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Hey guys. So, I guess your here to learn more about the Backstreet Boys huh? Well of course you are, I cant think of anything better to do. Thats why I made my page about these five, totally fine, men. I hope you like my page. I'll try to update as much as possible, but in the meantime, enjoy >:)

Iv updated my page again! There is a quiz, a chat room, a cd store, and a few other things scattered about. I seem to be having problems getting people to come to my page. PLEASE, if you have a page, link me. E-mail me and i will link you too. Tell your friends about my page! I hope you like all the new stuff. If you have any more ideas for me, let me know! Please click on the link below and check out this way to earn money. See ya >:)

Shout! Earn money and Get hits
Shout! Sponsor your site and earn up to 15 cents per click!

Want cd's? My cd store has ANY cd you want(including BSB). It also has merchandise. Click here for more information!
My CD Store

Check out this new teen e-zine. Its really cool.
Version X Online

My quiz is finished!!! Click here to take it...

Wanna talk to other BSB freaks??? Visit my chat room!!!
Chat Now

!*NEW*!If you like appearances, go here to get The Backstreet Boys on Oprah!!!
Get Them On The Oprah Show

Got stuff you wanna get rid of? Or something that you want? Look at the trade book maybe someone has what you want.
My trading book

Look at the Web rings? If you have a BSB page you can join a few.

BSB Pictures!!!

Here are my surveys. I'll try my best to keep them updated and have a different one every week. But I'll need people to vote on it before I change it.
Vote For Your Favorite BSB
Vote For Who You Think Has The Best Body
Vote For Your Favorite BSB Song

Every week I pick out 1 picture of each BSB and 1 of the whole group that I like the best, and I post it here. So take a look!
Picture of the week

See what other people have to say about different topics, and leave some messages on the message board.

My Message Board

Learn more about the Boys. Read their Bio.

This is an article from the August issue of Teen People magazine. Its pretty cool, and it took me a while to type. So, why dont you read it.
Read the latest BSB news article in Teen People magazine.

This is the latest news on the Boys. I'll try to keep it updated. It would help if you e-mailed me any news that you have heard. thanx...
Latest News

See where the guys are right now on their tour.

Go visit some other BSB sights. If you want your BSB page on my link page, just let me know.

This is where people who have met the Boys tell their story.
Fantasy Dreams Come True (meeting the Boys)

If you have a poem or a story about the Boys write it to me. These are a few that have already been sent in.
100% Backstreet Boys

Click here to read transcripts from BSB chat sessions

Here are some pointless facts on the BSB. Some of them are pretty funny
Weird pointless things about the BSB

My First Award!!!

(thanx jenell)

Another cool Award!!!

(thanx jello)

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The Ring Master

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