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  Kevin's Exciting life of well nothing


News / Updates
For Fun
Photo Gallery
Alittle about me


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Welcome everyone to the exciting life of mine.

You may find content in which you may not like or may not want to know.  So have fun browsing and enjoy...

For Fun

Movie of The Week

You can find entertaining stories and ways to get  easily distracted from that busy college life here.   

bulletAddicting Games

The BoonDock Saints

If you love intense graphic movies about the mob this one is for you.  Two brothers who become local heroes couldn't do more damage to the Russian mob killing for what they believe is right in society.  

Photo Album

Under Construction

The Good Ol' College Life...
Sorry to everyone but this site is currently in the process of being built slowly.  Please feel free though to send me stories, pictures, or well anything that is on your mind through the feedback page, Thanks. 


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This site was last updated 04/14/04