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.:Breakfast With Friends & The Big Surprise!:.

The next morning I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed. It was a warm summer morning and the sun shared it's light as it poured in through my window. I looked down at the floor and saw Nikki still asleep. I yawned and stretched my arms. I look at the clock and it read 10:06am. I slowly peeled the sheet away from my body. I planted my feet on the ground and stood up. I yawned again and made my way down stairs. I heard mom talking to who I thought was dad. I looked up and to my surprise I saw Ike, Tay, and Zac. I rubbed my eyes then said,

"Ok. I'm still dreaming." Mom laughed and said,

"No honey. You're not dreaming. I invited the boys over for breakfast."

"Cool." I said, "How come you always catch me at a bad time? I'm always in my pj's!" Everyone laughed then I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. I turned around to find out that it was Nikki, "Hey! You're finally up!"

"Um.. ya. Sorta." She said.

"Hi!" Zac said.

"Hi Zac! I finally get to meet you in person! Hi Tay and Ike!" She said as she waved.

"Hanson are eating breakfast with us!" I exclaimed.

"COOL!" Nikki replied.

"Ok! Pancakes with REAL maple syrup for the boys. What do you want?" My mom asked Nikki and me as she served Ike, Tay, and Zac their breakfast.

"Um.. I want chocolate chip pancakes with REAL maple syrup too!" I said.

"Ya! I'll have the same." Nikki replied.

"CHOCOLATE CHIP?" Hanson asked at the same time.

"Ya! They're really good!" I exclaimed, "Do you wanna try them?"

"I'll take your word or it!" Zac replied.

"OK, but you don't know what you're missing!" I yelled back.

"Ya and I'm glad I'm missing it!" Screamed Zac.

"OK!!" Tay yelled, "Can't we all just eat in peace?"

"NOOO!!" Zac and I said at the same time then started laughing.

"Ok kiddies! Calm down!" My mom said. We ate breakfast then talked for a bit. Nikki was really quiet through the whole conversation.

"Hey!" Zac squealed. I jumped and said,


"How about we go to the beach today?!? It's a great day to. It's hot!" Zac squealed again.

"Cool! I want to go!" I yelled. Everyone agreed to go to the beach. We would leave right after breakfast. Then we started talking about embarrassing times in our life and of course my inncodent came up. I was I the middle of telling it when the phone rang.


"Hello?" I answered.

"It's me Diana. May I speak to Ike for a minute?" She asked.

"Sure!" I replied, "Here Ike it's your MOMMY!" Ike rolled his eyes then took the phone.

"Hello mom!" He said happily. Ike and his mother talked for about three minutes then Ike dropped the phone right on his pancakes and syrup. He just sat there. In nowhere's land.

"Ike! Ike, what's wrong?!?!" Tay asked shaking Ike. Ike just sat there staring straight ahead not even blinking an eye. I picked up the sticky phone and began to talk to Diana. After I hung up I started screaming,


"WHAT?!?" Zac asked.

"Your mom is gonna have another baby!" I screamed. The room broke out with cheers of happiness. Ike snapped out of his trance then cheered along with us. It was the happiest day of my life (except for when I met Hanson! he he he)!

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