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HERE IT IS - The BattleTech GameMaster's Database

Read the instructions and then just download it! It's that simple! I apologize for the size (almost 2meg), but I can't make it any smaller, so please bear with me.

Make a directory on your drive - C:\BTDB41 {This HAS to be the name of dir}

Download the .ZIP file to it and expand it there.

You can double-click on the 'BTM.COM' file in the directory OR put a shortcut to it on your desktop.

Launch the program and you will be asked to personalize your copy of the program. Fill in the blocks in the box with your real name or game name, what ever you want, (it only does this the first time). It also asked for a password. This is to keep those pesky players from messing about in your database. GM's can't be too careful. REMEMBER WHAT YOU PUT IN FOR A PASSWORD!!.

You cannot get into the program until you go to the 'Security' option and enter the password.

The wrong password will let you look but not print.

All instructions and help are on the screen and under the 'F1' key inside the program... Simple!


Click here to download - GM Database 4.53

I update the main BTMENU41.EXE and the FIX41.EXE from time to time and you should download these two as well to get the latest upgrade:
Just the .EXE's

The Databases get updated from time to time as well.
If you need them here are the instructions:

Create a TEMP directory under the BTDB41 directory.

Move all of the .DBF and .DBT files into the TEMP directory.

Then, just unzip the following file into your BTDB41 directory.

RUN FIX41.EXE BEFORE you run the program... it will ask you which of your old databases you would like to update [Characters and 'Mechs are always a good idea, as well as any ships or vehicles you may have created.]


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