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This is the archive of midis and wavs of earthbound. To download them, click on the link. if it just plays the selection, then right-click on the link and select "Save Target As".

bus the bus music.

fourside Fourside music.

hospital Hospital music.

hotel hotel music.

intro mother The intro music for Mother, otherwise called Earthbound Zero.

onett Onett music.

saturn valley the Saturn Valley music.

snow wood SnowWood boarding house music.

store the store music.

threed Threed music.

twoson Twoson music.

winters Winters music.

bike bell the bike bell sound.

camera click the camera click sound.

crash the skyrunner crash sound.

ness wins the sound when Ness wins in a battle in Smash Brothers.

new character the sound when a new character joins the group.

phone the phone ring.

shield the sound when you use a shield.

skyrunner the skyrunner bleep.

static Giygas' static sound.

surprise the sound when the store monster takes Paula.

title the opening title music.

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