Mark at "Tuesday Concert," Lawrence, Kansas, 2006 with Larry Carter on accordion.
Photo by Amanda Sellers

Singer/songwriter Mark Gottschall has recently moved back to Austin. His easy performing style, rich voice, and warm guitar playing have a Latin flavor as he blends original songs (in English and Spanish) with influences from singer/songwriters such as Patty Griffin and Richard Shindell.

Mark's first solo CD, House of Hope, was released in 1999. He has performed and recorded music in more than a dozen countries throughout the world, including recording an album in Spain that hit the European charts.

E-mail Mark Gottschall at Mark "at" MarkMarkMark.Net
(But put "@" for "at" - right? Write!)

Bio: Mark Gottschall

Mark & Geno gettin' funky

Mark recorded on an album in 1970s that has been re-released in Europe.
Read the story in this feature article from the University Daily Kansan, Lawrence, KS

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