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Week Twenty Six

New Year


Dec 30: My parents arrived safely at Nagoya airport and we went back to Nagoay station for dinner. We had Kishimen and sat and talked, and then returned to the hotel room to open Christmas presents. Unfortunately my parents were really tired so we called it an early night.

Dec 31: We had a lovely morning; I took them to Ousu Kannon temple and then we went shopping and had cake and tea. I had such a wonderful time just talking to them. We had some Katsudon, and then Dad didn't feel very well so we went back to the hotel to rest. We talked for awhile, then Mom started feeling bad. Suddenly they both became violently ill, so I had to leave. They both had horrid cases of the flu. Since I had to leave them behind, I went to Osu Kannon with Shinryu for new years eve. At the stroke of midnight, the priests began to sing Buddhist chants together as they rang the temple bell and released clouds of white doves from the roof of the temple. I really don't like new years' parties in America, but this was above and beyond anything I've ever experienced. Nothing will ever again come close to the bells at Osu Kannon. I'm just so sorry my parents missed it.

January 1: A quiet day spent taking care of my parents. My dad and I had a really nice talk.

January 2: My parents basically had their strength back, so we had a leisurely day. We went to Nagoya Castle first. Since it was new years, there were lots of people in costumes putting on shows. At one point, a bunch of men were going to carry a woman around in a sedan chair as they would have in the past. She got in, but when they lifted it they lifted one side before the other. I heard her shriek, "I'm upside down! Put me down, you idiots!!" Somehow, I don't think that's how it was done three hundred years ago. We wandered around the castle and garden, and found a little house with a paper doll exhibit. Afterwards, we went to Komaki to see my hovel, and then went to Nagoya port and wandered around. My dad bought me a stuffed ray. It was a lovely day.

January 3: Kyoto! My friend Kaoru met us and we went to Kyoto via shinkansen. There, we went to Heianjinguu Shrine, then to have sukiyaki for lunch, then to Chionin, Kodaiji and Kiyomizu temples. At Kodaiji, we meditated over green tea in the Zen garden. I bught myself a new set of prayer beads. Kaoru was a wonderful guide and we had a great time.

January 4: We went to the Tokugawa Art Musuem and to Inuyama Castle and Jo-an Teahouse with my friends. It was fun to go to the musuem again, although the cool sword and armor exhibit had been replaced with a pottery exhibit, so I think my dad was kind of dissappointed. We had okonomiyaki for lunch and then went to the castle. After we returned, we had raamen at a place Tomokazu recommended, and then went back to the hotel. My dad went to bed, but my mom and I stayed up for hours talking. It was wonderful!

Jan. 5: What a lovely vacation I have had, though it broke my heart to see my parents leave for America this morning. I cried on the way home, though everyone was really nice and helped me get there safely. I spent the day watching my new Simpsons DVDs.


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