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Date Distance (SM) ATE Identifier City
Mon June 10 897   PKMJ - PTPN Pohnpei, Micronesia

PKMJ - Majuro, Marshall Islands -- PTPN - Pohnpei, Micronesia
Monday, June 10, 2002

Heavy Rain Arrival with Leaking Cabin Fuel Tank

Dick faxed a report covering this leg and the next; here is a transcript of that part of the fax relating to the leg:

It is 4:35AM, Thursday, June 13th, here in Chuuk, formerly called Truk,
in the Federal States of Micronesia.

After my last report from Majuro, here is an update.

Two-hour delay in leaving Majuro, awaiting clearance to Pohnpei.
While enroute, cabin fuel tank was oil canning from differential pressure.
A strong odor of Avgas was present.  Removing the tank cap stopped the
oil canning, but the fuel odor persisted.

Enroute weather good, but arrival weather miserable.  Heavy rain and
1 to 2 miles visibility.  A circling instrument approach from the
Northeast was missed because of visibility.  A straight-in approach
from the West was successful despite heavy rain.

After landing, inspection revealed rupture in main cabin tank and fuel
saturating the aft cabin.  Despite our misfortune, we were able to
muster up ???? for the repair.  Alex Tretnoff, CEO, Chief Pilot,
Chief Mechanic of Caroline Island Air (CIA) organized a crew consisting
of ??? of New Zealand, Pilot, "Saint" Peter pilot-mechanic for
Pacific Mission Air, and Peter "The Welder" to make necessary repairs.

The tanks were removed, welded and reinstalled. Apparently a kink in the
vent line was blamed.  More ???? vent line was installed replacing the
clear plastic hose.  Upon filling the tank with fuel, a minuscule leak
was discovered.  A night overtime job of tank removal, repair weld and
installation was accomplished ????.  Fuel, no leak.  Ready to Go.

While Bill and I were waiting for the work to be done, we were met by
Master Halbert, Airworthiness Inspector with the FSM Civil Aviation.
He assessed the situation and approved the work.  He took us to his
headquarters to meet the Secretary for Civil Aviation, Waynold Yamaguchi.
Waynold asked Master to show us around.  We went to Nan Madol, an ancient
fortress made of basalt rock.  This was the Island King's defense.
Very Impressive.

That evening, I made a Rotary contact with Vida and Freddie, President
and Secretary, respectively, for dinner. We were joined by Rotarians
Alison and Ed Kalan.  We had a delightful evening.  Photos taken.
Received an Island Headdress and Club banner.

See next leg log for rest of report. Faxed report is available: Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4.

See Pohnpei pictures below. Captions haven't been received yet, so tentative ones have been added...

Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia

Click on pictures for high-resolution version.

Rainy Pohnpei
Rainy Pohnpei
Rainy Pohnpei
Cabin inspection
With Master Halbert and Waynold Yamaguchi (?)
With Master Halbert and Waynold Yamaguchi (?)
Leaky Tank
That clandestine squirrel gnawed on it right there
Nan Madol Fortress
Nan Madol Fortress
Island Headdress (?)
President Vida offering Rotary Club Banner (?)
From left to right:
Freddie, Vida, Dick, Alison and Ed (?)
back to top

Pascal Landi, Manny Higazi Sunday, June 16, 2002