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To Counterfeit the Second Coming of Christ & the Restoration of All Things




  N.B. Each topic is titled with a familiar Bible term. The parenthesis ( ) which follows identifies either the actual or a counterfeit fulfillment of prophecy through the agency of the secret societies. Please see Introduction for protocols of this prophecy study.


A. Price/Supply Standardization (Global Central Bank)
B. Merchants of the Earth (World Commerce/European Economic Community)
C. Economic Crisis (Redistribution of Wealth)
A. Buying & Selling  (Barter & Exchange System)
B. Gold  (Confiscation)
C. Servitude (Socialism)






God's Plan

Pre-Flood Era   Old Testament  

Church Age (Last Days)


Great Tribulation


New Heavens & New Earth

Satan's Counterfeit

Pre-Flood Era Old Testament

Church Age


Great Tribulation

Golden Age

New Heavens & New Earth


The Millennium: When Jesus Christ rules the nations He will supply all material provisions for mankind.


Old Testament Period: Solomon provided wheat, barley, oil and wine for the builders of the Temple.

Church Age: The secret societies are gaining control of the world's goods.

Tribulation Period: There will be strictly enforced standardization of the world's goods, services and prices.

Great Tribulation: The Antichrist will control people and the outflow of goods by requiring the Mark of the Beast for buying and selling. Through total global control, the occult societies are seeking to preempt the reign of Christ.




Yea, the Lord will answer and say unto his people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith.- Joel 2:19




And Solomon sent to Huram the king of Tyre, saying... And, behold, I will give to thy servants, the hewers that cut timber, twenty thousand measures of beaten wheat, and twenty thousand measures of barley, and twenty thousand baths of wine, and twenty thousand baths of oil... Now therefore the wheat, and the barley, the oil, and the wine, which my lord hath spoken of, let him send unto his servants... - II Chron. 2:3,10,15


Planned scale of related values - public utilities, material resources, iron, steel, oil, wheat. - 1:580

"On November 1, 1968, the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, issued 'Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 4 (FIPS PUB 4). It specified the use of six-digit dates for all information exchange among federal agencies. This standard became effective January 1, 1970 and so through the years, the generations of computing systems, and the bureaucracy of government, the six-digit date not only has survived but has been enshrined..." - 228

"There would be a central bank which decided the value or price ... in terms of labor and quality of all goods produced. This value would probably be described in terms of letters and numbers, the letters representing the quality of work in material and the numbers representing the hours of work entailed." - 2:45-49 (8:85-86)

"Next steps for a New International Economic Order... Helping to develop an international Common Fund for commodity price and supply regulation." - 3:57

"...[I]nternational firms which conform to the new global 'quality standards' laid down by the ISO [International Organization for Standardization] in Geneva, are actually certified...under an accreditation system known as ISO-9000... ISO is planning an ISO-14000 to drag the world's corporations into rigid lockstep behind its arbitrarily-concocted environmental standards. A spokesman at the United Nations library in New York confirmed... that ISO was formed in 1947 'to follow up the work of the UN Standards Coordination Committee'. He added that it has, 'very close working relationships with and consultative status with UN organizations like the International Labor Organization and the Economic and Social Council.'   The ISO is financed by sales of its publications and the dues paid by national standards bodies in 78 countries." - 4:28

“Amsel Rothschild has been reported to have said, ‘Give me control of the economics of a country; and I care not who makes her laws.” – 77:150

“International bankers make money by extending credit to governments. The greater the debt of the political state, the larger the interest returned to the lenders. The national banks of Europe are actually owned and controlled by private interests. These same private interests can be demonstrated to own and control the Federal Reserve System.”- 482:77

“During the late 1800s, Rothschilds began to finance various American industrialists as well. They would do so primarily through the Warburgs of Germany who were partners of Kuhn, Loeb and Company of New York. In this fashion, Rothschild/Masonic interests would gain a foothold in the administration of this country’s finances. Both the Warburgs and Kuhn Loeb would later become principal stockholders in the Federal Reserve—with Paul Warburg becoming the first chairman of the Federal Reserve Board.” – 88:14

“The question remains to be answered whether the Rothschilds were secret financiers behind the Illuminati, the consequent French Revolution, and the Jacobin incursion of Citizen Genet into the United States. Certainly the Rothschilds’ influence upon industrial America was profound. Working through the Wall Street firms Kuhn, Loeb and Co. and J.P. Morgan Co., the Rothschilds financed John D. Rockefeller so that he could create the Standard Oil empire. They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (railroads) and Andrew Carnegie (steel).” – 86:136

“It soon became apparent that Kennedy, unlike his predecessors, was not content to be manipulated by the Eastern Establishment…

“Kennedy revealed his animosity toward business titans in the spring of 1962 when he forced the major U.S. steel companies to rescind price increases. An agreement not to raise prices in exchange for labor concessions had been suddenly reversed after wage increases had been put on hold. Angered by this betrayal, Kennedy ordered his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, to launch a price-fixing investigation, threatened the cancellation of steel contracts by the Defense Department and told the American public that the action by steel was unjustifiable and irresponsible. The steel companies, led by United States Steel, backed down.

“…It should be noted that board members of U.S. Steel, long controlled by Morgan interests, included many members of the CFR and other powerful institutions….

“In June of 1963 Kennedy took the ultimate step against the Fed by authorizing the issuance of more than $4 billion in ‘United States Notes’ through the U.S. Treasury, not the Federal Reserve. ‘Kennedy apparently reasoned that by returning to the Constitution, which states that only Congress shall coin and regulate money, the soaring national debt could be reduced by not paying interest to the bankers of the Federal Reserve System, who print paper money then loan it to the government at interest,” noted one conspiracy author….

“Another key player was Averill Harriman, a CFR man whose connections to secret society manipulation stretch back to World War I and the founding of Soviet Communism...

“’The axis of [Henry Cabot] Lodge [CFR] and Harriman [CFR] was too strong for President Kennedy to thwart or overcome…’

“...Gunfire in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, ended [Kennedy’s] presidency.” - 482:128-130

“So the American people, who had suffered through the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the battles between Andrew Jackson and the Second Bank of the United States, the Civil War, the previous panics of 1873 and 1893, and now the Panic of 1907, were finally conditioned to the point of accepting the solution offered by those who had caused all these events: the international bankers. That solution was a central bank,’ wrote [Ralph] Epperson.

“Under pressure from constituents, Congress passed the Aldrich-Vreeland Act of 1908 which authorized national banks to issue emergency currency called ‘script’ and created the National Monetary Commission—chaired by Senator Aldrich—to recommend ways of stabilizing the U.S. monetary system.

“From the start, it was obvious that the Commission was a sham,’ wrote author Griffin. ‘The so-called fact-finding body held no official meetings for almost two years while Aldrich toured Europe consulting with the top central bankers of England, France and Germany. Three-hundred thousand tax dollars were spent on these junkets, and the only tangible product of the Commission’s work was 38 massive volumes of the history of European banking.’ These volumes focused on the German Reichsbank whose principal stockholders were the Rothschilds and Warburg’s family firm, M.M. Warburg Company.” - 482:70-1


“A great deal of big bank maneuvering and deception surrounded the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. The original proposal calling for a central bank operated by private interests was presented by Senator Nelson Aldrich (the maternal grandfather of today’s Rockefeller brothers) under the Aldrich Bill. Congress, however, seeing through the hidden motives of those sponsoring the bill and aware of the unconstitutionality of such a system, voted the bill down with strong backing from the small bank lobby. A short time later, however, the same bill with only a few minor modifications was reintroduced under a different name and passed as the Federal Reserve Act (officially, the Owen-Glass Act).

“Those who had led the congressional opposition to the Aldrich Bill felt that the battle had been won and were guilty of letting their guard down. Many of these individuals had already left for the Christmas holidays when the bill was reintroduced and rammed through Congress on 23 December 1913.

“Because of the way in which the Federal Reserve System was designed by its founders, whoever controls the Federal Reserve Bank of New York essentially controls the system. For all practical purposes the Federal Reserve Bank of New York ‘is’ the Federal Reserve. Currently, more than ninety of the one hundred largest banks in the United States are located within this district.” - 88:13-14

“The FED has been an effective tool of the Illuminati and the Rothschilds, creating crisis such as the Great Depression (which J.P. Morgan, Jr was very involved in creating). Apparently (according to Congressman Louis McFadden), the Depression helped consolidate financial power over the U.S., putting it in the hands of the Rothschild banking alliance between J.P. Morgan’s First National Bank group and Schiff’s Kuhn, Loeb-run National City Bank.” -77:195

"...Concerning the four-part World Bank/IMF plan...about a year ago, I received a good thousand pages of documents from inside the World Bank and the IMF, the International Monetary Fund, based out of Washington. These are the two organizations which work in coordination with the WTO, World Trade Organization, and they are in control of the world movement of capital. They are, in effect, the central bank and the, kind of a Treasury Dept. for the planet. And, of course, they work very closely with banks out of New York... And it has for each nation an economic program...and they have specific demands on each country. ... And one nation after another is required to sell-off their water systems, electric systems to foreign operators. It requires the sale of the banks to foreign operators, allowing, changing rules to allow the banks to remove the capital from nations.

"...[The IMF 4-part plan] admits though that they want to destabilize countries so they can’t pay back the debt.

"...what they say is well if there’s a little instability, which is masked by what they call resolve, meaning troops in the street. Then they'll be no visible dissent to our program to what they would call rationalize the economy, which is to turn them over. But like in the case of Argentina, the water systems were turned over to Enron Corporation and Vivendi Corporation of France. And Enron took the Buenos Aires water system and the assets disappeared... Then Enron implodes and the United States taxpayer is now on the hook for the cost in Argentina. Did you know that our government treasury is now going to have to pay for the costs of repairing the Argentine system that Enron wrecked. know they took off with millions, if not billions of dollars..." - 650

“By the 1820s, the Rothschilds had become the dominant banking family of Europe, controlling the fastest growing banking houses in France, England, Austria, Italy, and Germany. Operations in these countries were overseen by the five Rothschild brothers, each of whom controlled a different country. Those bankers who allied themselves with the Rothschilds and the Masonic Order became wealthy in their own right. Those who didn’t would find the going rough.” - 88:14

“At its zenith from the 1820s until the 1860s, this group had five distinct establishments. In addition to Nathan’s London, there was the original firm of M.A. Rothschild & Sons in Frankfurt…, which his eldest brother Amschel took over when their father Mayer Amschel died; the Rothschild Freres in Paris, founded by his youngest brother James; and two subsidiaries of the Frankfurt house, C.M. von Rothschild in Naples, run by the fourth of the brothers, Karl, and S.M. von Rothschild in Vienna, managed by the second born, Salomon. Up until the 1860s, the five houses worked together so closely that it is impossible to discuss the history of one without discussing the history of all five: they were, to all intents and purposes, the component parts of a multinational bank.” – 624:3

“Mr. R.E. McMaster, the publisher of a financial newsletter called ‘The Reaper,’ was able to determine who the Fed’s principal owners were through his Swiss and Saudi Arabian contacts. According to McMaster, the top eight stockholders are Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris; Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy; Warburg Bank of Paris; Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy; Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; Lehman Brothers Bank of New York; Chase Manhattan Bank of New York; and Goldman, Sachs Bank of New York. These interests own the Federal Reserve System through approximately three hundred stockholders, all of whom are known to each other and are sometimes related to one another.” - 88:13


“Early in the 19th century the Pope came to the Rothschild’s to borrow money. The Rothschilds were very friendly with the Pope, causing one journalist to sarcastically say ‘Rothschild has kissed the hand of the Pope... Order has been reestablished.’ The Rothschild's in fact over time were entrusted with the bulk of the Vatican's wealth.  The Jewish Ency., vol. 2, p. 497 states, ‘It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are guardians of the papal treasure.’ Researcher Eustace Mullins writes that the Rothschilds took over all the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church in 1823.  Today the large banking and financial business of the Catholic Church is an extensive system interlocked with the Rothschilds and the rest of the International Banking system.” - 77:154

“Rothschild influence spread worldwide. Rothschild influence over Japan’s dominant banking house of Nomura came through the friendship of Edmund Rothschild with Tsunao Okumura, the man most responsible for creating that financial giant.” - 482:82

“Baron Edmond de Rothschild, who built the first pipeline from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean to bring Iranian oil to Israel and founded the Israel General Bank, was called ‘the father of modern Israel.’” - 482:83

“Amshel, as an eldest son, had become chief executive officer of Rothschild Asset Management in 1990 and ascended to the chairmanship in 1993… According to journalist Sally Bedell Smith, the Rothschild firm had suffered about $9 million in losses in the year preceding Amshel’s death. This came at a time when Evelyn Rothschild had just concluded a joint venture with the second largest bank in China. In an effort to absorb this loss, Amshel planned to consolidate the family’s far-flung operations into one $28 billion global concern.”482:81

“The ‘Rhodes secret society’ was a group of imperial federalists, formed in the period after 1889 and using the economic resources of South Africa to extend and perpetuate the British Empire...

“In each of his seven wills, Rhodes entrusted his bequest to a group of men to carry out his purpose…. In the second will (1882), the sole trustee was his friend N.E. Pickering. In the third will (1888), Pickering having died, the sole trustee was Lord Rothschild…

“The secret society, after so much preliminary talk, took form in 1891, the same year in which Rhodes drew up his fourth will and made Stead as well as Rothschild the trustee of his fortune. It is perfectly clear from the evidence that he expected Rothschild to handles the financial investments associated with the trust, while Stead was to have full charge of the methods by which the funds were used.” – 538:4,34,37-8   


"In studying Latin America's debt, CIAP (which Nelson would rename the Western Hemispheric Development Committee) would discover credit problems early so that rescheduling negotiations could begin to stretch out payments. This strategy effectively would put a public inter-American agency in charge of monitoring and insuring debt payments to private banks--like Chase [Manhattan], a leader in loans to Latin America... After the official release of the Rockefeller Report in October 1969, nationalists' floodgates that had held back American investment in the Amazon opened wide. General Emilio Garrastazu Medici, the generals' hand-picked successor to Costa e Silva, welcomed U.S. investment to Brazil in his first statement as president." - 21:648



...a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand... A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. - Rev.6:5-6

"Working through the Wall Street firms Kuhn, Loeb and Co. and J.P. Morgan Co., the Rothschilds financed John D. Rockefeller so that he could create the Standard Oil empire." – 86:136


As 1995, U.S. members of the CFR, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission represented: Petro United Terminals Inc. (2), Huffco Oil (1), Mobil Oil (3), Phillips Petroleum (2), Shell Oil (2), Texaco (1), Exxon (7), Arco (3), Chevron (5).


"...the war in Iraq is primarily a war against Europe and Japan. The American occupation of Iraq will ensure American control not only over the vast oil reserves of Iraq itself, but also of the Caspian Sea and the Gulf States. The hand on the oil tab of the world can...manipulate at will the price of oil throughout the world. Lower the price, and you choke Russia. Raise the price, and you choke Europe and Japan." - 750

"Even if going to war against Iraq is not completely about oil... it's impossible to ignore and even more foolish to think it's not an important factor: Would this debate be taking place if the country in question was in sub-Saharan Africa? After all, the Defense Department claims 12 nations with nuclear weapons programs, 13 with biological weapons, 16 with chemical weapons, and 28 with ballistic missiles as existing and emerging threats to the United States. But only one of those countries sits atop the second largest oil reserves in the world. Just remember the adage: Follow the money ... or in this case, the oil." - 751


And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand, or on their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore six. - Rev.13:16-18

“In 1822 it [the Six-Pointed Star] was adopted by the Rothschild family and put on their coat of arms… It began in 17th century Frankfurt, Germany, where Mayer Amschel Bauer hung a red hexagram…on his door to identify his address. Soon after this [he]…began supplying coins to Prince William of Hanau and upon becoming supplier to the court, he changed his family name to Roth and Schild and Schild, meaning Red Shield.” - 211:49 

[N.B. Rothschild actually means "Ruth's Child" and refers to the lineage of David and Solomon whose ancestor was Ruth (I Chron. 2:12-15); see New Israel 24.A]

“Saturn was also…connected with…the minting of coins: he was even the guardian of the treasury.” – 378:479-80

“…a six pointed star [is] known as…hexagram, Solomon’s Seal, Star of David. It is even called the ‘Talisman of Saturn’.” - 625:170

1-B. MERCHANTS OF THE EARTH (World Commerce / European Economic Community)

God's Plan

Pre-Flood Era   Old Testament  

Church Age (Last Days)


Great Tribulation


New Heavens/New Earth

Satan's Counterfeit

Pre-Flood Era Old Testament

Church Age


Great Tribulation

<Golden Age

New Heavens & New Earth



The Millennium (end): God will burn up the works of civilization.


Old Testament Period: King Solomon controlled the mercantile system of the Middle East.

Church Age: The secret societies planned the European Economic Community during the Church Age and launched the EEC in the Last Days.

Tribulation Period: The secret societies have arranged for the protection of the industrial giants in mountain hideaways during the Tribulation.

Great Tribulation: The EEC will eliminate private ownership and the industrialized economies and will overthrow the economic and ecclesiastical power of the Roman Church. [See: Rome Judged 12.D]




But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men... But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. - II Pet. 3:7,10



And king Solomon made a navy of ships in Ezion-geber, which is beside Eloth, on the shore of the Red sea, in the land of Edom. And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon. And they came to Ophir, and fetched from thence gold, four hundred and twenty talents, and brought it to king Solomon... For the king had at sea a navy of Tharshish with the navy of Hiram: once in three years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks. - I Kings 9:26-28, 22

Beside that he had of the merchantmen, and of the traffick of the spice merchants, and of all the kings of Arabia, and of the governors of the country... - I Kings 10:15

And he built Tadmor in the wilderness, and all the store cities, which he built in Hamath. - II Chron. 8:4

         CHURCH AGE

"According to...statements 'leaked' to us by M. Plantard, the Prieuré de Sion seeks a United States of Europe." - 232:344

"In fact, the idea of a United States of Europe recurs repeatedly in the pages of Vaincre [a resistance journal of the secret society Alpha Galates published between 1941-43 by Pierre Plantard, future head of the Prieuré de Sion]. Along with the idea of a new European chivalry, it is one of the journal's most dominant themes. In the first issue, for example, there is an illustration of a knight on horseback riding down a road towards a rising sun on the horizon. The ribbon of the road is labeled 'United States of the West'. The beginning of the road is demarcated by the year 1937. The rising sun at the end of the road is inscribed with the year 1946. One side of the road is labeled Brittany [France], the other Bavaria [Germany]."  [Vaincre, 21 Sept. 1942, Issue #1, p. 3] - 232:323

"As early as 1846 the novelist Victor Hugo [Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion 1844-85] was urging the governments of the main European powers to 'form a fraternity of Europe.' It is only since 1945, however, that the concept of European union has gained practical expression. The need to rebuild after the disaster of World War II and to ensure that such a conflict never occurs again has provided the impetus for a far closer degree of pan-European cooperation than had ever been known before. The basis of this cooperation lies in the Treaty of Paris of 1951. Signed by West Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland and Italy -- 'The Six' -- the treaty created the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)... Six years later 'The Six signed two further treaties in Rome, one creating the European Economic Community (EEC) -- generally referred to as the Common Market -- and the other the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC)." - 295

“…The idea of a United States of Europe…was also espoused by Winston Churchill who, in a speech on 19 September 1946 at the University of Zurich, declared that ‘We must build a kind of United States of Europe’. As early as October 1942, in fact, Churchill had written to the British War Cabinet: ‘Hard as it is to say now, I trust that the European family may act unitedly as one under a Council of Europe. I look forward to a United States of Europe.’” – 232:345

"The more mystical Ancient Order of Druids also continued through the 19th century and into the 20th, claiming among its many members Winston Churchill (1874-1965), who was initiated into the Albion Lodge at Oxford." - 628

"Twenty years after the Brussels Treaty [1965], with the accession of Jacques Delors as president of the European Commission, the EC received new impetus toward what the Treaty of Rome had envisioned: a single market free of all barriers to the free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor." - 91:510-11

"The Club [of Rome] had its beginnings in April of 1968." - 88:40

"[The Club of Rome's] aims are globalistic, enlisting the support of world business leaders to achieve international economic cooperation." - 35:244

"...the founders of the Common Market knew...that the Common Market was not a club to join or a free trade area with which to associate, but a superstate in the making. Its founders were in no doubt about this... Robert Schuman, while preparing the European Coal and Steel Community in 1950, had said: 'These proposals will build the first concrete foundation of the European Federation. Article 189 of the Treaty of Rome is quite clear about what was involved: 'Regulations [...] shall be binding in every respect and directly applicable [...].' 'Directives shall bind any Member State [...].' 'Decisions shall be binding in every respect [...].'" - 273

"Says Sir Edward Heath: 'The whole idea of a united Europe was and remains a Franco-German initiative.'... It seems clear, however, that France and Germany, who 50 years ago were locked in the bloodiest conflict in European history, now form a union within a union at the heart of Europe. Increasingly it seems that they are not simply the key members of the EU,' says [Aston] Thorn [former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the EU Commission, 1981-85], 'they are coming to dominate it, with other member states just having to say yes to whatever they want.' Europe is sailing into increasingly uncertain waters. One thing all experts agree on, however, is that it is France and Germany who are at its helm." - 295

“…St. Simon…wrote in the early 1800s The Globe and The Reorganization of the European Community laying out ideas and plans for European unity.  In the early 1800s, the Saint-Simonians suggested…that the date 2000 be the target date for the New Order.” – 77:59


And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; - Rev. 6:15

See: Hiding Places/Mountains (Underground Cities) 6.H


And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast... And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put it in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Rev. 17:12-18

And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all. The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate. - Rev.18:11-19

"Chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation are dedicated to the description of the final destruction of Babylon in both its ecclesiastical and political forms. It is evident from these chapters that the events described therein, especially those in chapter 17, precede by some considerable period the events represented in the seven vials [bowls]. In fact, it is probable that the events of chapter 17 occur at the beginning of the great tribulation." (John Walvoord) - 349:243

"Revelation 17-18 describes the judgments of God at the end of the Tribulation on the age-old enemy 'Babylon the great' in all of its forms. Satan has used idolatrous religion, government, and commerce as his chief agents to deceive mankind. All will be destroyed just before Christ returns to this earth. The fall of 'Babylon' has already been announced in Revelation 14:8." (Tim LaHaye) - 746:1393

"The true purpose of the [Illuminati] Order was to rule the world. To achieve this it was necessary for the Order to destroy all religions, overthrow all governments, and abolish private property." - 629:Intro

"The Fabian Socialists...aim was 'the reorganization of society by the emancipation of land and Industrial Capital from individual and class ownership'..." - 482:99

"...Maurice Strong...proclaims: 'Frankly, we may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse.'" - 163:43

"As John the apostle stood on the precipice of eternity, he foresaw the final collapse of all that we call Western civilization. As apocalyptic Babylon burned beyond recognition, its commerce, business, merchandise, and entertainment industries went up in smoke." - 752

“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.” - Malachi 4:2

“When the King of Israel sets upon his sacred head the crown offered him by Europe he will become patriarch of the world.” (Protocol 15) – 51:312

"In fact, the idea of a United States of Europe recurs repeatedly in the pages of Vaincre [a resistance journal of the secret society Alpha Galates published between 1941-43 by Pierre Plantard, future head of the Prieuré de Sion]. Along with the idea of a new European chivalry, it is one of the journal's most dominant themes. In the first issue, for example, there is an illustration of a knight on horseback riding down a road towards a rising sun on the horizon. The ribbon of the road is labeled 'United States of the West'. The beginning of the road is demarcated by the year 1937. The rising sun at the end of the road is inscribed with the year 1946. One side of the road is labeled Brittany [France], the other Bavaria [Germany]."  [Vaincre, 21 Sept. 1942, Issue #1, p. 3] - 232:323


And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. - Rev. 18:4

1-C. ECONOMIC CRISIS (Redistribution of Wealth / Return to Asceticism)


God's Plan

Pre-Flood Era   Old Testament  

Church Age (Last Days)


Great Tribulation


New Heavens & New Earth

Satan's Counterfeit

Pre-Flood Era Old Testament

Church Age


Great Tribulation

Golden Age

New Heavens & New Earth


The Millennium: The poor in Christ will inherit the kingdom of God.   


Old Testament Period: King Solomon was richer than all other kings on the earth.

Church Age: Communal life, sharing and asceticism is promoted; the poor peoples of the earth are being systematically exterminated, e.g., Aids.

Tribulation Period: The remaining (genuine) poor will be destroyed; false prophets and teachers will preach a return to a simpler lifestyle, i.e. asceticism.

Great Tribulation: The wealth of Rome and capitalistic countries will be distributed to those who adopt simple lifestyles of asceticism and monasticism.




And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. - Luke 6:20

Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted... Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? - James 1:9, 2:5



So king Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom. - I Kings 10:23


"According to M. Chaumeil [the Prieuré de] Sion was anti-materialistic and intent on presiding over a restoration of 'true values'... "  - 31:223

"Boutros-Ghali also called for a redistribution of wealth saying, 'It is totally unacceptable to see certain parts of the world lack(ing) essential foodstuffs.'" - 138:1

"To help humanity in its task of global transformation, Maitreya the World Teacher has formulated certain priorities. They cover the essential needs of every man, woman and child: an adequate supply of food; housing for all; health care and education as universal rights. Other top priorities include the restoration of the environment and the establishment of peace. The key to achieving these goals is a more equitable sharing of the world’s food and resources. According to Maitreya: 'Without sharing there can be no justice; without justice there can be no peace; without peace, there can be no future.'" - 425


"[Maurice Strong] told the opening session of the Rio Conference (Earth Summit II) in 1992, that industrialized countries have: 'developed and benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma. It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class -- involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing -- are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.'" - 701

    "The 1980 Simple Life-style Consultation was one of the many consequences of the Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization 1974, at the end of which thousands of Evangelicals signed a Covenant which included this statement: 'All of us are shocked by the poverty of millions and disturbed by the injustices which cause it. Those of us who live in affluent circumstances accept our duty to develop a simple life-style in order to contribute more generously to both relief and evangelism.' Thus, a primary motive in the Lausanne Covenant for developing a simple lifestyle was 'the poverty of millions' and 'the injustices which cause it.'...
    "This issue was very prominent in the minds of the participants in the Simple Life-style Consultation in March 1980. While starting with the Bible, they were very conscious especially because of the presence of significant representatives of the poorer parts of the world-of the dramatic contrasts in both material standards of living and access to power which exist in the different countries of the world.
    "While recognizing that God still calls some to voluntary poverty, participants expressed the strong affirmation that involuntary poverty is an offense against the goodness [of] God, and added that it is related in the Bible to powerlessness, for the poor cannot protect themselves." - 393 (ff. Alan Nichols, "An Evangelical Commitment To A Simple Lifestyle," Lausanne Occasional Papers, Lausanne Consultation on World Evangelism)

See: Masonic Origins of the Lausanne Covenant*

    "A United Nations conference this month [March 2002] will ask world leaders, including President Bush, to consider global taxes to finance increased foreign aid spending. The March 18-22 International Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey, Mexico, is organized by the U.N. with the participation of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization. It will mark the first-ever 'summit-level' international conference on global development, and Bush is one of more than fifty world leaders scheduled to attend.
    "The conference will be preceded by a March 14-16 'global forum' of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) committed to 'Financing the Right to Sustainable and Equitable Development.'...
    "[Kofi] Annan commissioned a High-Level Panel on Financing for Development... The panel issued a 72-page report last June proposing an International Tax Organization (ITO) and an 'adequate international tax source' for global spending programs. One idea is the Tobin tax, named after Yale University economist James Tobin, which would target transactions in the foreign currency markets that currently total between $1.2 trillion and $2 trillion a day. Supporters call the Tobin tax the 'Robin Hood tax' because it supposedly taxes the rich nations to benefit the poor. But it would also affect the IRAs, Mutual Funds and pension plans of ordinary Americans that have money invested abroad." - 466

"Share International Foundation is a member of the NGO (non-governmental organization) community at the United Nations. Currently, there are over 1,500 organizations with NGO status, which is granted to organizations that are seen to have goals broadly commensurate with the UN's own inclusive and humanitarian agenda. These organizations have agreed to work co-operatively with the UN Department of Public Information to disseminate information about UN programmes and resolutions to their respective members, communities, news media, and outreach audiences." - 425


"In 1798 Rev. Malthus published his Essay on the Principles of Population. Malthus argues that because 'all animated life [tends] to increase beyond the nourishment prepared for it,' there can never be real progress or happiness for humankind. Humanity is doomed to procreate itself into destitution. His recommendation was to 'increase the  mortality rate of the poor.' 'Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor,' Malthus declared, 'we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations.' … Before Malthus and his nightmarish visions, the rulers of Europe looked upon large populations as assets; afterwards they began to view large populations as liabilities. Behind their readiness to embrace Malthusianism was the terrible French Revolution, which had made it clear that large masses of people can be lethal to ruling classes. In 1789, (the first year of the Revolution), the European country with the largest population was … France.  Malthus also wrote: 'All children born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room may be made for them by the deaths of grown persons ... Therefore ... we should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality..." - 644 ("To 1849")

"...The Secretary [of the U.S. Department of Peace] shall address and offer nonviolent conflict resolution strategies to all relevant parties on issues of human security if such security is threatened by conflict, whether such conflict is geographic, religious, ethnic, racial, or class-based in its origin, derives from economic concerns (including trade or maldistribution of wealth), or is initiated through disputes concerning scarcity of natural resources (such as water and energy resources), food, trade, or environmental concerns." - 296

"...In a 1981 interview, CFR member Maxwell Taylor blithely stated, 'I have already written off more than a billion people. These people are in places like Africa, Asia, Latin America. You can't save them. The population crisis and the food-supply question dictate that we should not even try. It's a waste of time.'" - 482:200

"Improbable or not, something like the Marshall Plan - a Global Marshall Plan, if you will - is now urgently needed...

"The new global economy must be an inclusive system that does not leave entire regions behind - as our present system leaves out most of Africa and much of Latin America. In an inclusive economy, for instance, wealthy nations can no longer insist that third world countries pay huge sums of interest on old debts even when the sacrifices necessary to pay them increase the pressure on their suffering populations so much that revolutionary tensions build uncontrollably. The Marshall Plan took the broadest possible view of Europe's problems and developed strategies to serve human needs and promote sustained economic progress; we must now do the same on a global scale." - 672:297


... Alas that great city Babylon...For in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; no man buyeth their merchandise anymore.  Rev.18:10-11

Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten.
Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the LAST DAYS... Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you. James 5:1-6

"A Joachite manifesto...produced by...Brother Arnold...looks forward to the fulfillment of the Third Age [of the Spirit in which]...the Pope will stand revealed as Antichrist... As for the great wealth of the Church, that will be confiscated and distributed to the poor..." - 243:112

"...The British Throne is the Throne of David that is to be inherited by Christ during the Second-Coming... When Christ sits upon the Stone of Destiny, and is inaugurated as the King of all the British people and of kings, the British Davidic monarchy will be finished, the Covenant reinstated and the wealth redistributed." 257

"Benjamin Creme calls the 'Day of experience for the whole of humanity - humanity will be faced with a choice and make the decision to reject gross materialism."' - 5:236

"Another the Pareto Principle, also known as the '80-20 Rule.' Victor Pareto was an Italian economist and sociologist at the turn of the 20th century who studied the ownership of land in Italy.  Pareto discovered that more than 80 percent of all the land was actually owned by less than 20 percent of the people. As he studied other things that people owned (including money), he found the same principle held true: 20 percent or less of the people always ended up with 80 percent of whatever he measured. This law is so well-accepted by economists that most agree that if all the world's assets could be evenly distributed to every person in the world, it would only be a matter of time (and a short one, at that) until 20 percent of the people had 80 percent of the assets all over again." - 465:19

"[Queen] Christina's [of Sweden] Academy supported as its symbol the 7-reeded Pipe of Pan (God of the Golden Age). Members called themselves 'shepherds' and aimed to bring about a golden age and return to a simpler way of life." - 335

“’...we are going through a ‘final examination’, [Buckminster] Fuller says, to determine whether or not we are fit for our ‘universe function’. Between crisis and opportunity lies a profoundly personal, free-will decision to be pro humanity, pro life, pro sharing; to accept the planetary period of earth evolution with all its implications; to affirm planetary linkages and accept joyously the responsibilities which accompany them.” - 3.v-viii


Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. Matt. 11:4-5

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. - Matt. 6:31-34

But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? - I John 3:17

And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. - Acts 2:44-45

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? - Is. 58:6-7

Praying us with much intreaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints... But by an equality, that now at this time your abundance may be a supply for their want, that their abundance also may be a supply for your want: that there may be equality: As it is written, He that had gathered much had nothing over; and he that had gathered little had no lack. - II Cor. 8:4,14,15

But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. - Matt. 6:3,4

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. - Matt. 6:21

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. - Rev. 3:16-17





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