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Date Distance (SM) ATE Identifier City
Wed Jun 12 437   PTPN - PTKK Chuuk, Micronesia
Thu June 13 1185   PTKK - PTRO Koror, Palau

PTKK - Chuuk, Micronesia -- PTRO - Koror, Palau
Thursday, June 13, 2002

Uneventful Flight to Palau

Dick filed this report:

Window repaired and signed off by Alex Tretnoff and its off to Palau.
But wait, the custom agents gave us a hard time because we did not have
a customs departure clearance form from Pohnpei. After three hours of
phone calls, we finally got away.
The trip to Palau was uneventful, thank God. A ground handler met us and
got us through customs and immigration. We stayed in the TREE D HOTEL.
Inexpensive, but tight quarters. Had a delightful dinner at the Reef
Restaurant (downtown). There was a laundramat handy, both our cleaning
came to USD 4.40.

See pictures from Palau below.

PTPN - Pohnpei, Micronesia -- PTKK - Chuuk, Micronesia
Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Crew Lands in Chuuk After Front Left Windows Separates from Aircraft

Dick faxed a report covering this leg and the previous one; here is a transcript of that part of the fax relating to the leg:

It is 4:35AM, Thursday, June 13th, here in Chuuk, formerly called Truk,
in the Federal States of Micronesia.

Wednesday morning, we departed Pohnpei for Palau. Weather good, cruising
at 8,000 feet.  When two and a half hours out, the left forward side window of
the airplane started separating, slowly at first, then like an explosive
decompression (it wasn't).  The window blew out of the airplane.
Fortunately we were eight miles east of the Chuuk Airport.  We declared
an emergency, descended and landed without incident.  What to do??

Alex of CIA had just taken off in his Islander on an out island flight.
He was aware of our situation and on his return organized a plan for repair.
Spencer, his helper, and I procured Plexiglas, an electric jigsaw and sealant.
After another out island trip, everything was set up for his return.  After
three hours of hard work, the repair was accomplished.

While the work was being done, I contacted the newly formed Truk Lagoon
Rotary Club, met President Keith, members Renie, Andrea, Cindy and Michael.
We had a delightful ???? ???? conversation. Almost like a special Rotary meeting.
We had a late dinner with Alex and his repair crew and off to bed.
A hectic day, to say the least. Today we start again for Palau, hoping
to catch up in Barcelona.

I will try to email photos. If unable, will do so at first opportunity.

Dick and Bill

P.S. CIA is a 3 plane operation: 2 Islanders and a King Air (?)

See previous leg log for beginning of report. Faxed report is available: Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4.

See Pictures from Chuuk below.

Chuuk, Micronesia

Click on pictures for high-resolution version.

Twin Comanche convertible
PA 30 minus window
Welcome to Chuuk (Truk)
PA 30 next to Islander
from R & S Plaza Hotel
Alex Tretnoff signs Aircraft log book
Alex and Bill
R&S plaza Hotel in background

Koror, Palau

Click on pictures for high-resolution version.

Welcome to Palau
Tree D Hotel in Palau
Tight quarters for tight pilots
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Pascal Landi, Manny Higazi Sunday, June 16, 2002