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A Little About Me

My name is Erin, and I'm a 31 (Geez- I'm getting old!) yr old female from the Twin Cities, MN. I just want to say that it's entirely too damn cold up here and I have to wonder why people even settled here in the first place! I guess last winter (my first) spoiled me a little! I'm 5'2", blue eyes, auburn hair, and a ruddy Irish complexion (goes with the name!).
I work for a large Radiology firm and I am SO much happier since I got out of nursing!

For those of you who knew us both- Knight-Dragon and I separated in Sept '99 when I moved up to MN. Hopefully the divorce will be final sometime this summer (Finally! Man- I am going to have one Hell of a celebration party!). If any of you females are thinking about dating him- E-mail me first!!! What you see is not necessarily what you get! And for those who already are dating him- best of luck to ya.

I am usually known as OwlStorm and I am a former chat addict. The room I hung out in kind of 'went away' and I haven't found a new home yet, so you might see me around! I am usually at Talkcity. If any of you used to chat in SciFi/Fan-let me know where the old gang hangs out now!

I love owls (obviously! lol!) - The owl is my Power Animal - 2 of my tattoos are owls (I have 5 now). If you have any good owl gifs or pics - please send them to me!

I also love reading fantasy and sci-fi, good art, stupid comedies (Jabberwocky, Yellowbeard, Flesh Gordon, anything Monty Python, etc.), Renaissance Festivals, History (I belong to a local Scottish living history group called Clann Tartan- we re-enact 17th century Scotland. I love corsets!), Science Fiction conventions (Watch for the Space Pirate Alliance at Marscon and Convergence this year!), and all outdoor activities.

I like all kinds of music - from Celtic and Bagpipes to Alternative to Jimi Hendrix - My current favs are Third Eye Blind (Their concert last year ROCKED!), Dido and No Doubt ("I always thought I'd be a mom..."). I also LOVE to sing karaoke, although I'm not very good at it!! So you may run into me some Saturday at the Mexican place up the road...

I am a Wiccan, with mostly Celtic, Native American, and eclectic influences.
And NO - Wiccans are NOT "Devil-Worshippers"!
We don't kill babies or put "curses" on people. We don't make your cows give sour milk, we don't cause your kids to be born cross-eyed, we don't fly (except on planes), and we don't have "intimate relations" with "Satan".

Wicca is a peaceful, nature-based religion. One of our main beliefs is "Do what thou will, an harm none!" - that means it's against our belief system to hurt others or ourselves in any way!

We believe in mutual respect for others and other beliefs, and we are not so conceited that we think our belief is the "Only Right and True way" like some other religions. Can't we all just get along?

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