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Katie1-Emerging Hormones

Katie2-"Things change, Dawson.  Evolve."

Katie3-"You did it again.  You grabed my ass."

Katie4-"I love your hair color.  What number is that?"

Katie5-"You got mail, lots of it."

Katie6-"I don't think I'm getting a thang for you."

Katie7-"I cannot and will not kiss that cretin."

Katie8-"I'm not suggesting leather straps and crisco.  Just a kiss."

Katie9-"I'm not above witnessing your hormonal suicide.  Count me in."

Katie10-"These movies aren't real. 
They're not kissing with their tongues. It's take 22, 
the girl's bored, the guy's gay. 
It's celluloid propoganda."

Katie11-Katie and Pacey's snails

(Real Player) Katie singing "On My Own"

Katie12-"Oh thank you satan, for completing this night of horrors by sending one of your 
disciples to finish me off."

Katie13-"For a second there I was overcome with this wave of sympathy for you, it'll pass."  

Katie14-"You have a low IQ."

Katie15-"What the hell was that for?"


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Note: You need to download Real Player if you want to view the ones that say Real Player and you need Quick Time Movie Player to view the ones that say Quick Time if you don't already have them.

 (Quick Time) The Ice Storm Trailer

 (Quick Time) Disturbing Behavor Trailer

 (Quick Time) Go Trailer

 (Quick Time) Katie Acting in Go