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Your Presence Will Make Our Joy Complete

We've finally been able to reschedule our wedding!

We met by chance but were destined to spend eternity together.  To grow and learn.  To share and experience all things, not alone anymore but side by side, hand in hand.  Forever joined, making two lives one in the sight of God, our families and our closest friends.  We now invite you to share in our joyous day when we will be wed.  Forever.

-Denesa M. Furlow 

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Andrew James O'Hanlon and Denesa Michelle Furlow will be wed Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 2 O'clock in the afternoon.  The wedding will be performed at Central Christian Church of Wichita, KS.  The reception will immediately follow at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Wichita.  There will be a buffet dinner and dance at the Hyatt.  Rooms are available for Saturday night.     

As we are sure you have been informed by now, Denesa’s mother Debbie is battling cancer. A mass was found on the pancreas and Debbie was taken into surgery on July 17, 2002. The mass was determined to be cancerous but well contained. The surgery was a success. Her thoracic surgeon requested a chest x-ray prior to her discharge from the hospital. To everyone’s horror another large mass was found in the right lung. This mass was deemed surgically inoperable. She has been undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy for nine weeks. On a recent follow up chest x-ray the mass had not only shrunk considerably but it is now showing marked signs of transparency. Her oncologist now thinks that a surgery to remove the mass will not even be necessary. We are not “out of the woods” yet but things are definitely looking up! This has been a true blessing. We would like to express our gratitude for everyone’s patience and understanding during this trying time. You’re continued prayers and encouragement letters and cards to Debbie are greatly appreciated.      

Andy & Denesa's Wedding Page | Central Christian Church | Registry | Pictures | Pictures 2 | Pictures 3 | Directions & Hotel/Reception Info Information

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