A Murderer’s Daughter

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Chapter Twenty-Five: The Panic

Harry awoke, stretching out his sore muscles. He rubbed his neck and briefly wondered why he was sitting up. The previous evening came back to him and he couldn’t help but smile at the memory. He opened his eyes, expecting to be greeted by the sight of Buffy’s sleeping face, but he found himself alone in the corner of the Gryffindor Common Room.

He stood quickly, brushing himself off, rousing himself from his still sleepy state. He rubbed sleep from his eyes and wondered why Buffy hadn’t woken him. Tiredly, he made his way up to the boys’ dormitories either to see if Ron was awake or to join the others in sleep. Ron was just waking up as he arrived.

“Hey Harry. You only getting in now?” Ron asked.

Harry nodded, trying not to disturb the others who were still slumbering.

Ron rolled over and stretched. He slipped out of bed and threw on a pair of jeans and his newest jumper from his mother, maroon again with the letter R in yellow.

“Reckon Hermione’ll be awake?” Ron asked.

Harry checked his watch, surprised to see that it was ten thirty in the morning.

“Knowing ‘Mione, I think she’ll be up.”

Ron nodded and slipped on a pair of shoes. “You coming down? I’m starving.”

Harry nodded, still slightly worried about Buffy not being there when he’d awoken that morning. He followed Ron down to the Great Hall, Ron’s hunger apparently contagious as Harry’s stomach growled with hunger.

Hermione was indeed awake and already at the table. She looked incredibly tired though, one elbow on the table holding her head up. She mustered up a tired but still enthusiastic smile at Harry and Ron.

“Morning you two,” she greeted.

“Morning,” they replied, seating themselves opposite the girl.

Hermione’s hair was still in ringlets around her face, though she had cleared her skin of any make-up from the evening before. Even though Ron was still tired, he didn’t think he’d seen her looking more beautiful.

“Is Buffy still in bed?” Harry asked.

Hermione looked at him strangely. “She didn’t come back to the dormitory,” Hermione said. “Her bed wasn’t slept in.”

Harry was really beginning to panic now. Before he had a chance to voice the panic though, another voice asked the same question he’d been asking all morning.

“Where’s Summers?” Draco Malfoy asked.

The trio groaned and turned to look at the boy. He wasn’t sneering which was unusual for him. In fact, if Harry hadn’t known better, he would have said that Draco actually looked worried.

“She’ll show up,” Ron stated confidently. “I swear that girl eats more than I do.”

“Harry…you look really worried,” Hermione commented. She turned to look at Draco and found their expressions to be remarkably similar. “For that matter, so does Malfoy.”

Harry cast his mind back to the night before. He cast it further back to during the day. The attack! Voldemort had attacked them. They’d disapparated back into Hogwarts even though that was apparently meant to be impossible. But…why would Buffy be missing? What would Voldemort want with Buffy Summers?

“Maybe she’s just with Professor Giles,” Draco suggested.

The three Gryffindors looked at Draco as though he’d suddenly grown an extra head. Draco didn’t even notice. He was too busy scanning the Professors table. Giles was seated up there, chatting happily with Madam Pince, the librarian.

Draco frowned and turned back to the trio of Gryffindors, momentarily forgetting that he really didn’t like any of them.

“I’m going to ask him if he’s seen her.”

He walked towards the table, leaving Harry, Ron and Hermione wondering what on earth was going on.

“Did he seem genuinely worried about Buffy, or was that just my imagination?” Hermione asked.

“That wasn’t your imagination Hermione,” Ron replied. “He was worried.”

“Why would Malfoy be worried about Buffy?” Hermione asked.

The dance that Buffy and Draco had shared the evening before was still fresh in Harry’s mind, even through the haze of worry that had settled as well. Perhaps there was more to Draco Malfoy than Harry knew.

“I don’t know, but look,” Harry said, pointing to where Draco and Giles were talking. “Professor Giles is worried.”

Giles turned to Dumbledore and whispered something to the Headmaster. Dumbledore stood, his eyes searching the room frantically. Harry, Ron and Hermione all watched in confusion.

“No one ever gets this worried if any other student is missing,” Ron commented.

“Will Buffy Summers please report to the Great Hall immediately!” Dumbledore had magically magnified his voice to spread to every section of the castle. It was loud enough to wake even the heaviest of sleepers and would have travelled to the edges of the school, including the Forest and the Quidditch pitch.

There was a burst of noise in the Great Hall. No student had ever been summoned like that before. Ten minutes passed and still Buffy hadn’t entered the room. Draco was beginning to fidget quite badly up at the head table. Giles didn’t look as though he was faring any better. Giles stood and said something to Draco. Draco nodded absently and walked back to the Gryffindor table.

“Come on,” he said, walking past them, pointing towards the back of the hall.

Harry, Ron and Hermione shared looks, shrugged and stood up to head towards the entrance hall of the school. Professors Giles and Dumbledore met them there.

“Has anyone seen her this morning?” Giles asked.

“No sir,” Harry replied for them all. “One minute we were asleep in the Common Room, and the next thing, I wake up and she’s gone.”

Giles chose to ignore the ‘waking up’ portion of Harry’s diatribe, though Draco couldn’t help but feel the sharp sting of disappointment that ran through him.

Giles looked to Draco. “Have any of your housemates received any owls that looked to be similar to your own letter?”

Draco shook his head. “I’ve been keeping an eye on every owl that any Slytherin has received. Nothing came through.”

Giles cursed under his breath and looked to Dumbledore. “Any ideas Albus?”

Dumbledore stroked his beard for a moment and turned his attention to Harry.

“You and Miss Summers were with the group that went to Hogsmeade yesterday, were you not?” Dumbledore asked.

Harry’s eyes lit up, just remembering what had happened the day before.

“We were attacked!” Harry exclaimed.

All eyes shot to Harry.

“And you didn’t tell us?” Ron asked, sounding offended at being left out.

“We forgot. What with the ball, and…well, we were just kinda happy to get out of there alive. Voldemort would have killed us if Buffy hadn’t-” he stopped short.

Everyone was looking at him expectantly.

“If Buffy hadn’t what?” Giles prompted the boy.

Harry swallowed hard and turned to face Buffy’s guardian.

“If Buffy hadn’t dissapparated us out of there.”

The group went silent. Giles and Dumbledore exchanged worried glances.

“She can dissapparate?” Hermione asked. “That’s incredibly advanced magic. Where did you two end up?”

“In the Gryffindor Common Room,” Harry replied.

Again Dumbledore and Giles looked worried, though this time, their concern was even greater.


“I know,” Harry said, cutting Hermione off. “You can’t dissapparate into or out of Hogwarts. I remember.”

“Dear lord,” Giles breathed. “She’s more powerful than any of us realised.”

“No offence Professor Giles, but wondering about her power isn’t helping. We have to find her,” Draco said, sounding downright panicked.

Giles snapped out of his musings and looked at Draco, nodding his agreement. “Quite right. She’s not in the castle. She would have been quick to come to the Hall.”

“What is going on?” Harry asked frantically. “What would Voldemort want with Buffy?”

Giles regarded the distraught boy. He was well aware of what was happening between Buffy and Harry, and whilst he knew Harry was a nice enough boy, he had always worried that the issue of Buffy’s father would tear them apart. To have to tell him this now without Buffy present wasn’t how he’d planned on letting Harry know.

Dumbledore stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on Harry’s shoulder.

“He wants Miss Summers for a very simple reason, Harry,” Dumbledore said. “She is his only blood kin.”

And in that second, Harry felt his entire world spin.

“You think it wise to bring his child to Hogwarts?”

Child, not son. Hermione and Ron caught on to that fact as well.

“It was never a boy we were after,” Hermione whispered.

Ron looked as though he were about to faint from shock. He’d been friends with Voldemort’s daughter without even knowing it. He’d flirted with her and teased her and checked out her arse on more occasions than he could count, and she was related to the most horrible wizard in the world.

“Buffy is Voldemort’s daughter?” Harry asked, feeling sick to the stomach.

Why hadn’t she told him? She’d lied to him for months on end. Had it been some sick joke? Had she been trying to get him to feel for her and then hand him to Voldemort on a silver platter?

Giles nodded. Harry, even in the nausea that threatened to topple him over, noticed that Draco wasn’t looking overly shocked by this revelation.

“You knew,” Harry said.

Draco nodded.

Ron’s eyes flashed angrily. “That’s why the two of you were so chummy! You’re the go-between for Buffy and You-Know-Who!”

“That is enough!” Giles yelled angrily, placing himself between Ron and Draco, who looked as though he was about to belt Ron if he didn’t shut up.

“Mr Malfoy is nothing of the sort, and I can assure you that Buffy is not conspiring with Voldemort. Mr Malfoy put himself at very real risk to keep Buffy safe, so I think you owe him an apology,” Giles said.

Ron swallowed hard, feeling incredibly chastised. He really needed to learn to control his temper, especially around Malfoy.

“Sorry Malfoy.”

Draco nodded, knowing that he shouldn’t have taken too much offence at Ron’s words. Had it not been for the first conversation in the library over Buffy’s pants, Draco may well have done the things that Ron had suggested.

Draco turned his attention to Giles.

“How are we going to get her back?” Draco asked. “She was worried this might happen.”

Hermione’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “So, she did know then? About being You-Know-Who’s daughter?”

“Of course she knew,” Draco replied.

“But…why would she be worried?” Ron asked. “If she really is You-Know-Who’s daughter, wouldn’t she be wanting to be back with her father?”

Harry however could get his mind around the fact that Draco Malfoy had known that Buffy Summers was Voldemort’s daughter. Harry wanted to know why Draco had known when he hadn’t.

“How did you know about Buffy?” Harry asked curiously, looking towards Draco.

Draco rolled his eyes, wondering why they were wasting their time on such trivialities as how he knew.

“Because You-Know-Who asked me to tell him the name of the newest Slytherin student my age. He said that that girl was his daughter,” Draco said. “And, seeing as there was only one new student at Hogwarts in our year, it wasn’t that hard to work out. Honestly, I don’t know how you people didn’t work it out.”

“We assumed that he had a son,” Ron replied, trying to defend himself and his friends and failing miserably.

“Look, who cares how I know,” Draco said impatiently. “The important thing is that Buffy is missing, and unless we start getting some ideas soon, we’re not gonna find her.”

Chapter Twenty-Six: The Daughter

Feedback is greatly appreciated!!

By Kattie

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