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Damage Inc. HQ

Battletech is a registered trademark of the FASA corporation. Original Battletech material copyrighted by FASA corporation. All rights reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA corporation copyrighted material or trademarks in these pages should be viewed as free advertising. Enjoy the game!

Page Last Updated: 5 OCT 2001
You are visiting warrior number: since 1 JAN 99

This is the headquarters of the BattleTech™ mercenary unit Damage Inc. The unit started as a rogue lance born out of the ashes of the Davion merc unit, Lindon's company (in our game they were destroyed). Damage Incorporated now consists of a reinforced battalion of BattleMechs and just as many player characters.

Damage Inc Unit LogoThe 'Headless Atlas' Patch worn by those who have actually killed an Atlas

"Kill the meat... Save the metal!"
- Damage Inc. Battle Cry

Leave your random brain droppings for others to rifle through. New 'Mech design been kickin' butt? Got an adventure idea? A house rule your group uses? Check out the message board below...

Sign In on the Duty Roster
Guestbook by GuestWorld
Read the Duty Roster


  Mechwarrior ExamMechWarrior Final Exam: how well do you know the rules.
  Battle HistoryBattle History: of the most infamous merc unit in the Innersphere.
  Battle RosterBattle Roster: of all of the players in our unit over the years.
  BattleMech DesignsBattleMech Designs: of the most infamous merc unit in the Innersphere.
  Japanese Battlemech PicsJapanese Battlemech Pics: that replace the pics from 3025.
  Exam ScoresExam Scores: of all of the people who have taken the MechWarrior Final exam above.
  Damage Inc Links pageDamage Inc Links page: our favorite places to be apart from here.
  Download COOL software on this pageSoftware Download page: the GM Database and more! Updated: 24 DEC 99


  VIBRO-HATCHETVIBRO-HATCHET The Ultimate Battlemech Physical Weapon!
  GOLD-SHIELDGOLD-SHIELD The ultimate Battlemech beam weapon force field!
  ARTHURIAN SHIELDSARTHURIAN SHIELDS The hand-held defensive gear of the middle-ages!
  CLAWSCLAWS Battlemech Physical Weapon of Too-Close-For-Comfort!
  MACEMACE Our rule for this Battlemech Physical Weapon.

  OTHER WEAPONSOTHER WEAPONS Our unique mutations of Battlemech Weapons.


!!! Now available FREE OFFER !!!
click here to download
  Gamemaster Database™ ver 4.53Gamemaster Database™ ver 4.53
   for Battletech,Mechwarrior, and Battlespace
It includes:

For those of you who need MechWarrior 3rd Edition stuff, here is a Microsoft Excel™ character sheet -
3rd Edition Character Sheet

If you have any comments/improvements just E-mail me at:

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