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The Crossroads

Welcome to my Crossroad page. This page will be the linking page between all my other assorted goodie pages. Which hopefully means I'll get my ass in gear and start...oh I dunno...UPDATING? ;) Who knows, we all have hopes in life, huh?

Okay, you might be wondering who I am. The name's Candledark. (Yes, that's the ONLY name yer yankin' outta me.) Welp, if ya's wants ta know more, click Mr. Bios link: More than you ever wanted to know about me.

This page came to life when I was searching Goth sites. I started thinking, "YE GODS! What the hell is the world coming too!?" So here is my little corner of Rant World.
RANT WORLD 2! IT CONTINUES! ARG! This is on a WHOLE NEW TOPIC! I'm hoping the banners I've put up will be self explanitory, but if you got a question....BY ALL MEANS! INFORM MY EMAIL!!!

WEEEEE! Okay...This is where you can come read about my FAVORITE AUTHOR IN THE WHOLE WORLD! This is my oldest and mostly worked on web-page. It's updated everytime I get a new LKH book and anytime I feel the need to edit. Please go here! Anita Blake Wership!

Now THIS is where the fun begins. These next two pages were created when I made my Role Playing characters for a chat room! Go ahead and read about em, they're fun! El Presidente Dangerous Lovecraft and her friend Bloody Mary!

If you'd like to read some poetry or a fanfic, click here! The Written Word. And please don't not click it just because it was written by me. :*(

Here is my best bud's page. (One of them at least.) She's the one in the pic on my bio's pagina! ^-^ Enjoy! Gothica

HEE! Here's something NEW! Lady Kai's Wrestling fan fiction page! Her stories are erotic, so no one under 18, please! You have been warned!

This link goes to a section of the universe called Syn City. *begins flight attendant voice* Please enjoy your stay!Syn City

NEW! My newest page, a WWF fan page. PLEASE go visit it? PWEASE???? Features Undertaker, Kane, Edge, Christian and Gangrel. ^-^ And life was good.


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