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A man walks into a store and tells the clerk that he would like to buy half a watermelon. The clerk asks, "You'd like to buy half a watermelon?" When the gentleman confirms this, the clerk tells him that she'll have to check with the manager.
The clerk approaches the manager and says, "There's some jerk up front who wants to buy half a watermelon," without realizing that the gentleman had followed her to the back of the store. As she turns and sees the man, she says to the manager, "And this nice gentleman would like to buy the other half!"
The next day, the manager tells the clerk that he was impressed with the way she handled the situation and that he would like to make her the manager of one of his stores in Gainesville, Florida. The clerk says, "Gainesville! No one lives there except football players and prostitutes!" The manager replies, "Young lady, I'll have you know that my mother lives in Gainesville."
So the clerk says, "Oh, really? What position does she play?"