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WelComE To AsTroVixEn'S dOmaIn...!

bOo!! dId i ScaRe yA? aHhh, yoU PusSY... naH, j/K. aNywAyS, tHiS is mY hoMePagE, aNd I wANt yoU To eNjoY YouR VisiT, aWwWWw, aRen'T i A sWeEtIE? hEhe, YEp! SoooO, i wAnt yOu tO TelL mE whAt yOu aRe ThiNkinG... ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Before you start to explore my page i think it would be best if i told you a secret. But Shhhh, don't tell anyone.... This page is constantly being added to, or changed, so i think it would be best if you pressed the 'reload' or 'refresh' or whatever the hell you have button before you continue, half the time you probably don't see the things you should be seeing, like new links, etc... just wanted to tell you, thats all...! I also want you to know that if you wish to comment on this homepage, which is my first attempt no doubt, then do so freely, either through my E-Mail, or my guestbook. Oh yeah, by the way, please sign my guest book... please! (see what you made me do? you reduced me to a poorly beggar!) Shame on you! Shame! Shame! Shame!
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nOw HerE arE SomE ReAlly jUicIn' LinKs yOU miGht WanNa ChecK oUt!!

Ben's Merc's
Joshies Page
Scavettie's Chapter
Jacki's Hole
Scott's World
Trent's Page
Jeff's page

Piccies Page
Test your intellect... *fun!*
Ridiculous and Rude Pics...
A dedication to my Friends!

Love... (this is sooo tooty!)
The cutest Anime character... Astroboy!!
Mystical Smoking Head of Bob
Spanky's World
