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Welcome to my Web site!

Here you will find information about me (of course!).  Check out what songs I am singing these days and follow my progress as I learn to play piano and compose music!

You can also look for information about singing, playing piano, and music theory.  As I am just beginning this website, expect to see this site in a constant state of change until I get it how I want it.  Don't forget to send comments and suggestions on the site.



Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

Henry David Thoreau
US Transcendentalist author (1817 - 1862)



Latest News

Saturday, June 25, 2005- I did my second gig with the band Purple Vain!  I even got paid!  I am a professional now. Once again we were at Clark's on Friday. On Saturday night did two sets at St. Pete's Dancing Marlin.  We had a few friends show up and really make the night a success.  Milton (the lead singer) has promised to show me everything about being a performer! Check out the pix!


Friday, June 18, 2005- I sat in with the band Purple Vain and sang "Love Bizarre" at Clark's Dance Club!  I was invited to learn more songs and sit in whenever I wanted.  I feel this will be the start of something really good.  Pictures in the photo album soon!


Photo Album

Favorite Links

Mo and her Number 1 Fan!

My Husband and Best Friend!


bulletAlicia Keys Online
bulletJazClass--online courses for musicians
bulletSongU--learn to write songs online!





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 This site was last updated 06/26/05