lonnie's study of the book of Revelation, and I am equally fascinated by his study of the church in Eden To Eden. In both books, Lonnie breaks with many of the traditional interpretations of the text and gives his readers the benefit of his years of study."

John Dale
Glendale Church of Christ
Murray, Kentucky

Revelation Study Pages Eden To Eden Read Revelation for Christians Today Ordering Information Law of Knowledge of Good and Evil Revelation Graphics Benton Church of Christ Home Page