A Murderer’s Daughter

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Chapter Twenty-Six: The Daughter

Buffy awoke slowly, her eyelids heavy. She hadn’t ever felt this tired before. It was strange. Her skin was tingling, and that’s when it clicked. She wasn’t tired merely because of simple exhaustion. She was tired because someone had made her tired. Someone had placed her under a spell.

She stilled her movements and listened carefully, trying to place where she was and why someone would have put her under a spell of some sort.

She could feel the magic that was surrounding the room that she was in. It was familiar magic, a barrier. A strong one. She somehow knew that it was stronger even than the barrier at Hogwarts that prevented people from apparting and disapparting. She knew though that the spell was only concentrated on the room she was in. She could feel that this room was the focus of the curse. It would be hard to break through the barrier and she knew it would take more energy than she had. The sleeping spell hadn’t worn off completely, and her mind was still groggy.

She was in a bed with comfortable silken sheets covering the large soft mattress, pillows surrounding her. There was very little light in the room, and Buffy could tell that there was someone in the room with her. She forced herself to regulate her breathing so as not to draw attention to the fact that she was awake.

The door to the room opened and Buffy could hear at least two other people enter the room.

“Has she wakened?” a cold, deep and dark voice asked.

“No, my lord,” replied a quieter voice that was filled with fear.

“The spell should have worn off by now,” the first voice said angrily. “She should be awake.”

“Perhaps she is pretending, my lord,” suggested a third voice. It was silky smooth, cunning and precise. There was no fear, and Buffy could detect a fair amount of contempt hidden beneath it all.

Buffy just kept her eyes shut, forcing herself to stay still even as someone bent over her and touched a strand of her hair, gently tucking it behind her ear.

“She is beautiful,” whispered the cold voice, surprisingly filled with emotion. “Do you not agree Lucius?”

Buffy held back a gasp. Lucius. That was Draco’s father’s name. Lucius Malfoy.

“She is, my lord,” Malfoy replied. It was he that the smooth and silky voice belonged to.

Buffy knew without a doubt that the hand that was touching her cheek belonged to her father. Voldemort. Buffy didn’t know what good stalling was doing, but it was the only plan that she had at the moment. She wasn’t about to tell them that she was awake. She didn’t know, nor did she want to know what the had in store for her once she awoke.

“My little Elizabeth,” Voldemort said, stroking Buffy’s cheek. Buffy forced herself not to flinch away from him. It took nearly all of her will power to stay perfectly still.

Voldemort straightened suddenly, removing his hand from Buffy’s cheek.

“We’ll return in half an hour. If she awakens, send word immediately,” he ordered. “I have a gift to give her, and I wish for her to receive it soon.”

“Yes my lord,” replied the man with the cowering voice. The door opened and closed again and Buffy knew that she was alone with the cowardly man.

Buffy lay still until she knew that the man had taken a seat beside the bed. It was very disconcerting being stared at intently. Buffy took a deep breath and took a chance, moaning in her sleep and rolling over. She forced herself to keep her breathing regulated. She rubbed her feet together, annoyed to feel that her boots had been taken. She could feel that her wand was gone, but otherwise they’d left her in her grey pants and white long-sleeved top.

Buffy swore under her breath. She had been hoping that they wouldn’t have found her wand. She dared to open her eyes and took in the half of the room that was in sight. She was in a large double bed in the middle of an extravagantly beautiful room. Her eyes widened. There, on the bedside table, was her wand.

She was too far away from it to fake a stretch and grab it without being overly conspicuous. She curled herself into a ball and shifted herself closer to the edge of the bed. With any luck, the cowardly man just thought she was a restless sleeper.

An idea clicked over in her mind, using the idea of being a restless sleeper. She groaned, as though in the middle of a nightmare and shifted again closer to the beds edge. She freed her arms from beneath the covers and thrashed a little, hoping that she wasn’t a completely horrible actress.

Her hand hit the bedside table with a clump, and she pulled her hand back towards her, the wand in her grips. She spirited it into the sleeve of her shirt quickly, a skill that she had learnt over her years in Sunnydale when she’d needed to hide her weapons from passers-by. She brought her arms back under the covers, almost not believing that she actually had her wand back in her grips.

She wracked her mind for a spell that could knock out the man who was watching her. She rolled her eyes when she remembered the curse that would do just that.

In a quick move, she rolled off the bed and pointed her wand at the short and stocky man who was now out of his seat, staring at her with wide and frightened eyes.


The man was knocked backwards and fell flat on his back, the stunning spell hitting him accurately. Buffy saw her chance and took it, shoving her feet into the boots that had been beside the bed and then racing for the door. Locked.

“Bloody hell.”

She didn’t take the time to realise that Ron was beginning to rub off on her. Instead, she aimed her wand once more.


Still locked.

She looked around the room frantically, searching for another exit. There wasn’t even a window in the room. She was trapped in there.

The door opened and Voldemort stepped through, followed by a group of five others. Buffy stepped back, feeling incredibly intimidated by the dark figure that loomed over her. She’d seen him in Hogsmeade village only a few days ago, but seeing him now once more was incredibly frightening. She immediately tucked her wand back into the sleeve of her shirt, not wanting to have it taken away from her again.

Buffy breathed in deeply and forced herself to draw up to her full height, meeting the figure where she imagined his eyes to be.

“Welcome home Elizabeth,” Voldemort said quietly.

She glared at him, but didn’t feel quite confident enough to snap back with a sarcastic retort.

“My apologies for not being here when you awoke,” he continued. “I had…other matters to attend to. A gift for you.”

“I think you’ve done more than enough for me, thank you,” she spat out bitterly.

Voldemort chuckled, a truly frightening sound. He stepped forward and Buffy found herself backing up until her back hit a wall.

“Foolish child. You have no idea what I can do for you. How powerful you can become once you’re at your rightful place beside me.”

“I will never stand beside you,” she said forcefully.

“Tut tut Elizabeth. You hide your fear behind words,” he said.

“I’m not afraid of you.”

Voldemort turned to his companions. “Leave us.”

Four of the five men who had come in turned and left, dragging the still stunned man with them. One remained, but Buffy didn’t even notice.

“I have a gift for you Elizabeth,” Voldemort said. “To show my fondness for you.”

“You don’t know the meaning of the word,” she replied.

Buffy swore she heard the man growl. He took another step forward until she could actually make out his face under the black hood. He was old, older than she’d ever imagined him to be. His eyes were dark black, his hair the same colour, though it was beginning to thin. His cheeks were pale, paler even than the vampires that she used to fight.

“Trust me child, I know the difference between love and hate. I do not hate you.”

“Well maybe I hate you,” Buffy said.

He backhanded her across the face, sending her stumbling a little. She regained her footing and glared at him.

“Hate is such a strong word,” Voldemort said.

“Yeah, well it applies.”

“You do not even know me,” he protested.

“I know enough.”

He pulled back from her, and regarded her curiously.

“Hmmm…you’re a feisty little spitfire of a thing. One of my loyal servants told me as much. He also told me the thing you wanted most in this world. And…to prove to you how much I care for you, I have provided the one thing that would give you that happiness,” Voldemort said.

Buffy swallowed nervously, searching through her mind for clues as to what the hell he was talking about.

He bowed slightly to her. “I’ll leave you two to get reacquainted.”

Buffy’s eyes were finally drawn to the other man who was standing in the room with them. She gasped, her eyes going wide. Voldemort smiled and took a step back, watching as his daughter’s gift stepped forward.

Buffy couldn’t take her eyes from the man as he stepped forward a smirk on his face.

“Hello lover.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Gift

Feedback is greatly appreciated!!

By Kattie

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