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Road Block, Just Checking...

Please Read This!

Before I go any further, I must stress that the following content is not one of those 'I love my mother schools - you should send your sons/daughters there' propaganda. If you feel you would like to read that, then I suggest you better go and make an appointment with the principal of whatever the school is and discontinue your web browsing.

And remember, Thomas Jefferson once said "The liberty of speaking and writing guards our other liberties." Please refer to if you have any queries regarding to what I am about to say.

So, are you ready?

Yep, here I come!


Nah, I'll talk to the principal instead...

So you're ready huh? I'll give a brief introduction then.
My school life all started off something like in a place called Hong Kong. The first place where I received formal education was at Victoria Nursery. Since there is Victoria Nursery, there (logically) has to be Victoria Kindergarten, so from there, I was moved from Nursery to Kindergarten at the age of three or four (can't remember well, sorry) and received more formal education. Unfortunately my mind does not allow me to take me that far back in time, I have to start from my primary school life... which starts off here.

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