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Merry Meet Friends! I just wanted everyone to know that I am back on-line. Hopefully I will get some work done on my page soon.

I can now be reached at
Blessed Be!

I hope you enjoy your stay here! Relax, take your time, and browse through my Roost!
I started this page to share some of my favorite things with others, but it's turned into a lot more than that for me!
If you love Owls, Romantic Poetry, Fantasy Art, Earth-Based Spirituality, or just like to Explore - you're in the right place!!

Please sign my Dreambook before you leave and let me know you were here! :-)

New Love, New Life

She, who so long has lain
Stone-stiff with folded wings,
Within my heart again
The brown bird wakes and sings.

Brown nightingale, whose strain
Is heard by day, by night,
She sings of joy and pain,
Of sorrow and delight.

'Tis true - in other days
Have I unbarred the door;
He knows the walks and ways -
Love has been here before.

Love blest and love accurst
Was here in long days past;
This time is not the first,
But this time is the last.

- Amy Levi

Read my Dreambook
Sign my Dreambook

To the best of my knowledge, everything on this site is Public Domain. If you see something here that is copyrighted, E-mail me and I will gladly give credit or remove it.

My Awards :-)

Explore the Roost

Back to Entrance

Info About Owl

Fantasy Art

Poetry Corner

Owl Songs

Owl's Links

Owl's Webrings
