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Time Capsule from ECPI students of 2003-04

Today we stumbled upon a great piece of American history. This time capsule is a true symbol of how far we’ve come as a people. It was buried more than 100 years and it can provide us with much needed information on the past. “We have found a gold mine and need to put it to use, start reading,” said the famous researcher RJ. The articles found have provided us with some very precious information about transportation, communication, and entertainment just to mention a few. Now with these priceless possessions the possibilities are endless to enrich our minds and educate the people of our past.
Links to Items Found

- Hip Hop Music "Rapper's Delight"

- The Internet -History
- DVD- The New Technology
- Pics from 9/11
- PS2 and game
- Hooter's menu
- Cars of 2003
- Newspaper article June 2003
- Cell phone
- Currency
- 9mm Hand gun
- Pocket PC