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Click for Dodge City, Kansas Forecast

Ford County Fire & E.M.S.

WE ARE FINALLY IN A NEW HOME!!! Click the station to see it!

Ford County Fire and EMS operates out of 8 stations in Southwestern Kansas, with the main station (station 1) being in Dodge City.

At Station 1 we provide the City of Dodge City with an ambulance service (we operate 4 ambulances here in Dodge City) we also provide fire protection in the surrounding 1100 square miles of Ford County with the help of 7 volunteer stations. We also provide light and heavy rescue & extrication.

    we have stations in the following towns,
  1. Dodge City; Fire, EMS, and Rescue
  2. Ford; Fire and Rescue
  3. Kingsdown; Fire
  4. Bucklin; Fire, EMS, and Rescue
  5. Spearville; Fire and EMS
  6. Howell; Fire
  7. Bloom; Fire
  8. Wright; Fire

    Click the FireTruck to see some of our trucks!

    We have a new Rescue Truck click here to see it!! ,

    We have a new Fire Truck click here to see it!! ,

    We received a new ambulance click here to see it!! ,

    Medic 41 on the left and Medic 1 on the right.

    Here is a few snapshots of the new "Red Twins"

    Bucklin received a new ambulance click here to see it!! ,

    Click the firefighter to see action pictures!

    We are led into action by Deputy Chief Russ Smith.


    Kansas State Firefighters Association
    Firehouse Magazine

    email the STATION

    email the webmaster

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Ford County Fire & E.M.S..

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