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Views From Inside the Museum Building

This Indian arrowhead collection was presented to the Smith County Historial Society in 2002. They were collected by Dan Moorman and his family. The photo above illustrates some of the pottery found in Smith County.

The Moorman family lived in Smith Center in the 1930's-40's. Dan was employed by the Kansas Power Company.

The arrowheads were collected near the area of "The Home on the Range", in central Smith County, north of Athol, Kansas.

Some were found on the Herndon farm southwest of Lebanon, Kansas. A large number were collected at the mouth of the three Beaver Creeks in Center and Lane townships. Dan's grandchildren inherited the collection and chose to donate it to the Smith County Historical Society where they are now displayed.

At the five O'clock position two arrowheads are located close together. The upright arrowhead at this position was collected by John Moorman on September 8, 1940 and the one pointing down was found on February 9, 1941, by D. A. Moorman.

This Eastman Kodak 620 camera was purchased in Paris, France in 1944 by Radio Operator Earl Riggs and Flight Engineer Albert E. Rotman, members of the 449th bomb squadron of the 322nd bomb group. This camera accompanied them on many missions, taking pictures of bomb strikes, planes in formation and pictures of planes and personnel.

This piece of blanket was woven by Adeline Brown Thompson, grandmother of Edith Rose.

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