
Each Day @ NYLC
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If I Were President

DaMusicWiz [12:02 AM]: if i were president was interesting since u dont think bout how many different sides there are to every little debate
EfremDan1 [12:03 AM]: wat was that like?
EfremDan1 [12:03 AM]: wat did u do?
DaMusicWiz [12:04 AM]: we each were given a role of a president or a cabinet member or some other high up position and we had to roleplay our parts in a debate bout if the us should take action in congo in 2007 based on info thats given to us
EfremDan1 [12:05 AM]: o
EfremDan1 [12:05 AM]: i see
EfremDan1 [12:06 AM]: they give u a topic that's not too controversial so u can see all sides of it
EfremDan1 [12:06 AM]: sounds neat
DaMusicWiz [12:06 AM]: actually it was very controversial, just made up
EfremDan1 [12:06 AM]: o
EfremDan1 [12:06 AM]: lol
DaMusicWiz [12:06 AM]: id have to show u the simulation book since i cant remember all the details
DaMusicWiz [12:06 AM]: was the first thing we did
EfremDan1 [12:07 AM]: wat else?

model congress

DaMusicWiz [12:08 AM]: everyone in the entire program was divided into different roles
DaMusicWiz [12:08 AM]: (for if i were pres we had small group of 22 to work with but moco is everyone mixed)
DaMusicWiz [12:09 AM]: i dont really know what leadership or committees did since i was a caucus
EfremDan1 [12:09 AM]: moco?
DaMusicWiz [12:09 AM]: model congress
DaMusicWiz [12:09 AM]: we just called in moco for short
EfremDan1 [12:10 AM]: ook
DaMusicWiz [12:10 AM]: acronyms were really big with us
DaMusicWiz [12:10 AM]: kinda like chem
DaMusicWiz [12:11 AM]: anyway, caucuses had to first write amendments that they wanted added to pre-existing fake bills about homeland security, telecomunications, and health
DaMusicWiz [12:12 AM]: then the testifiers (i was my caucuses health testifier) had to go to a committee to try getting it passed by them (which i successfully did thanks to debate)
DaMusicWiz [12:12 AM]: then lobbyists got to lobby to other caucuses to support their amendments
DaMusicWiz [12:13 AM]: and finally everyone went to the department of interior to have an actual meeting of the full congress
EfremDan1 [12:13 AM]: sounds neat
DaMusicWiz [12:13 AM]: wher were all voted amendments into bills and then voted in the bill itself
DaMusicWiz [12:13 AM]: (and again my amendment got in since im awesome)
EfremDan1 [12:13 AM]: lol
EfremDan1 [12:13 AM]: wat was ur amendment?
DaMusicWiz [12:14 AM]: to allow prescription drugs from canada into the US with fda regulation and anti-counterfeit measures taken on those drugs
EfremDan1 [12:14 AM]: sounds good
EfremDan1 [12:14 AM]: u made it up or were assigned it?
DaMusicWiz [12:15 AM]: the republicans which outnumbered us didnt want that so i was in the minority but managed it
EfremDan1 [12:15 AM]: were people assigned parties?
DaMusicWiz [12:15 AM]: assigned the topic and views of our caucus
EfremDan1 [12:15 AM]: or u mean people were mostly conseravtive there?
EfremDan1 [12:15 AM]: o
DaMusicWiz [12:16 AM]: the idea was in some activity you got to be each party at least once usually
EfremDan1 [12:16 AM]: uhuh
EfremDan1 [12:16 AM]: u think it would've worked it u were allowed ur own views?
EfremDan1 [12:16 AM]: or was it not pslit?
DaMusicWiz [12:16 AM]: i didnt have to go against anything really since i think i was always democrat
DaMusicWiz [12:17 AM]: what u mean?
EfremDan1 [12:17 AM]: were there an equal number of gop and dems?
EfremDan1 [12:17 AM]: in the people
EfremDan1 [12:17 AM]: or did u find most of the people there were of one party?
DaMusicWiz [12:17 AM]: in the simulation or in actuality
EfremDan1 [12:17 AM]: actual
DaMusicWiz [12:17 AM]: prtty even...probly a few more dems
DaMusicWiz [12:17 AM]: but there were a lot of texans
EfremDan1 [12:18 AM]: yea?
EfremDan1 [12:20 AM]: so how did that work with model congress?
EfremDan1 [12:20 AM]: just a hosue?
EfremDan1 [12:20 AM]: house*
DaMusicWiz [12:20 AM]: yea
EfremDan1 [12:21 AM]: o ok
EfremDan1 [12:21 AM]: did u have to elect a speaker and stuf?
DaMusicWiz [12:21 AM]: yup
EfremDan1 [12:22 AM]: at the beginning though?
DaMusicWiz [12:22 AM]: the 2nd moco meeting
EfremDan1 [12:22 AM]: o
EfremDan1 [12:22 AM]: did u know who u were electing by then?
DaMusicWiz [12:23 AM]: pretty much....we all work in small groups for everything so we get to know those groups pretty well
DaMusicWiz [12:23 AM]: the actual congress session was the only time everyone was together at once for a simulation
EfremDan1 [12:24 AM]: o
EfremDan1 [12:24 AM]: sounds cool

Testing The Constitution

DaMusicWiz [12:25 AM]: lets was testing the constitution which is a mock supreme court case
EfremDan1 [12:25 AM]: wat was that?
DaMusicWiz [12:25 AM]: most people were justices, but i was a lawyer
EfremDan1 [12:25 AM]: cool
DaMusicWiz [12:25 AM]: we were given a case and had 30 min to create our arguements
DaMusicWiz [12:25 AM]: and another 30 to present/answer questions
EfremDan1 [12:25 AM]: topic?
DaMusicWiz [12:27 AM]: i had to represent a school district and the other side was a student who felt his rights were violated because of being asked to submit to random drug testing to participate in an exrtacurricular activity
EfremDan1 [12:27 AM]: u win?
DaMusicWiz [12:27 AM]: yup, 5-4
EfremDan1 [12:27 AM]: nice lol
DaMusicWiz [12:28 AM]: neither of us were prepared at all
EfremDan1 [12:28 AM]: how'd u win then?
DaMusicWiz [12:28 AM]: since he was less prepared and i made up info outside of the book lol
EfremDan1 [12:28 AM]: lol
DaMusicWiz [12:28 AM]: they were askin questions about stuff that wasnt given to us so i had to make up something


DaMusicWiz [12:29 AM]: and finally we had grassroots (which was the best ever even though my group lost first round)
DaMusicWiz [12:30 AM]: grassroots = campaign in an area without government support
EfremDan1 [12:30 AM]: wat's that?
EfremDan1 [12:30 AM]: ok
EfremDan1 [12:30 AM]: so wat was that?
EfremDan1 [12:30 AM]: wat'd u do?
DaMusicWiz [12:30 AM]: so i was with northern nj which is a group of really awesome people
DaMusicWiz [12:31 AM]: and so were thinkin of a topic...and i say "hey, why dont we just kill those fucking geese?"
EfremDan1 [12:31 AM]: lol
EfremDan1 [12:31 AM]: ok...
DaMusicWiz [12:31 AM]: and we end up creating Goose-Be-Gone
EfremDan1 [12:31 AM]: wat's that?
DaMusicWiz [12:31 AM]: our campaign
EfremDan1 [12:31 AM]: yea?
EfremDan1 [12:31 AM]: wow
EfremDan1 [12:31 AM]: lol
DaMusicWiz [12:32 AM]: but we werent allowed to flat out kill them so we just created a meeting to discuss option of elimating goose waste
DaMusicWiz [12:33 AM]: and heres the best part:
DaMusicWiz [12:33 AM]: the day after we made the topic we went to capitol hill to meet our congresspeople, but none of them were there we just had a bunch of staff to meet with us
DaMusicWiz [12:33 AM]: and while we were there we tried to lobby support for goose-be-gone
EfremDan1 [12:34 AM]: like seriously?
EfremDan1 [12:34 AM]: or jokikgnly
DaMusicWiz [12:34 AM]: boyth
EfremDan1 [12:34 AM]: ok
DaMusicWiz [12:35 AM]: the first person was very supportive and even offerred 3 ways to solve the goose problem (cut grass to kill food supply, use chemicals to make grass taste bad, and a goose hunting season)
EfremDan1 [12:35 AM]: uhuh
DaMusicWiz [12:35 AM]: the second was from georgia and didnt understand the problem was actually a real problem
EfremDan1 [12:35 AM]: lol
DaMusicWiz [12:36 AM]: the third was the best though
EfremDan1 [12:36 AM]: ...?
DaMusicWiz [12:36 AM]: keep in mind this lady is staff for senator corzine
EfremDan1 [12:37 AM]: uhuh
EfremDan1 [12:37 AM]: that's our senator right?
DaMusicWiz [12:37 AM]: one of them
EfremDan1 [12:37 AM]: ok
DaMusicWiz [12:37 AM]: we tell her the plan and she says "so u kids want to commit mass goose genocide??"
DaMusicWiz [12:38 AM]: i will never forget these quotes, so theyll be accurate
DaMusicWiz [12:38 AM]: then she goes on a tangent tryin to decide whether its goose genocide or geese genocide
EfremDan1 [12:38 AM]: lol it's actually neither
EfremDan1 [12:38 AM]: but go on
DaMusicWiz [12:39 AM]: and then we tell her we dont wanna kill them we just wanna goet rid of waste and we tell her bout the cutting grass and chemical thing
DaMusicWiz [12:39 AM]: "oh! so you want to go the chemical warfare with the geese!"
EfremDan1 [12:39 AM]: lol
DaMusicWiz [12:40 AM]: then she pulls over this jewish guy and says "these kids are like hitler! they wanna commit goose genocide!"
EfremDan1 [12:40 AM]: random jewish guy?
DaMusicWiz [12:40 AM]: from the office
EfremDan1 [12:40 AM]: o ok
DaMusicWiz [12:41 AM]: and then we argue alittle more and she ends it saying, "you kids are fucked up"
EfremDan1 [12:41 AM]: lol
DaMusicWiz [12:41 AM]: i still cannot believe the staff of pascrell cursed us off
EfremDan1 [12:41 AM]: lol
EfremDan1 [12:41 AM]: sounds fun

Global Challange

Everyone in LGMs got to represent a country in the EU (European Union) and try solving an international crisis between Cyprus and Turkey. I got to rep the NEtherlands, which was kinda weird since we werent really given a lot of details bout what we wanted so we kinda got scrweed over...especially since we were supposed to allign ourselves with France, but they CAVED (you suck for that Alex) and ever since I've had a joking hatred for France..but o wel.

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